Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 630: Did not show up

The Mosenkai Manor, where there are almost no living creatures alive, is quiet. When the last light spot of the ethereal soul is absorbed by the gray crystal, the breath of the night slowly returns to a dead silence. Only the cold wind is whispering outside the broken manor windows. Whistling, and some...there is only the dripping rain that beats the ground tirelessly...

After seeing Ganatika finally stop struggling and falling into a deep sleep, and after confirming that all the weird fluctuations released by the gray crystals have been intercepted by the "psychic barrier", Pandora, whose brain was awake a lot, was deeply relieved. Take a breath. . Fastest update

Although I don’t want to admit it, in fact Pandora knows very well that in this dangerous world, at the very center of the terrible storm, both herself and Ganatica are nothing but weak ants with "no power to bind chickens". , The only backer they can count on is actually the legendary spellcaster who is standing opposite the portal and holding a golden jewel in his hand. Although their "backer" may be inherently more dangerous than any enemy,... When such a fatal crisis emerges, Pandora and Ganatica can still only pray for punk to help...

Sighing secretly, Pandora reluctantly let go of the comatose Ganatica. She gently placed the teenager in her arms on the ground, then stood up and bowed deeply to the punk:

"Respected legendary mage, great "Destroy Whisper" lord, your servant Pandora One expresses the highest level of respect and gratitude to you. No one can violate your will, and your power will always shine like a star …………"

In the years since leaving the Magic Tower Warehouse, Pandora, as an alchemist puppet, has not gained any strength, but she has supplemented all kinds of insights beyond theoretical knowledge to a large extent, and now she seems to be in a mood. Very bad punk, Pandora also knows that picking up good words desperately to please.

But... no matter how gorgeous Pandora’s words are, no matter how exaggerated his rhetoric, punk will not care about a puppet’s praise, even if the girl’s aristocratic etiquette perfectly shows her beautiful figure, the caster simply ignores Pandora’s meaning.

When the girl bowed and saluted in fear, punk's gaze had already shifted to the gray crystal that was so tall.

"Evil, chaotic, full of twisted souls! There are also various effects that are single but quite practical. This is a very good alchemy creation, and... it seems to be only a part of an overall alchemical creation"?

Punk carefully looked at the gray crystal in front of him. For the legendary spellcaster, the law fluctuations emitted by the crystal can only be regarded as a breeze, and the spells he released at will can almost penetrate into this uncontrolled one. In the strange crystal.

After checking the gray crystal from beginning to end using the spells of prophecy, the knowledgeable punk quickly figured out most of its functions.

"Yes, the core magic circle is incomplete. This crystal is just part of a certain legendary creation, and... the technical content of this thing is definitely not low at all. Where did Aimoda-Yanclaw get it from? This kind of thing here"?

After calmly ordering Pandora to stay aside quietly, punk's thoughts were all concentrated on the crystal in front of him.

After a very self-knowing analysis, punk can basically be sure that the gray crystals that are now presented in front of him are by no means inferior goods. Whether it is the legendary magic materials used in its manufacture or its own alchemy technology, it is very clever, at least This kind of alchemy technology is completely impossible for punk now, not only that punk can’t do it, but it’s estimated that Vedrásya, the Great Oman at the peak of the time, may not be able to do it!

And... Judging from the circle inside the gray crystal, this mysterious legendary item that looks "harmless to humans and animals" is only a part of a certain legendary creation, such as the "detection and shielding" it shows now. , "Auto-Protection", "Soul Imprisonment" and so on are just a little bit of additional functions. Its true power should only be shown after it is integrated with other components. With just such a piece of crystal now... ...It will be very limited.

"This is really interesting. It seems... Emperor Scott and Amoda-Yanclaw are not fuel-efficient lamps..."

Touching Guanghua's chin, and joking to himself, the punk expression quickly became more and more serious.

When he first received the signal from Pandora, Punk thought that his "interference mechanism transfer plan" had been completely exposed. At that time, the spellcaster was even ready to turn around and escape if he couldn't beat Aimoda.

But when punk opened the portal to Scott's kingdom, he found that the development of the situation was not at all the same as the worst situation he imagined, and more than that, the situation is now considered good or bad. Punk has difficulty making judgments now.

First of all, "Ghanatika" as a **** of fate did not die. Thanks to the timely rescue of punk, the lucky "braveman" was only in a state of extreme weakness and a deep coma at the soul level.

The survival of Ganatika means that punk's "interference mechanism" is still operating, and the "interference mechanism transfer mode" should not suddenly develop to places beyond punk's control.

On the other hand, what surprises punk most, is incomprehensible, and even vaguely disturbed is the disappearance of the "Fire Ripper".

After using more than a dozen legendary prophecy spells one after another, and then unscrupulously "searched" the entire Scott kingdom finally confirmed Amoda-Yanclaw! The disappearance of this so-called legendary red dragon is more thorough than anyone imagined, and it is probably not in the Scottish kingdom at all now!

And not only the punk prophecy spells did not find any traces of the existence of Emoda in the Scott Empire, even the home of this red dragon was invaded by another legendary spellcaster, and its gray crystal was exposed naked, but its whereabouts were mysterious. The "Melting Fire Ripper" is still missing as if it didn't exist.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing is really unacceptable. The Royal Scottish kingdom is the lair of Emoda. This red dragon shouldn’t let his lair be invaded and ignore it. At the same time, it’s already The gray crystal exposed to punk is definitely of extremely high value. Even if Aimoda doesn't care that his imperial court will not be destroyed by a powerful enemy, it can never give up such a precious legendary creation and fall into the enemy's hands, right?

But whether it is reasonable on the surface...Facts are facts.

Even if punk has kept the portal open for several minutes, even if he once picked up the gray crystal by the tentative mage's hand, even until the caster sealed the gray crystal layer by layer and put it into his storage ring , No matter how you look at the bad tempered dragon on the side of Amoda-Yanclaw, there is no sign of showing up.