Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 493: chat

Seeing that punk has lost his patience, Kane pretended to curl his lips while remaining vigilant. At this time, the cunning knight still refused to tell his "big secret" directly. He had to be more clear about his punk attitude. Row.

This is a kind of caution for the strong, and it is also a kind of caution that is necessary for communication between immortals. Even if Kane is understanding punk, he must maintain this necessary caution... After all, both Kane and punk are a chaotic camp. The guys who are familiar with each other's personalities cannot still be used as a reference in the past seven hundred years!

What's more, the "big secret" prepared by Kane is really amazing!

So, the carefree knight stood up and said to punk:

"Sai'an, before officially entering the topic, this uncle still has to confirm a little question. You must know that I Kane always looks down on those without ambitions, so I just want to ask-punk-sai Ann, what do you think of the legendary path?"

Kane's voice reverberated endlessly in the empty hall. The isolation circle confined all the voices and also highlighted the effect of echoes. In this way, Kane's questioning became as impassioned as a loud bell.

"Does such a stupid question still need to be questioned"?

Looking at Kane’s smiling face but sharp eyes, Punk quickly realized that the knight in front of him was more serious than ever. Kane was really sure whether Punk wanted to sprint against the legend. Obviously, Punk’s answer It will directly determine whether the "big fortune" in Kane's mouth can be realized.

In other words... the willingness to advance to the legend is the premise of Kane's "big fortune"!

Therefore, punk, who is also serious, has become a lot more cautious. When Kane asked about the "legendary road", punk had entered an unprecedented state of seriousness, because he was the 19th-level pinnacle sprinting towards the legend. The caster, any information about the legend can't be ignored by punk.

So, the punk with a cold expression still replied calmly:

"None of us are the kind of small and weak people who stop at the master level. This will not change even after a long time. As a nineteenth-level peak spellcaster, I will only tell you clearly-the legendary road is my power. In Bidder, those who help me are friends, and those who dare to hinder me... are enemies"!

He glared at Kane sternly, and Punk's answer came to an end. He clearly answered Kane's question, and at the same time... he also warned the knight who didn't know what he was doing.

Kane did not respond to punk’s answer. As Punk said, after experiencing two travel adventures, both he and punk have understood each other’s personalities. Punk now has no hesitation in sprinting towards the legend. As expected.

So, after listening to punk's answer, the knight, whose expression became mysterious, said with a serious expression of excitement:

"I know that you are also a restless guy, so this time the big plan cannot be without you, the great magician. After all, there is always a wise spellcaster to follow in the adventure of the brave. Such an adventure group is considered happy. Encourage..."

"How can there be so much nonsense, talk the point"!

"Okay, okay, he's really a guy who doesn't have any artistic cells, and he has no comparison with this uncle."

Feeling the unabashed impatience of punk, Kane, who was obviously agitated, also stopped the meaningless chatter, and saw that the knight with his feet directly on the rock seat, took off his lance and pointed at the moon. The direction said loudly:

"Come on, friend, go on an adventure! Find the secret treasure of the gods and take away the legacy of a true god"!




With Kane’s hard work, the temporary stone chair under his feet could not withstand the knight’s heavy armor and spiked riding boots. With the occurrence of cracks, the entire stone chair suddenly shattered into one place. Rock, and Kane also staggered dangerously for a few steps before falling to the ground.

"This tattered chair... the appearance of this uncle is very rare"!

Leaping back slightly for two steps, Kane, who didn't seem to care about punk's answer, complained loudly about the chair that had become fragments, but his pupils never left Punk's sight, and Kane was tight. The muscles are enough to show that the knight's heart is far less careless than what he showed.

At the same time, looking at Kane’s vigilant attitude of not lying at all, punk immediately realized that Kane’s loud declaration just now was definitely a very serious declaration, and it was precisely because Kane was extremely serious that he heard the "god". The punk of two words became instant dignified!

"God? Do you know what you are talking about? Kane, this is not something that can be used to joke"?

Listening to Kane's statement, punk also knew that 80% of the knight on the opposite side was the attention of a certain secret realm or the remains of a god. The gods who originally lived there should have already fallen.

But even this does not mean that it is safe to peek at the wealth of the gods. You must know that although the slaves of the gods and the multiverse are generally looked down upon by the mages, their strength is absolutely not to be glimpsed. Generally speaking, they are the lowest "weak" "Divine power" gods can have the strength equivalent to the legendary powerhouses of level 20 to 29, not to mention the gods have their ultimate barriers and cages—the kingdom of God is backed by, even if people look down on such a powerful existence, , But punk also had to admit—that was not an opponent that a master class could imagine. Even a fallen **** is not a group of ants qualified to watch.

So, upon hearing Kane’s proposal, Punk’s answer was very clear:

"If you just don't want to die, then die. I won't accompany a madman to go As an ant, you must have an awareness of being an ant, Kane! What gave you the ant confidence to spy on the giant's wealth?".

Punk’s words are not at all polite. Of course, he knows how much wealth a **** can collect during a long life, but punk is a self-knowing person, he knows that the wealth of the strong is never so easy to take. , Even if it can have a big expected is not worth it to catch your life!

But for punk's irony, Kane didn't have any angry thoughts. He just gave a cold smile and said to punk tit-for-tat:

"Ants? Giants? The dead giants are just a lump of flesh and blood, and they also have potential that can't be ignored in small ants. This uncle now has a precious opportunity to think about, one that makes ants truly qualified to eat giant corpses. What a wonderful opportunity? As for death? Is there anything in the world that is more troublesome than the promotion legend of a lifetime of nine deaths? This uncle has just reached the eighteenth level and has the courage to take risks, punk? You... dare not?"? ...


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