Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 618

Many things happened between Scott's brave and the golem girl, and the punk who was immersed in the experiment in the legendary magic tower undoubtedly knew nothing about these things.

As a serious spellcaster, Punk fulfilled his plan perfectly. Since his plan was to leave the "interference mechanism" transfer mode aside, then Punk would really leave it alone.

Anyway, this kind of thing has been thrown out, and now the "destiny pawn" is in the Scottish Empire. There is no place where punk can freely manipulate it, so you don't care about it. The future development depends on luck. It's enough to be ready to respond to Amoda-Yanclaw's hit at any time.

Before the results of the "True Disaster" were officially presented, Punk, who never wasted time, decided to start a new study.

This is a study on magical food. The core of this research is the recipe of "Song stew Xiang Qun Tan" in the hands of punk.

But don't get me wrong, punk is not so lofty now. The wise spellcaster does not expect that he can research out any magical potions that are against the sky, nor does he expect to obtain some unprecedented major discoveries.

In fact, this research is more like a "spell improvement experiment" conducted by punk at the master level-the final result is not the goal. In the process of research, it is to strengthen his understanding of alchemy knowledge through personal practice. the most important.

Of course, it would be even better if some useful results could be researched.

Standing in a quiet laboratory, punk was arranging a series of complicated alchemy utensils neatly. This set of alchemy utensils was made by punk using materials from the "Legacy of the Red Sand God". Maybe they It's not really legendary equipment, but even with the feature of "all legendary materials made", these shining instruments are enough to carry out experiments at the legendary level.

The main material of "Mong stew Xiang Qun Tan" is Tan Ren's "sclerotium", and most of the other materials are supplementary. There are even two parts of "aromatic leaf" and "hot silk grass" that are simply flavor-modifying spices. So punk chose to directly remove all auxiliary materials, and then directly began to study "sclerotium".

Obtaining sclerotia is not difficult. In recent years, the number of "Tin people" in the Kingdom of Khatak has increased significantly. Especially after friendly exchanges with humans, the people of Qin are not the only way to go through Shaman. Now, a lot of Tanren fighters have begun to appear in a blowout style. Therefore, punk can easily harvest a large number of high-quality sclerotia.

The Tan Ren lying on the caster’s experiment platform is an official-level fighter. The official-level may be enough to be the lord among ordinary Tan people, but under the alchemy scalpel of the legendary spellcaster, the official-level Professionals are nothing more than experimental items that can be consumed at will.

Brighten the magic lights further, and the punk scalpel also flickered with the infusion of magic power. In silence, the blade that was thinner than the molecule was already in the "Legendary Alchemy Spell-Sharp Under the blessing of "Dao Mang", it cut into Tan Ren's body, and then... after a few afterimages, the knife mang whose space was also cut into thin lines quickly dissipated, leaving only Tan Ren's body on the experimental platform. It spreads out like sliced ​​beef.

"I really don't know how this race was born. Is such a large body made up of fungi without any "extra" organs?"

Using the hand of the mage to pull the "big mushroom" on the experimental platform, punk muttered to himself slightly puzzled.

After Tan Ren’s body was cut open, it looked like an ordinary large mushroom being cut open. The internal tissue structure of Tan Ren was completely solid. A large number of tangled hyphae formed muscles and denser hyphae. The body is supported, and what is left is the mycelium that acts like fat as a nutrient storage purpose.

"It seems that everything about Tan Ren is on the core "sclerotium", but this single body composition should also have a little reference value. If you think about it, it seems that the combination of complex organs and various materials is not a golem that assists in combat. Most needed, a single structure may increase flexibility and resilience, as well as reduce many production costs."

Nodding silently, Punk felt that he had gained a lot of inspiration from Tan Ren's body structure.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking of a movie "Terminator" he had seen in his previous life. In that movie, there was a liquid robot that fits the punk concept. Even if it is targeted by the enemy, a single material will become very fragile. But as long as it is not targeted, its flexible change ability and strong recovery ability will be quite effective in close combat, and as a single material construction, it can also maximize the characteristics of this material!

As for the ability to cast spells... Punk also has a way to guarantee that, just like Tan Ren, is it enough to create a sclerotium to house virtual souls and magic runes?

While thinking about the feasibility of a single-material liquid golem, Punk pulled Tan Ren's sclerotia from its body.

The sclerotium is a sphere tissue the size of a ping pong ball. The dense mycelium forms the main body of the sclerotium like a ball of yarn. Through the magical light of the laboratory, punk can even faintly see the dark golden brilliance in the silk thread of the sclerotium. Slowly circulating.

These energies are extremely small in the dense mycelium. Even if the legendary caster has nano-level vision, punk almost ignores this insignificant golden light.

There is no doubt that it is a very special kind of energy, but this energy is firmly combined with Tanren’s hyphae, and finally is ingeniously combined with the life energy of the hyphae to form this dark golden energy. .

"Sure itself is the greatest miracle. The ingenious combination of soul and life is a marvelous subject that legendary spellcasters can't do, but in the miracle of life, these people can naturally get this Kind of magical energy".

Admiring the special energy on the sclerotia, punk couldn't help talking to himself and expressing his emotions.

Because of the knowledge of the great master Vedrasha, punk knows that this special energy is generally called "psychic soul gold". This energy can be said to be a kind of "soul energy", so theoretically In other words, it is completely impossible to "manufacture". If you want to use it, you can only obtain it from some special magic creatures.

However, this special energy is not very valuable, the alchemy pharmacy of the Netheril era, it was not used much, and it was more troublesome to obtain.

But what punk did not expect the most was that in Tan Ren’s sclerotia, he actually discovered the existence of "Psionic Soul Gold", the caster has a "Psionic Soul Gold" on hand. "Magic Food" of the app!

If you can't study something with such good conditions, then the alchemy system of punk minor is too much a failure.