Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 601: Exercise

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In the star realm, an unknown medium-sized half-plane, punk stands indifferently on the summit of a rocky mountain. Add to favorites┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

The vast star realm is undoubtedly very barren. Ninety-nine percent of the star realm space does not contain even a small amount of matter, but the scenery near a material plane is often completely different.

A plane is bound to be hit by a large number of meteorites during its formation, so there must be countless meteorites that are not drawn into the plane by gravity around a complete material plane. These large and small meteorites will form after a long period of evolution. All kinds of "demiplanes", demiplanes have no plane crystal walls, and it is impossible to give birth to the will of the plane. They will almost only rotate slowly around the main plane like the stars and moons until they are The gravity of the main plane shattered and swallowed, or just kept spinning like this.

Moreover, the demiplanes are often small in size. Generally, a demiplane of the size of a province is considered large. Those demiplanes the size of a country almost have the potential to become a complete plane. Most ordinary demiplanes It only has the area of ​​five or six provinces.

Beside the super-large planes like the Faerun Plane, there are countless such humble small and medium-sized demiplanes. The dense demiplanes even form a ring like a meteorite belt around the huge Faerun location. The face rotates slowly, as long as you leave the plane of Faerun and fly in any direction at the speed of light for a few hours, it is not too easy to find a half plane that has never been stepped on.

And the demiplane that punk is now in is the medium demiplane he found a few days ago.

As time passed unconsciously, more than 600 years have passed since punk provoked fate. In such a short period of time, the Silent Alliance obviously will not give any response to the caster, so punk is simply immersed in it. In the study of "Legendary Spells of the Conjuration System-Destroying Singularity", after all, the caster never likes to waste any time.

But even so, it wasn't until a month ago that the spellcaster, who had worked tirelessly for six hundred years, finally learned this complex, difficult, and dangerous "freak" legendary spell.

Perhaps six hundred years may sound a bit long, and it feels a bit unpleasant to spend so much time to learn a spell, but you must know that the difficulty of legendary spells is extremely terrible, even if the great austrian Vedrasia was in Under the guidance of his mentor, it took a full thousand years to learn the first legendary spell, and punk was almost self-learning but only took six hundred years. In this comparison, punk has actually been called a genius.

But note that so far, punk has only "learned". The word "learned" and the so-called "proficient" still don't match up. Now this legendary spell that has just been "learned" cannot improve the caster. After all...Even the crazy mage would not bring an unskilled legendary spell to the battlefield. When it was halfway released, it would explode in his own hands without crying.

But now, the legendary spells of punk belong to this unstable stage of "it will explode in your own hands if you are not paying attention". Then the caster will need to practice for a long time before they can truly master the legend of "disintegrating singularity" Spells, and the process of practicing a legendary spell from "learning" to "familiar"... is often more time and energy consuming than learning this legendary spell.

Since it is a practical exercise, it is natural to actually use the spell, and punk does not want everyone in the world to know that he has learned a legendary spell, so the huge and dynamic spell experiment is naturally not suitable for the plane of Faerun. Up.

Therefore, Punk simply moved the experiment site to the astral world. On this barren semi-plane far away from the plane of Faerun, no matter how much it makes, it will not be known to others, and he chose the " "Experimental object" is just a barren semi-plane.

After the spell is released, it is estimated that this semi-plane will be directly blown up by the terrifying destructive power of the legendary spell. By then, punk will not have to worry about being discovered by others.

Before using legendary spells for the first time, punk needs to adjust his state 100%. After all, the destructive power of legendary spells is not comparable to ordinary legendary "level" spells. The terrifying kills simply represent beyond the imagination of the world. The amount of madness and violence, once something goes wrong, maybe this terrifying power will explode on the spot.

If something like that really happened, it would be estimated by the terrifying lethality of the legendary spell... Even a punk who had already superimposed ten levels of defense on himself would have suffered a serious injury on the spot.

You know, there are many unlucky people killed by legendary spells released by themselves in history. This kind of terrifying "nuclear bomb" is a super killer if it is manipulated well, and it is a suicide weapon if it is not manipulated well.

Especially as a "beginner", the punk who released the legendary spell for the first time in his life dare not relax at all.

In this way, the fully prepared punk still seriously meditated for a few minutes, until the cautious caster repeatedly confirmed that his magic, mental power, and even his mood had calmed down. After a deep breath, punk did not He began to build the magic model of unprecedented complexity in his own soul.


As an auxiliary, obscure spell was chanted one by one in the punk’s mouth, the caster’s fingers began to slowly outline a mysterious trajectory in the quiet space, accompanied by the mysterious voice of the magician’s spell becoming louder and louder. The fast, invisible law also began to violently surge around the legendary mage.

For a time is like being in the center of an energy storm. Massive magic power lights up the caster like a candle, and the storm of law makes space and time bend at this moment. , Accompanied by Xuan'ao's spellcasting gestures, he was waving more and more swiftly. I don't know when, the dark and deep energy rays like liquid began to quickly fly around the serious punk.

"Very good, perfect, the final step"!

As the chanting of the spell slowly came to an end, punk slowly opened his eyes in a state of concentration.

I saw that the spellcaster with burning pupils didn't care about the law energy rushing around him at all. He just calmly muttered to himself to relax his nerves, and then... carefully took out a small piece of light from the storage ring. Yellow gems.

That is a legendary level spellcasting material, specially prepared by punk to assist the release of "Singularity Disintegration".

Now, after a full ten seconds of constructing the spell model, the punk spell model is finally completed. Next... the dedicated wizard finally releases the first legendary spell in his life!