Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 631: The secret of crystal

"Pandora One, tell me the cause and effect of your discovery of this crystal, and I also need to understand the current situation of the Scott Empire."

After giving orders to Pandora coldly, Punk still stood calmly behind the portal.

"Oh, great master, this is how things are..."

Following punk’s orders, Pandora also started her "intelligence report" very quickly. She talked about the current situation of the Scott Empire and also detailed the actions of this mutual aid association. Of course, Pandora had not forgotten to ask in the end. The situation of punk ganatica.

"Respected master, Ganatika... Is there any damage to his soul? I found out that he is still unconscious, and I think... the chess pieces of fate should not have lost all their effects, so..."

As he spoke, an anxious expression appeared on Pandora's face. It could be seen that the girl had been secretly worried about the unconscious boy for a long time, but she did not dare to expose her feelings in front of punk...

However, in fact, the caster who has fallen into thinking does not care about Pandora’s childish feelings. In the eyes of punk, it is impossible for a girl with a virtual soul as an alchemy puppet to resist her own orders. It doesn't matter if you have some messy emotions, it just happens to be convenient for disguising your identity.

It was Ganatika who was lying on the ground now unconsciously... Pandora was right, "the chess piece of destiny" is still useful.

After thinking for a while, Punk took out a soul gem from the storage ring, and then he peeled out a few ignorant human souls from the soul gem, and finally, less than a second and a dazzling burst of time After the brilliance faded in a flash, a master alchemy potion named "Soul Stabilizing Mixture" was made.

"Take it! Ganatika is just a serious disharmony between the soul and the body. You can drink this for him in a while, but let him faint for now."

Dismissed Pandora, who was looking anxious, punk's mind had begun to quickly organize the information submitted by the Golem Girl.

After a simple judgment, punk has determined that the "gray crystal" is a part of a legendary creation, and since this crystal is hidden in the Mosenkai Manor in Red Valley City for unknown reasons, punk is also very There is reason to believe that there are probably more components hidden in some unexpected places in the Scottish Empire. If these components are gathered, punk may even directly assemble a very powerful legendary equipment!

At that moment, punk really had the idea of ​​stepping out of the portal and coming to the royal kingdom of Scott to conduct a raid. After all, it is 80% that the current Amoda-Yanclaw is not in his own country, that is to say. ……The current Scottish kingdom is as fragile and weak as a baby who has left the adult when facing the legendary powerhouse. If you think about it, theoretically even if punk probes the soul of everyone in the Scottish kingdom Will be blocked!

But... After careful thinking, Punk gave up the tempting decision to search the Scottish Kingdom.

First of all, it is still to be discussed whether this guy Amoda just got a piece of legendary equipment by chance, maybe there is only such a gray crystal in the entire Scottish kingdom.

Moreover, this gray crystal has a strong ability to shield and predict spells. I am afraid that other "components" will have the same effect. If every crystal is hidden in such an unexpected place as the noble warehouse... Then... Carpets that are not carefully searched will definitely not be found.

The reason why punk decided not to take risks in the end was due to the caution of the caster.

Although Aimoda did not show up, Punk didn’t know if the red dragon really couldn’t get out of it for a while or was preparing for a big trap, just waiting to pit himself up, in fact it just opened up. After more than a minute of the portal, punk already felt very dangerous, and he really didn't want to risk being smashed to find some legendary creation component.

"...Sure enough, forget it, anyway, getting a piece of gray crystal is enough, at least that way... Don't even think of assembling the legendary equipment completely, and this very high-tech gray crystal There are definitely many secrets hidden, maybe the reason for the disappearance of Aimoda is related to it!"

After rubbing his temples through the hood of the mage robe with purple background and blue stripes, punk quickly made a decision.

He is a "neutral chaos" who likes to take risks to get huge benefits. But the basic premise of taking risks is that risks and returns are proportional. If you risk stepping into a trap, you will get a person who doesn’t know if it really exists. Legendary equipment... Punk wouldn't do such a deadly thing.

But even if it stops here, the gains from punk’s trip are still “great enough.” Although there is no way to risk greater gains, with this gray crystal, there is a gray crystal about the royal kingdom of Scott and Emoda. His secret stool has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

After a few simple spell tests, punk has discovered that the material of the gray crystal is not naturally formed. In essence, this crystal and even the material are semi-regular substances "synthesized" by the legendary powerhouse.

Regardless of the unknown function of the complete legendary creation, the greatest effect a single gray crystal has is to automatically absorb the souls of dead intelligent creatures within a certain range!

That's right, the essential function of this thing is the same as the "Soul Collection Array" arranged by punk in the Kingdom of Hatke, and they can all gather and preserve the souls of dead intelligent creatures.

It's just that the soul collection of the Kingdom of Khatak comes from the effects of the legendary magic circle, and even the effective range of the magic circle arranged by punk can almost cover the entire Kingdom of Khatak.

In contrast, the soul absorption capacity of this gray crystal... is entirely derived from its legendary material characteristics, and its effective range is also very limited. Only about one-tenth of the area of ​​the Scott Empire will be covered. Go to The coverage area is not large enough. This should be the reason why this gray crystal was placed in the Mosenkai Manor. It must be placed in the hinterland of the most densely populated imperial country to ensure maximum benefits. Moreover, Aimoda, who is lacking in avatar, can also order the nobles to protect the crystal. As long as you are careful not to let the knowledgeable wizard approach, the secret of the gray crystal absorbing soul will not be revealed."

After a little thought, punk can infer the causes and consequences of many things from the existing intelligence.

Morsenkai Manor is heavily guarded, but there is no wizard. This is nothing more than to prevent the gray crystal from absorbing the soul from leaking out. After all, it is a "hidden rule" that the legendary powerhouse collects the soul of the dead. Once something is revealed, it is still very troublesome.

As for the sharp reduction in the grain production of the Royal Kingdom of Scott at this time, it is easier to understand that the absorption of the soul by the gray crystal is not as smart as the punk magic circle. It absorbs the soul without a body indiscriminately, but also affects creatures with a body. His soul has a serious impact, and the result of this impact is reduced life span, severe physical weakness, and... sudden death!

The great famine in the Scottish Kingdom was only because the souls of plants were the most vulnerable, so the consequences of their effects appeared first.