Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 462: Ovakin's choice

Although suddenly became the target of being hit by the fire, punk still maintained his calm appearance.

This situation was born in his expectation. After all, Kane stared at Southend’s wealth for a while. Ovak wanted to cross Kane to chase punk because it was a long time ago. Certainly, punk had the consciousness of falling into a dangerous situation while getting the spoils immediately after killing Southend.

Will punk be afraid of becoming a boss? of course not!

In the final analysis, there are only three dangers he faces.

The brunt is naturally Kane, who is destined to fight hard. This insidious knight may have been thinking about promoting this situation. After all, it is difficult for him to win punk in frontal combat in terms of strength. Knights who are not tall enough will of course want to use the power of Ovakin and the projection of the giant claws of the demon sub-lords.

For the cunning evil knight of Kane, punk can only choose to engage in real combat for the time being.

However, punk is not so helpless for Ovakin and the projection claws of the demon sub-lords.

In fact, as early as when he saw Ovak rushing in, Punk was already conceiving a sinister but effective strategy in his mind-he knew the true nature of this black dragon too much, and was more or less capable Guess the cause of Ovak’s troubles running to the Nightmare Church to find Southend because of the danger. In this case, if punk can’t use Ovako’s "Virgin", then he will get from Oshway. The psychological tactics that Delaxia's apprentices learned were too wasteful.

There is no need to prepare much. Punk almost compiles a large piece of information into an information package in less than a second, and then he lets this piece of information be recited by magic in the gusty air. Came out:

"Ovacine-Sour Maw? Do you still have time to worry about your so-called boring price? Taking advantage of your free opportunity, why don't you look up at the sky? Look at the one that blocks Mira and Chica Where is Sa Guanghui’s Demon Sub-Lord Projection Giant Claw"?

After being amplified by magic, punk’s voice can be spoken clearly and in a distinct tone even in the roaring sandy sea and sky of space. Of course, this tone is still punk’s cold tone and cold voice that simply tells the truth. Although it does not contain any extra feelings, it is this simple discourse that is sometimes more persuasive than a voiced recitation.

"Is your revenge really righteous? Ovakin, see what your hatred has brought to the innocent people? On the Hoth Mountains, if it weren't for the momentary hatred you left behind that annoying "Soul Mark", how can your Dragon Roar Kingdom turn to ashes under the raging volcano? Now you have to pursue hatred and reckless behavior, and then abandon the poor Waibian Kingdom? This is your kindness. Or, this is your own selfish hypocrisy"?

Punk stared at the black dragon with blood-red eyes indifferently, and Ovakin, who was bleeding and tearing, also responded to punk with furious eyes.

On the surface, Ovakin's mood was not shaken by punk's words.

But... as the words of punk inevitably flowed into Ovakin's mind, every word was quickly understood by his sensible brain in less than a ten-thousandth of a second. Soon, Black Dragon’s There was an involuntary shake in his eyes:

"No, it's not right...this is all your brutality and cruelty"! The teeth crunching hard, Ovakin roared at the punk with incomparable anger: "Even if a person who is good can not reap any rewards for his kindness, a person who is evil must pay for his evil deeds. ! Punk-Sean, you..."

"Ha, then the question is coming. In the heart of you, the king of the Dragon Roar Kingdom, in the soul of the son of Tiamat, is the weight of punishment higher... or the weight of goodness higher? ?

just now! I-as a "evil", I stand in front of you, but don't forget that the tens of millions of civilians in the Kingdom of Waibian are still trembling behind you as "good"! Now you can indeed give up those trivial ants for revenge, but please remember one thing..."

While speaking, the corner of Punk's mouth slowly conjured up a sneer, and across from him, Ovakin's footsteps also slowly stayed in place.

The icy voice echoed so clearly in the black dragon's mind, even if Ovaki wanted to avoid listening, he still had difficulty controlling his understanding of these languages ​​more deeply.

"...... The projection claw of the demon sub-lord will not be stagnated by the existence of "good" or "evil". I believe that as a spellcaster, you can also calculate that its slap will affect this desert. What a huge disaster it caused, and this time it also condensed more abyssal energy. When this palm falls, what will happen to the poor of the Waibian Kingdom behind you? Don’t you really go for those Innocent people think about it? Ovakin-Sour Throat"?

As the demon sub-lord's projection claw sank to the ground again, the punk's voice became lower and lower.

During this period of time, Kane was still on the way to charge, but Ovakin's steps had been fixed in place along with its hideous expression!

Punk’s language is always so sharp, because everything he says is true!

Even if Ovak is reluctant to think about it, he still has to admit-the reason why punk on the Howth Mountains would rather detonate the Sleeping Dragon Volcano and kill it, the main reason is because he released it because of hatred That "soul mark", otherwise, after the first fight, punk would definitely not hesitate to go far away to avoid the powerful black dragon, and the tragedy of the Dragon Roar Kingdom would never happen.

It can be said that it was Ovak who forced punk and himself to an endless road of death due to his momentary hatred, and now, the same terrible hatred has to be repeated in this originally peaceful desert.

As punk said, as a nineteenth-level peak spellcaster with terrifying computing power, Ovak can easily calculate the slap power of the demon sub-lord’s projection giant claw, just as punk warned, when When the Demon Sublord’s Projection Giant Claw slaps for the third time, the abyssal energy that has completely diffused will suffocate the entire Waibian Kingdom’s life. It’s just a simple prediction of power, and Ovakin can imagine those even formal What kind of miserable scene will appear in a town where there are no strong people.

Poor people were infected with cysts from the power of the abyss. All the animals and plants mutated into chaotic violent monsters. Every drop of spring water would be contaminated into a poison comparable to sulfuric acid. The poor people of the Kingdom of Whitby~www.mtlnovel. com~ Aisha who has just become the queen, and those businessmen who struggle to survive will die in pain.

If that moment does come, will they call for help from the black dragon known as the "savior" in despair?

Ovakin didn't know what kind of sad side those poor people would show when facing natural disasters, just as he couldn't know how the poor people of the Dragon Roar Kingdom wailed and wept in the burning fire. He couldn't imagine how the innocent Aisha would pray for his help, just as he would never have the guts to imagine how his loyal girl assistant would bless her master to travel safely in the fire... ………

But... Ovakin knew that he had promised to become the new protector of the Waibian Kingdom. He also knows...

As a true "good" person, he will never be able to convince himself to watch the disaster and be indifferent! ...


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