Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 503: Negotiated

If it is said that many strong people generally have a sense of boredom at some stage, then punk feels that he will never have to worry about this situation...

Because he met Kane this wonderful work, maybe there are too many evildoers in the world, it is the first time that punk believes in "evil fate", because Kane can really be said to be him until now. The best "partner" I've encountered so far is also the best.........rival!

For example, now that punk just wanted to cross the river and tear down the bridge, Kane immediately reacted and used effective countermeasures. The dagger on the "smile" neck could not be ignored by anyone, and Kane was crazy. The meaning in his eyes is also very obvious. "Punk, don't you want to cross the river and break the bridge? Now if you dare to "break the bridge", I Kane will dare to blow up the "piers" directly so that none of us can get through. This uncle is not strong enough to beat Nineteenth-level peak spellcaster, but this uncle has been promoted to the eighteenth-level master warrior for 700 years. Can't kill a sixth-level stalker at such a close distance?"

Although Kane had never read a military book called Sun Tzu's Art of War on the earth, what he used to encircle Wei Jiuzhao was very good.

For a moment, punk also realized the mood of Kane when he just put the "speed kinetic energy cone" on the head of "smile". The current "smile" is the key to the legendary door. Punk can't imagine if this key is broken. Where should I go to increase the 50% success rate of Legend promotion.

For a moment, staring intently at Kane, who was tense and vigilant like a cheetah, the knuckles of punk holding the staff were a little white.

"Meow, can the two masters be gentle, it will be unbearable for the concubine to be caught in the middle..."

When punk and Kane were confronted seriously, the pale "smile" was also aware of his dangerous situation. As long as either Kane or the punk had a slight change at this time, even if it was just a misunderstanding, the spirit of grudge penetrated into the soul. He will instantly turn into ashes in front of the attack of the master-level powerhouse.

Therefore, even though "Smile"'s original white complexion had turned pale under the radiance of the golden yellow vindictive spirit, she still tried to say naughty jokes as much as possible to relieve the tension on the scene.

But unfortunately, neither punk nor Kane ignored the "smile".

It is completely useless to ease the atmosphere and face this situation. Kane and Punk are both master-level powerhouses. Even if such a intensive confrontation for three days and three nights, they will not feel a little tired, but they will stand on the shoulders of punk. The magic crow vector shook his head nervously and then whispered to punk:

"Boss, if you want to fight or not, if you start a fight, you have to tell the younger one. There is no fighting spirit, and the magic group kills. According to the younger one, let's not fight anymore. Only if you are kind, you can make money. ………"

Vector’s advice was only because it was too timid and afraid of being affected, and because the magic crow was too cowardly, punk was convinced that if it weren’t for his own compulsory order, Vector had turned around and ran away.

But then again, although Vector’s persuasion may not have passed through its walnut-sized brain, punk has to admit that Vector may be right now on the point of “generating money”!

If punk fights Kane now, then the only result he can get is nothing. Even if he kills Kane, the death of "smile" is equivalent to the loss of the opportunity to get divinity.

To sum it up, there is no benefit at all if you have to struggle with Kane. As a profit-oriented spellcaster, punk cannot tolerate the loss of such a huge opportunity for a little greed.

Therefore, under Kane's vigilant gaze, "Smile" sighed in relief, and persuaded by the magic crow...punk happily dismissed the spell he had prepared.

Punk, who put down his staff, said to Kane coldly:

"Very good, Kane! Congratulations on your lucky escape from a murder"?

Canceled his own spellcasting, but taking advantage of this opportunity to hate some good punk thinks it is still necessary. After all, the current punk strength in this adventure team is undoubtedly the strongest. As a strong player, he has the capital to ask for more. The remuneration, and the claiming of these benefits, punk intends to be written into the "Judgement Eye Contract".

Seeing the staff put down by punk, Kane finally showed a smile on his vigilant and serious face. However, even so, Kane obviously would not agree with the superiority of punk. Before punk was finished, Kay had the same sharp eyes. En Ye immediately said loudly:

"The curse of killing? Lucky? This uncle is called strength, is it a real strength work! And forgive me for being blunt, you have not been able to bring the "curse of killing" to this uncle!

There is still no faint tendency when he reaches the sharp blade on the neck of "Smile". It seems that Kane has made up his mind not to remove the blade until the three people sign the "Eye of Judgment Contract".

"The weak who take advantage of the tongue"!

A satirical glance at Kane, Punk did not continue to struggle with the dagger. Although he didn't know whether Kane's statement was a dead duck or really had a hole card, this did not prevent Punk from taunting the knight.

Kane is indeed a cheeky "meat shield". He is completely indifferent to the punk irony. This cunning knight just continued to keep the blade of his right hand next to the "smiling" neck, while his left hand was heavy. Pat the Eye of Judgment Contract on the gold casting table.


"Okay, don't rush, hurry up and sign the contract, write all the terms you need concisely and clearly, and if you have no objections, hurry up and sign under the witness of Judgment Eye. Owl, Owl, I can’t wait for one. It’s a wonderful adventure... and holding the knife like this is really tiring..."

Because Kane used a little Now the position of the Eye of Judgment contract is completely dented by Kane’s shot, and the unharmed contract is still calmly in accordance with the constant rhythm of the ancients Released a very mysterious atmosphere.

As a mage in the neutral chaotic camp, punk is inevitably a little unhappy with the soul-level order and kindness in the Judgment Eye contract, and Kane, a knight in the evil chaotic camp, does not hide his attitude towards the table. The disgust of that contract.

But it’s okay. Although the eye of trial is a bit unpleasant, it is indeed the most reassuring "witness" in the multiverse, and the "eye of trial" will not be as idle as the "filthy bird". Working in the souls of others, even the "draft" written by its service is quite humane, before signing the contract, the holder is fully allowed to modify it.

Punk is not afraid that this is not a real Eye of Judgment contract. After all, it is different from the Devil's Contract. Even Yaori Power cannot be allowed to swindle under the banner of Eye of Judgment!

Silently manipulated the magic power to form a straight quill pen, and then, the magic pen carrying a trace of punk soul energy began to automatically float on the eye of judgment contract and began to write. Soon, the punk part of the required contract terms became all written. finished.