Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 629: Sudden contact

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"What the **** is going on, Pandora, why would you contact the Magic Tower in this situation"!

Punk, who was in the laboratory, looked very gloomy at this time, because just when he was about to put aside the wild conjecture about the disappearance of Aimoda and start preparing to continue with a new round of experiments, the information from Pandora made the caster have to Put back the alchemy tool that was just taken out of the box. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Moreover, the reason why punk’s face is extremely unsightly and even angry is not just because his own experiment was interrupted. In fact, punk was surprised to discover many of the contact information passed by Pandora. Distorted signal energy.

It is a kind of weird energy with a lot of "evil" law fluctuations. When these life-like energy just entered the punk laboratory, the detection array engraved in the laboratory immediately activated the alarm. At the same time, the laboratory's legendary special cleaning array also immediately constrained every trace of energy that penetrated into the laboratory through the information channel.

Fortunately, these energies may be an irresistible terrorist attack for any creature below the legendary level, but in front of a knowledgeable and powerful legendary spellcaster, they can't make any waves.

"This is the energy fluctuation of the legendary level? What the **** is Pandora doing?"

Extremely unhappy frowned, Punk immediately activated the all-round defense of the magic tower. Facing the power of the legendary level, even if it is only a little insignificant energy penetration, the cautious caster must do the highest level of vigilance. No one can be sure what will be transmitted again in the next second. See in punk. Now, since Pandora has already come into contact with the legendary power in the Scott Empire, it is not surprising that the terrifying legendary red dragon "Melting Fire Ripper" Amoda-Yanclaw suddenly descends in the next moment.

But this time, these scattered evil laws and energy fluctuations are not a temptation before the strong fight against each other. Nothing else came from Pandora's communication channel. Some were just the helpless cry of the girl. :

"Master, come and save Ganatika. We found something terrible. Everyone is dead. Only us are left. But Ganati is about to be unable to support it. There are no other legendary powerhouses here, only A weird crystal"!

Pandora, who started the communication and sent the coordinates of her location, of course knew why punk hadn’t appeared. She hurriedly described her situation over and over again in the communication, especially when she began to emphasize the "Ghanatika" situation. Pandora knew , She is just a cheap and inferior golem. Her value is not as good as Ganatica's "pawn of destiny." Only by emphasizing Ganatica's dangerous state can punk take a certain risk to respond to him.

At the same time, Pandora's extreme worry for Ganatica is also real. She wants to save the young man with a misty soul in her arms, even if it might provoke her producer, "Destroy Whisper" Punk-Sean.

"Master, Pandora One repeats once again. There is no danger here. The "Melting Fire Ripper" has not arrived. Ganatika is about to die. Repeat, the "Fate Piece" is about to be fatally threatened."

Over and over again, he screamed loudly at the energy cursor floating in front of him, and Pandora looked a little hysterical.

"I shouldn't have such emotions. I should report information to my master more seriously, but why can't I ask for the pain in my heart? Why can't my tears be restrained?"

Perhaps the sequelae affected by the weird fluctuations still exist, and Pandora couldn't think clearly by putting her face on the collar of Ganatika.

In the deepest part of her heart, Pandora did not understand her emotions, but this did not prevent her from being flustered and sorrowful because of Ganatika’s dangerous situation. Unconsciously, after repeated painful calls for help, Pandora had begun to feel more in her heart. The mechanical voice became indifferent, and the girl who replaced it also felt her own love for Ganatika for the first time-it was a desperate "love" that had never appeared before.

But just as Pandora gradually became immersed in her emotions, accompanied by a stern rant, all the emotions of the golem girl’s crying, sadness, anxiety, etc. also came to an abrupt end, because that clear rant came from obviously Her master-that is, the legendary spellcaster Punk Saiyan who Pandora called for help for a long time and did not respond!

"Legendary Mind Spell-Psionic Barrier"!

"Quiet, Pandora! You trash has been affected by these energies. Now tell me what happened here!"

Accompanied by punk's impatient scolding, beside Pandora, a portal that was exactly the size of a person was instantly opened. A translucent ball of light flew out of the colored light door. The next moment, the light ball suddenly expanded and Pandora was pulled. And Ganatika all enveloped in.

"Psionic barrier" is undoubtedly a true legendary spell. Its strength is not something that can be broken by some messy laws and energy fluctuations. I saw the outer wall of the light ball firmly blocked all the weird fluctuations released by the gray crystal, even though Touched by a hazy gray mist, the semi-transparent spherical barriers were just rippling.

During the effective period of "Psychic Bulwark", a series of detection spells were also transmitted from the portal one after another. The portal has been opened, and Punk is on the opposite side of the portal. He is repeatedly confirming remotely through prophecy spells. Pandora's environment.

However, at the same time as the spell was being released, the expression of the legendary caster was obviously cold and gloomy. Surrounded by the light on the edge of the small portal, the punk figure that appeared in front of Pandora looked hazy and mysterious.

To be honest, the caster’s mood is really bad at this time, although the red dragon of Emoda has suddenly disappeared, but punk still doesn’t want to risk opening up with Scott Empire at all. The connected portal, after all, he was sincerely worried that all this was a conspiracy and trap of Aimoda.

But after all, punk cannot ignore the life and death of Ganatika, the "pawn of destiny". After all, the "brave" who has just embarked on the journey has not had time to cause trouble to the emperor of Aimoda. At this time, the "pawn of destiny" suddenly died. The next developments are not something that punk can predict. It is precisely for this reason that punk will install Pandora's communication function to be able to contact the magic tower at any time.

And now, facing Pandora’s sudden call for help, after carefully confirming safety as quickly as possible, punk decided to take another shot. On the one hand, if Aymoda had noticed the situation in his imperial state, the identity of the punk behind the scenes was destined to be exposed. It doesn’t matter if you expose it more thoroughly.

But if there is room for recovery, punk doesn’t want to let the opportunity slip away, even if the so-called chance is really slim.

Of course, even if the portal has been opened, the prudent spellcaster will definitely not step on the enemy’s territory personally. Before deciding to take action, punk has already held a piece of "Legendary Spell of the Conjuration System-Disintegration Singularity" in his hands. The materials for casting spells, as long as there is something wrong with the situation, punk has prepared the release of legendary spells without any softness or hesitation!