Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 525: The tribe in the Tar Swamp

The reason why the tar swamp is called tar swamp is mainly because of the large amount of oil stored in its mud layer. These charred grease often gush out of the ground under the action of underground pressure, and then form a pothole in the ground. The scorched bubble liquid was spread out, and at the same time, the rancid smell of a large number of animal carcasses would also come to the ground from the ground along with the charred bubbles, making the entire tar swamp appear extremely "scented."

Moreover, due to the special reaction of excessive soil elements adsorbing water elements and self-aggregation of excessive water elements in the swamp, the entire swamp is wet all the time, and even the sky above the tar swamp is covered with gloomy dark clouds all year round. .

With such an environment unsuitable for the growth of ordinary plants, the tar swamp is undoubtedly a piece of useless soil. Although it stores a large amount of tar underground, because the tar contains a large amount of oil with both soil and water elements. , So they not only have no way to act as fuel, but also easily become a breeding ground for various germs.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that there are many dangerous magic plants and magical creatures living in this filthy and smelly tar swamp. Therefore, the mysterious tar swamp is always isolated from the world, except for a few businessmen who are not afraid of death for profit. The team dared to go deep in the company of professionals, and ordinary people did not even dare to approach the outermost "tar jungle".

But... now the visitor this swamp is about to welcome-Punk and Kane and his party are obviously not ordinary people.

Calmly used "kinetic energy blasting" to blast a gap in the outer jungle surrounding the tar swamp. Punk and Kane floated in the air and flew into this scorched land. Of course, the "smile" that followed Punk was The magic breeze summoned by punk moved forward together.

The internal scenery of the Tar Swamp can actually be called quite distinctive. A kind of slender but very tall "youmu" is the main plant here. This kind of tree shows a gray luster under the soaking of oil, even The leaves are also oily.

It is precisely because of this that "Youmu" has been called Youmu.

Around each bead of oil wood, there are often several beads of small flowers and plants with wide leaves. Whenever the petals that look harder than wood open and close with the breeze, a little yellowish gas will flow from the gap between the petals. Slowly overflow.

These gases have a certain hallucinogenic effect, but because the dose is too small and the volatilization is too fast, only some small insects will be "preyed" by these flowers.

With the support of strong earth and water elements, the tar swamp has formed its rich ecological structure. If you ignore the lingering stench in the air, this gloomy swamp has some "lost forest" charm.

Of course, the smell of corpses, dung, and rotting plants is really difficult to ignore. At least Kane, who is immediately behind Punk, has pinched his nose and started to complain.

"Oh, **** it, should something like a swamp have to be closely related to the big dung pile? Why is the smell here so unpleasant? I can't keep using vindictive energy to disperse the air without breathing...".

"Be quiet, Kane, it's rare that this swamp is still quiet, don't disturb me using prophecy spells now"!

Punk didn’t even care about Kane’s complaints. On the one hand, he was really busy using one prophetic spell after another to explore the dangers of this swamp. On the other hand, he was always blessed. He wrote a "Official Alchemy Spell-Gas Filtration"............

It was precisely because of seeing punk breathing indifferently in that thin energy shield that Kane could not say aloud with jealousy:

"My uncle has now begun to regret coming to hunt in this swamp. There are convenient spells to use. Punk, you "Master" will never feel the mood of a hard-working warrior."

After speaking, Kane gritted his teeth and took a breath, and then he hurriedly ran his grudge again and started to dispel the odor around him.

As a master-level fighter, Kane hasn’t been able to not breathe for too long. Holding his breath for two or three hours is the limit. If he wants to continue not breathing, he needs to drive his blood with grudge. The feeling of awkwardness is only It will be more uncomfortable than smelling some bad smells.

Unlike the "pampered" knight, there hasn’t been much magic crow vector since being with punk and there is no complaint about the "smile" behind punk. The magic crow is because it does not need to breathe, and "smiles" "It's because...

"Suck~~ How do I feel the smell of this tar is refreshing, not so unbearable."

Savoring a little bit of the tar smell in the air, the "smiling" expression didn't show the slightest displeasure.

Well, there are some people who are not disgusted with the smell of oil. This is no way. Even Kane can only whisper to himself and complain, "It's only my uncle."

During the chat, punk’s prophetic spells had already produced results, so punk calmly said to the knight in the golden grudge:

"The few common prophecy spells I used can’t get exact information about the master magic creatures in Tar Swamp, but according to the prediction spells, there are a total of three intelligent biomes in this swamp. I think they What should be known".

"Intelligent creatures? There are not many intelligent creatures that can settle in such a place. Can there be three simultaneous existence in a swamp"?

Hearing the words of punk, Kane was a bit taken aback, and "smile" also showed a curious expression.

Because punk is talking about "smart, it means that the creatures living here are not humans, and in a barren swamp, it is not easy to live in groups of three underdeveloped civilizations. Survival, maybe there are strong ones in these intelligent biological communities.

But soon, Punk’s answer answered Kane’s doubts:

"I don't think there is any need to worry, but there are three small communities on the periphery of the swamp, a Tanren tribe, a snakeman tribe, and a "half-orc" bunnyman tribe. There should be no strong people who want to be masters. There are two more official-level shamans to the limit."

"So that's it," Kane nodded heartlessly and said: "It's okay if there is no troublemaker, but it would be nice to meet a master-level powerhouse with a bad brain. It’s okay to have one more prey anyway.”

Punk is naturally noncommittal about Kane’s remarks, so he didn’t answer Kane’s words. After using several spells to determine the direction again, Punk stepped forward again while facing Kane and Kane who were behind. "Smile" said:

"The closest to us is a Tan people tribe. If there is no objection, hurry up and set off"!