Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 628: Weird fluctuations

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Seeing Ganatica swaying towards the crystal, Pandora rushed to hug the delirious boy with all his strength. The weird fluctuations will make all creatures in the range weak and weak, but Pandora is essentially a magic doll. However, this debilitating effect on "creatures" is limited in girls. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Fortunately, while the strange fluctuations of the gray crystal confuse the creature's soul, it also prevents the movement of fighting qi or magic power below the legendary level. Ganatika, who cannot use fighting qi, can't escape Pandora's embrace, although he hissing meaninglessly While twisting his body, he was struggling desperately, but the weak and feeble teenager was still left on the outside of the iron gate.

The "brave" at this time is after all just a formal-level combatant. He is impossible to resist the mental fluctuations released by the gray crystal, and the strange fluctuations released by the gray crystal can almost indiscriminately control the mind of any legendary creature. , In fact, now another person who is also very close to the crystal but was not stopped by Pandora-"Dice" has involuntarily stepped into the gray mist emanating from the crystal.

Pandora hugged Ganatica tightly and lay down on the ground. At the same time, the weak girl turned her head to look at the dice that had touched the gray fog. After temporarily ensuring Ganatica's safety, Pandora still I want to see if I have a chance to save the die.'s a pity, the dice is obviously hopeless.

After turning around, Pandora's extremely constricted pupils saw a terrifying scene.

I saw Dice’s body decayed and withered as quickly as it melted in the gray fog. His flesh and blood melted into a gray-red squirming flesh, strange tentacles, and bone spurs grew irregularly on the flesh, but After a few seconds, the body that originally belonged to the dice had turned into pieces of disgusting slime that twisted and squirmed.

And the soul of the dice was not spared. After the collapse, the soul full of enthusiasm of the dice slowly floated out, and then, it plunged into the crystal without hesitation, and finally... became gray. One of the countless howling and distorted faces in the crystal.

In this way, the dice died, and he paid a terrible price for his recklessness and ignorance!


Seeing the miserable end of the dice, Pandora couldn't help but swallowed in fear after being horrified. She didn't dare to imagine that if she awake a little later and Ganatika was a little closer to the gray crystal, then everything would become terrible. appearance…………

"No, it's not right, it's not over yet"!

The continuous destruction of the disaster was more terrifying than the instantaneous destruction it brought. Before Pandora could barely breathe a sigh of relief, the frightened girl felt the threat brought by the gray crystal again.

As if feeling that she could not absorb more souls, the weird crystal suddenly increased the intensity of the weird waves. At this time, even Pandora could clearly perceive the existence of the weird waves. She could even feel as if she had a pair of invisible big hands. Pull your own soul, that piece of crystal... That terrible thing actually wants to pull out people's souls and forcibly absorb it!

"What the **** is going on...oooo...what should I do"!

Feeling that this wave of fluctuations is still strengthening, Pandora, helpless, finally couldn't help but shed tears. Her virtual soul could barely be supported under the protection of legendary spells, but...Gana who was held in her arms by the girl Tika already showed signs of his soul leaving the body.

Pandora could feel that Ganatica’s bewildered soul was struggling crazily. It wanted to break free of its body and plunged into the gray crystal. Pandora had no way to deal with this situation. She could He hugged the boy's body, but couldn't physically intercept the emptiness soul.

At this time, scattered azure blue light spots began to converge towards the gray crystals. Those light spots are the souls of professionals in Red Valley City. In fact, Pandora guessed that at this time, the entire Red Valley City has all I am afraid that all creatures have their souls forcibly stripped, but only the souls of a few professionals can come here ignorantly, and the fragile souls of most ordinary people will disappear into nothingness the moment they leave.

"It can't go on like this. Even if this wave of volatility is not aimed at a certain goal, Ganatika will not last long!"

Seeing that a mist of fluorescent blue energy began to float from Ganatica’s pupils, Pandora knew immediately that the young man whose subconscious was still desperately resisting could no longer bear it. In the past few seconds, Ganatica’s soul Will break away from his own body, and then... those faces that are wailing in the gray crystal are the end of Ganatika!

"No, absolutely not, I will find a way to save your Ganatika, I will definitely save you"!

She wiped away the tears from her white face, and Pandora gritted her teeth fiercely. She didn't even dare to imagine the possibility of Ganatika's encounter. As long as she saw the painful expression of the teenager at this time, Pandora felt as if her heart was tearing. The pain of cracking.

As a created golem, pain, regret, and worry will not affect Pandora's ability to judge. The girl is very sure that now she and Ganatica are facing a true legendary creation, and the strange fluctuations are also affected. It is definitely a mysterious method of legendary level. There is no possibility that such a situation can be solved by Pandora's own There is only one hope for her to be saved, and that is to turn to her maker. —— Seek help from the legendary spellcaster far away in the Kingdom of Hartke——"Destroy Whispers" Punk-Sean!

"Warning, Pandora One is in danger of hostile legendary level. Now contacting "Destroy Whisper" will expose you to the "Interference Mechanism Transfer Plan". I suggest Pandora One..."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up and shut up"!

Roaring loudly and drinking to stop the voice in his mind, Pandora only felt that his virtual soul was suffering from the pain of tearing, but even the pain could not hinder Pandora's actions at this time. Under the torture of the girl, for the first time, the girl felt that her will had broken away from a layer of shackles. Although the mechanized cold voice still echoed in her mind, but... Pandora no longer needed to pay attention to its dissuasion.

"I want to save Ganatika, no matter what the cost"!

As if to strengthen her determination, the girl yelled at herself without any image for the first time. Then, without hesitation, Pandora fully activated a legendary communication spell model engraved in her virtual soul.