Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 463: The end of Ovakin

The demon sub-lord’s projection giant claws are getting closer and closer, and the pressure like a mountain has once again broken the newly repaired space. The chaotic abyssal energy burns the clear sky, and a piece of it is like being in an abyss. The black and red brilliance also permeated every inch of the air without knowing it.

This is an undoubted disaster. Above this forgotten stormy desert, if no one prevents such a disaster, the powerless kingdom and the innocent poor can only passively endure it, and then... die in despair!

But the stormy desert is lucky.

Facing the "natural disaster" of this mountain collapse, a black figure exploded like a sharp sword at the giant claw that covered the sky and sun.

It was a pure black dragon. The black dragon scales were not stained with blood even in the blood of the abyss. The bright dragon pupils burned with scorching fire. Whenever he stretched his wings to separate the air, it entangled it. The magical aura of the whole body will reflect the colorful flames on the surface of the dragon scale.

Like a petrel struggling in the storm, Ovakin-Sour Maw, the former master of the Hoth Mountains, also has no hesitation in projecting giant claws to the demon secondary lord and flies away!

He is going to stop this man-made "natural disaster" and save all the creatures in the entire stormy desert.

"Laugh as much as you can, Punk-Sean, you will never understand what kindness is and what is salvation. You are destined to sink into the quagmire of "evil", and then admire the glory of "good"!

At this last moment, Ovak's strong accent spread clearly throughout the battlefield.

Just like what he said, he has always insisted on and practiced his "goodness", even if he was crushed by it.

Savior? Yes, it is the savior!

Perhaps this is a word that has been criticized or even reduced to a derogatory term, but in Ovakin's mind, this word is a responsibility and obligation that he must fulfill, which frees him from the prison of Tiamat. The key is also his belief that he has carried out from life to death!

Perhaps no understanding and no return, but this black dragon still flew to the mortal destiny without hesitation, to the "good" and "salvation" he was looking for!

Of course, Ovakin's behavior is also destined to not be recognized by "interested people" like punk.

"good"? It's ridiculous, only power is eternal, and only profit is the pursuit! "!

Watching the black dragon's smaller and smaller figure, the punk expression was as cold and gloomy as ever. He didn't understand Ovakin's choice, nor did he need to understand Ovakin's choice.

Punk only needs to know that so far, choosing to save the black dragon who gave up revenge has become a big help for him, and then...the demon sub-lord projection giant claw is no longer a concern.

As Ovakin flew higher and higher, the soul of the black dragon began to break away from his body, and soon, after Ovakin's deliberate stripping, the black dragon's riddled soul was finally completely Breaking away from his body, the meaningless "dragon corpse" quickly fell in mid-air like a rag hanging heavy objects.

Ovak, who exposed his soul, immediately attracted the attention of the Demon Sub-Lord Projection Giant Claw. After all, this terrible sub-lord was attracted by the delicious soul from the beginning. When a powerful and full of kindness When his soul was delivered to the door, the greedy demon would never choose to refuse.

As a result, beside Ovakin’s soul, a large amount of abyssal energy quickly formed countless tentacles and whirlwinds. These chaotic forces almost completely enveloped Ovakin’s soul under the control of the secondary lord, and then , They immediately merged with the projection giant claw towards the demon sub-lord at the fastest speed.

Ovak did not resist, he was just calmly engulfed by the energy of the abyss, and then calmly integrated into the projection claw of the sub-lord............ the moment of completing the fusion, Ovakin finally resolutely revealed his last, most impractical, and most powerful trump card-the promotion legend!

Ovakin's promotion is doomed to fail. Since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone who has a little chance of succeeding in the promotion with a broken soul.

But Ovaki wanted such a failure!

The promotion of a legend is a process of absolute qualitative change. At this time, the soul will begin to try to master the power of the law. Once it fails in this process, the power belonging to the law will suddenly burst from within the soul. The extremely pure and chaotic law energy can absolutely indiscriminately destroy all non-legendary existences within a certain range.

This is undoubtedly a horrific means to die together, and at the same time, it is also Ovakin's last killer!

Now, in order to save the countless poor of the Waibian Kingdom, the black dragon who chose to sacrifice his life for the "goodness" has resolutely detonated this power within the demon sub-lord projection giant claw, and it will end this projection without legendary power. , Blasting the altar with the abyss, by the way... completely extinguished his soul.

"Is it a failure to advance? A miserable killer as expected"!

Indifferently watching Ovakin's soul sink into the black and red giant hand, the punk who had estimated the distance carefully took two or three steps back, and then...he had a good time to watch the next one, which belonged to Ovak alone. Because of the "closing performance"!

Perhaps it had something to do with the law of Ovakin's major, or it was the result of the intentional control of the "true savior". The failure of the Black Dragon's promotion was not an earth-shattering explosion.

On the contrary, the destruction he unleashed was silent and pervasive like sublimation.

I saw a ray of colorful light suddenly seeping out of the projection giant claw of the demon sub-lord.

Immediately afterwards, this brilliance began to form countless energy ribbons dancing in the air. In the gust of abyss energy, this ribbon fluttered and spread unaffectedly, and the endless silk projected the giant claws with the demon sub-lords. As the center continues to emerge, a large number of colorful ribbons quickly spread throughout the space.

Color, look at The entire space is almost filled with color.

A large number of colorful ribbons are layered endlessly. With the gentle dance of each silk, these dense silks are as gorgeous as a bunch of flowers for a while, and every touch of energy seems to reflect everything that people can think of. Beautiful.

But... the expansion of colored ribbons is obviously not really endless?

In fact, just when the last touch of silk approached the ground about three steps away from punk, this "flower cluster" that was not less than a city quietly stopped its expansion.

Then, in the next moment...

The entire colorful world suddenly shattered like a dreamy bubble...............


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