Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 604: The observer's thoughts

Golanya's figure is very petite, but her beautiful dance posture is more noticeable on the battlefield than General Fiske, who is imprisoned by the grieving soul. In front of the beautiful dance, there are even several pious reds. The followers of the Sand Gods chose to stop and indulge in it, and many of them, whose bodies were broken and dying, tried their last bit of strength to get up, just to take a look at the dance that was more beautiful and graceful than the setting sun.

   In the face of inevitable destruction, there are always many people who are not afraid of death and are willing to pray to the last moment for their faith. Although there are not many such mad believers among the ordinary members of the Chisha Church, they are by no means unavailable.

But at this moment, neither the master Fisker nor the tens of thousands of followers who are being massacred have noticed. On a mountain that is quite far from the altar canyon, two mysterious figures are also watching quietly. Golanya's beautiful dance.

   "Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, really beautiful dancing, if the dancers in this uncle's palace can be half as glamorous as this saint lady, how could this uncle be so boring all day long."

   poured a large bottle of wine, and commented on Golanya's graceful dance playfully, but Kane's eyes had a hint of inexplicable meaning.

But obviously, the thoughts revealed in his eyes are definitely not the "envious" and "appreciation" in his mouth. The punk who is familiar with Kane is very clear. Generally, when the mad knight shows such a look, and his words start to become popular. When the cow was out of reach, it proved that this insidious guy started to crackle in his heart.

   "This is just a somewhat artistic dance. The dance itself is not brilliant. The beautiful one is the saint Golanya. The dance is just an embellishment."

   The expressionless punk followed Kane's gaze to the dancing girl.

The dress that dances like flames is set against the white face, and the fiery red hair is like the morning breeze that is lit. Even the caster with weak emotions has to admit that Golanya's dancing posture is indeed called the beauty wheel. Beautiful.

But... it’s certainly not just this dance that can attract the attention of a legendary mage and a legendary warrior. For example, Kane at this time, after observing Golanya who was immersed in the world of faith, his eyes Not only did the weird look not reduce the slightest, on the contrary, it became more and more bright.

   After less than a second of observation, Kane has discovered the extraordinary aptitude of Golanya's soul.

You know, even those who are priests use their souls to accept the divine arts from the gods. The only result of the higher-level acceptance of the divine arts is the collapse of the soul, so I want to release the master-level divine arts, even the priesthood favored by the gods. The reader must first make his soul reach the master level.

   But where is it so easy to reach the master level? Gods training believers are not spellcasters to make golems-master-level combat power can be produced in an assembly line. It is very difficult for intelligent creatures to go from official level to master level. Most professionals with average qualifications can only try their luck in their lives. That's it.

And even if a master-level priest is cultivated, the deity still has to consider the other party’s piety, the spread of faith, and the balance with other churches of the gods... so there can be one believer in a plane. It's not easy for master priests, and the things involved are extremely complicated.

   But now, what did Kane find?

   In Smiling, a church that is so small that it can't even occupy a small plane, he unexpectedly discovered a fanatic with great potential.

Pay special attention that Golanya is not just a fanatic, she is also an influential "saint" in the Red Sands Church, which means that this girl dancing in the center of the altar is both a "genius" and a "mad believer" ", "saint" three identities!

   "Hey, Sai'an, did you find out".

   There is no need to think more, Kane turned his head and said to the caster beside him:

"The aptitude of the little girl named Golanya is really good, although for a pastor, whether he can have the right beliefs and be favored by the gods is the most important... But I want Using sufficiently powerful divine arts requires a sufficient level of soul. That little girl seems to have the qualifications to become a master-level priest, and even...maybe she has the slightest possibility of aspirational legend"!

   "What are you thinking? Kane-Bissadas"!

   Hearing the meaningful statement from the knight, the punk's eyes immediately became alert.

He knows Kane’s camp very well. The evil chaos attribute of this guy has never changed from the initial apprentice level to the current legendary level. As a mad knight, Kane plans on the spot, plans and executes on the spot. Not once or twice.

   It looks like this now...... Has this guy who never stayed idle thinks of some tricks again?

Of course, after careful perception, Punk also admitted that Kane’s evaluation of Golanya is still very objective, and Golanya’s aptitude is definitely called a "Wizard of Heaven". For such a genius, it is a master of promotion. Level is just a question of time. If there are enough opportunities, she even really has the qualifications to "a little bit" to advance to the legend.

  Even, Golanya's enchanting talent made punk suddenly think of someone...

   He thought of the "Son of Destiny" named "Ghanatika".

   The same ordinary origin, but the same talents, and even the same extremely persistent and firm belief...

   "It should be a The gods will not be bothered by the interference mechanism"…………

   Secretly shook his head to deny this unrealistic "doubt". Punk, who did not like to make speculations without evidence, continued to watch Cain who was in a state of excitement with vigilant eyes.

The current state of Kane said that it sounds good is to fall into "excited contemplation". If it is not good, it is that the soul of trouble is burning. From his golden pupils, it can be seen that the mad knight must have already been in his heart. I have made an abacus that is either crazy, or sensible, or sensible and crazy.

   And... If nothing happens, Kane will execute his "big plan" next.

"Kill the gun instantly! Attention, we are here to explore the ruins, not to cause trouble! Not to start fighting before you start the adventure and see the treasure! You'd better put away those unrealistic ghosts thought"!

  Punk's eyes became cold a little, and the warning in his words was even mixed with a hint of threat, because it only took a dazed time, and the clever mage had already thought about what the insidious knight wanted to do.

   Kane’s idea may be very feasible, and may indeed be able to pit the people he has always wanted to pit, but this is obviously not in the interests of punk.

   At this moment, the caster is bound to obtain the relics belonging to the spellcaster of the Netheril era. He does not want to bury some "foreshadowing" that may affect his exploration of the relics before harvesting wealth.