Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 632: The teenager who woke up

After getting all the information he needed, Punk disappeared into the portal with the gray crystal, and then the portal that could pass the size of a person was immediately closed.

In the end, except for a "Legendary Sweeping Technique" that swept all law fluctuations and continued to operate for dozens of seconds, all traces of the legendary spellcaster were as if they had never appeared before.

For most people, the departure of the legendary powerhouse should be very thankful, especially Pandora... When the last light of the portal disappeared in front of them, they had been struggling to keep smiling, but in fact they felt extremely tense. The girl almost collapsed on the cold ground.

Pandora is not stupid. She does not expect her crappy performance to hide a powerful legendary spellcaster. She already knows the fact that punk sees that she is born with "feelings", and the wretched golem is deeply afraid of this. With the powerful legendary mage obliterating himself on the spot, in fact, when he decided to contact the punk in the legendary magic tower, Pandora was mentally prepared to be "cleaned up".

Fortunately, punk doesn’t seem to care whether a cheap alchemist has feelings or not. Pandora’s worries are completely unnecessary.

"Huh, great, I'm saved"!

Pandora was relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The body of this magic puppet made by punk is almost exactly the same as the real human body. Pandora has the ability to shed tears, and of course sweat will appear. Now the sweat of a girl is almost Soaked her clothes.

But as the feeling of fear disappeared a little bit, Pandora's heart gradually became happy, because Ganatika survived.

Although all the other official-level professionals of the Mutual Aid Association died, Pandora did not have as much effort. For her, Ganatica’s life was everything. No matter what happened, as long as Ganatica could survive, Pandora would be sincere. Feel happy.

Of course, now the girl has to quickly wake up the long-unconscious boy. The mutual aid association's action was originally in the latter half of the night. After such a series of time consumption, now Mira and Chikasa have once again brought a glimmer of morning light to Red Valley City. However, Pandora and Ganatika need to leave the "land of right and wrong" in Red Valley City as soon as possible.

"Ghanatica, wake up, Ganatica"!

Carefully feeding a drop of the potion into the boy's mouth, Pandora gently called Ganatika's name.

"Ghanatika, wake up, we all survived."

" hurts, what is going on..."?

I have to admit that the potion made by a legendary spellcaster is powerful. Even if the potion itself is only an auxiliary master-level "soul stabilizing mixture", it is still enough to awaken a formal-level peak combat position in the shortest time. And erase all sequelae.

It is precisely because of the efficacy of this master potion that Ganatika, who just woke up, does not need to feel the pain in the soul, and even because the potion's effect still exists, he still feels refreshed and his brain is clear.

But...maybe abnormally clear brain is sometimes not a good thing...At least for Ganatika, the clear brain allows him to recall everything that happened before his eyes in just a second.

"Pandora, that crystal...that crystal is dangerous! Hurry up and tell everyone to leave Red Valley City...wait a minute, long have I been in a coma?"

Ganatika's tone seemed extremely anxious. If it weren't for her physical weakness that made the teenager's voice hoarse, Ganatika, whose pronunciation of words was unstable, might have shouted loudly.

No matter how weak his body is, Ganatika, who is awake, thinks of his companions who do not know his life or death at the first time. What he said to Pandora was also before he became unconscious. There was no time to give the order.

But... Ganatika is also a warrior with keen observation ability, and within a few seconds, the "brave" who looked around and noticed all the changes before her eyes.

The Mosenkai Manor is still the same as the Mosenkai Manor, but... within Ganatika's perception, there is no longer a sign of insect life in the manor.

The iron gate that was cut is still the same, but... Behind the iron gate, the crystal that exudes extremely confusing energy is also missing!


After just a little sensible judgment, the boy suddenly fell silent, Ganatika's tone involuntarily carrying a trace of tremor.

The gray crystal that disappeared was nothing, but... the quietness of the surrounding space that could only be called "dead silence" gave Ganatika a very bad premonition in her heart.

"...Is it...only we survived...the dice, Leon, and the fat man, and...they should have been fighting outside the manor...but I couldn't feel any grudge The fluctuating... they... are they..."

Looking at Pandora, who was gently holding her body with fear and beseeching eyes, Ganatica didn't realize how trembling her voice was.

Anyhow, as the spiritual leader of the "Mutual Aid Association", Ganatika may be a bit rigid, but he is definitely not stupid. Looking at the sky outside, the boy knew that he had been in a coma for at least an hour. After such a long time. , But his companions did not gather around him............ This is very telling.

Regarding Ganatica's question... Pandora could only sigh silently. While secretly putting the potion bottle in her hand into the empty storage ring, she lowered her head and said to the young man in her arms:

"...I and I regret, Ganatika... Although the mysterious crystal disappeared abruptly soon after it but the dice is...dead, Leon They also...dead. The only living creatures in Red Valley City may be the two of us."

Lowering his head to conceal his helpless eyes, Pandora explained to Ganatica what happened after he was in a coma in a heavy tone. Punk who took the crystal was said to be "the crystal disappeared suddenly", and everyone's death was real. In fact, even if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Pandora could be sure that the entire Red Valley City was not protected by legendary spells, and the creatures would never survive.

Although Pandora is unavoidably sad about this, she still accepts this fact. After all, the only person the girl cares about is Ganatika. As long as Ganatika survives, Pandora will be satisfied.

But for the poor "brave man" Ganatika... the next moment he heard the news, the teenager felt that his brain was completely blank, guilt, regret, sadness, all kinds of painful feelings were in his Rageously inside.

In the cognition of the kind "brave", whether it is Leon or the fat man, even the somewhat reckless dice are important companions.

And now... his companions... no longer exist...