Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 589: 1 night change

The experience of the people of the Kingdom of Khatak on this day is absolutely magical, but after a night, after waking up, the nobles, poor people, merchants, and even tramps all know the news-a great The legendary powerhouse has arrived in this humble country!

Everyone knows that this news is normal. Of course, it is impossible for the Khatak royal family to hide the existence of a great legendary powerhouse. In fact, in order to maintain its status, the Khatak royal family made hundreds of thousands of announcements almost overnight. , And then dispatched almost all the messengers to every place that could be reached overnight to read the announcement loudly to the poor.

If the announcement of the Kingdom of Hatak, which seemed to eulogize the saints, would be somewhat unbelievable, but the changes that took place in the green plains would make people even more surprised and had to believe in the existence of legendary powerhouses.

The first thing that catches almost everyone’s eyes in the hustle and bustle of the morning is an energy spire phantom that is nearly 10,000 meters high. From the point of view of its location, this tower should be located in the southern part of the Khatak Kingdom, but because it is too high, it is too high. The energy is too big and the brilliance is too dazzling, even in the northern part of the Khatak Kingdom, the magical brilliance can be clearly seen.

In addition to this legendary magic tower, which is obviously still under construction, the green plain has also obviously undergone some changes.

Well, this is not a "slight" change at all. The people living in the northern part of the Khatak Kingdom are almost astonished, because they discovered that the vast grassland that was still green and connected to the horizon yesterday has completely disappeared after waking up. Instead, there was a dark and deep moist swamp. The intertwined "giant marsh trees" blocked people's vision, and the gaps where various swamp gas gushed out created bubbles one after another in the mud.

Under the mighty force that ordinary people can't understand, the green plains, the geographical environment where there is no marsh at all, has a huge swamp that seems to have existed since ancient times, and even the climate of this swamp can do it perfectly. When it comes to self-regulation, even if the outside green plains have less precipitation during the tender season, this swamp that suddenly appeared can still remain moist throughout the year.

Faced with such a huge change between the green plains, the poor of the Khatak Kingdom were surprised, especially the magic tower that stood in the distance between the sky and the earth, even at the border of the Khatak Kingdom. It made countless people lament the mighty power comparable to "miracles".

The emotions of the nobles in the Khatak Kingdom were more shocked than surprised.

A legendary powerhouse came to his country, and perhaps most of the poor would be happy to believe that the description of this matter in the kingdom announcement was correct! The great, kind, righteous, and powerful legendary powerhouse will bring happiness to everyone.

But most of the nobles who know more about the legendary powerhouse are not in a good mood.

Part of the sense of justice is relatively strong, and the nobles who uphold the concept of kindness do not think this is a good thing. In a sense, the magic tower under construction and this sudden news can already explain the legendary powerhouse. Attitude-he is no different from directly robbing the country. The tower that was deliberately placed in a prominent position is clearly declaring his supreme rule. This kind of news of suddenly declaring to be a strong protector of the country is even more obvious. Strong "dominant" color.

Therefore, the vast majority of nobles will definitely not believe the announcement that the Khatak royal family promotes the most beautiful words. According to their minds, what the existence of this legendary powerhouse will bring to this country is really amazing. People worry.

As for those aristocrats who had never had a sense of justice and loyalty, they were even more worried.

Look at the current propaganda attitude of the Khatak family............ The sudden arrival of the legendary powerhouse appointed the Khatak royal family as the ruler to continue to exist. With a great legend as the backing, who else can shake Ha The rule of the Tucker family? Isn't the coup d'état that I have planned for a long time turned into a joke?

However, no matter whether people are happy or worried about the arrival of the legendary powerhouse, at least on the surface, no one dares to be displeased by the existence of a legendary powerhouse. In this "worthy national celebration" news After spreading to every corner of the Kingdom of Khatak, in order to weaken people's worries and foresight as much as possible, the Khatak royal family urgently began to organize large-scale celebrations, and this day was directly designated as a legal holiday.

In this way, the ignorant people continue to be kept in the dark, and they continue to believe that their country will be prosperous, and this legendary powerhouse who suddenly descended is a kind and just existence.

However, people with more knowledge and long-term vision chose to be silent. The existence of the legendary powerhouse will not be questioned. The construction is far from complete, but the already extremely magnificent tower is showing to the entire Kingdom of Khatak. The power of the legendary powerhouse. Anyone who dares to question or even resist this power is looking for death. Facing such an irresistible force, facing the existence of a great legend, honestly obey and deceive themselves. It was the most correct choice. The Khatak royal family understood this well, as did many nobles and scholars.

As a result, under the propaganda efforts of the "understanding people", the tone of the legendary powerhouse's arrival was firmly determined. The national celebration seems to prove the joy of everyone's heart, and everyone must firmly believe that this is a lucky thing. All the people in the Kingdom of Khatak will be happy.

So... In fact, is the Hatak Kingdom lucky or not?

The punk who is floating in the sky and overlooking the earth thinks...It doesn’t matter whether the Kingdom of Khatak is lucky or not. He is now watching the celebrations of people on the ground with no emotion at all, even if these celebrations are due to his own existence. After being organized, even the Khatak royal family urgently wrote poems praising their "great achievements", but the punk mood did not cause any fluctuations.

The difference in power brings about the barrier of mood. Now in the eyes of punk, the celebration of those people is like the joy when a group of ants get a even if the object of their celebration is themselves, even if they are themselves It became an epic and was written into history by a country, but punk never cared about the cheers of these "ants".

"This is the perception of power, this is the gap between high and low, the level of legend will eventually be completely separated from these short-lived "ants", then... are the legendary professionals who claim to be "guardians" using feeders Does your mentality protect a country?"

Silently shook his head. Punk no longer watched the gorgeous celebrations of the people of the Khatak Kingdom. He didn't care whether the people of the Khatak Kingdom were cheering or crying. All he needed was that the country quickly developed into an emperor.

But now, punk still has many things to build, such as the legendary magic tower he just put out a frame, and...the legendary magic circle for collecting souls.


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