Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 650: Start

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Punk's ridicule has always been unique. Compared with some inferior abuse, his language can always stab the enemy's most concerned and most vulnerable place. The so-called murder and condemnation is nothing more than that.

In fact, when he saw the appearance of Amoda-Yanclaw, punk was already keenly aware of the unreasonable "magic power" of the legendary dragon "Melting Fire Ripper". He wanted to descend into another imperial country, so it was understandable that he showed his power, showed off to a group of ants, and turned the earth and sky into a sea of ​​fire.

But at this moment, the raging dragon is obviously going to fight another legendary strongman. It stands to reason that what it should do is quietly find the door, attack unexpectedly, and go to war no matter what. I had hidden my strength and intelligence as much as possible before, and I should never have done such a big fanfare, as if I wished to tell my opponent "I have killed myself, get ready soon" after a thousand miles.

Punk doesn’t think Aimoda is an idiot with an abnormal brain. Although this guy seems to lack a lot of reason for some reasons, he is also a combat powerhouse who has been promoted to the legendary battle all the way. The basic combat theory should still be understandable.

So in the punk's guess... there is only one explanation left for Amoda's public offense at this time-that is, the legendary red dragon is far less handy than it flaunts its power control! The series of publicity he has made so far is to disguise his shortcomings as pure ostentation.

Next, just after Punk's plain and cold taunting voice fell, Amoda-Yanclaw's reaction also confirmed Punk's conjecture.

"Shut up! Sad reptile, you simply can't understand the greatness of this power"!

Perhaps because Lao Di was exposed to anger and anger, Amoda's roar became sharper, but facing the "facts" pointed out by punk, the angry red dragon still had no way to refute or retaliate. This kind of aggrieved It felt that the red dragon's vertical pupils were dangerously contracted.

However, although he fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation that just met, and his intelligence was discovered by the enemy, Aymoda has not forgotten what he did when he flew all the way to the Kingdom of Khatak. It is irrefutable and also intends to The red dragon hiding the information did not continue to discuss his own strength. He directly threw Ganatika, who was imprisoned in the dragon's claws, at the punk, and then sternly questioned the punk:

"Look at this lifeless bug, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", don't tell me you don't know him"!


Your Excellency "Melting Fire Ripper", I don't know what you are talking about. This is just a tiny ant. When will a master-level professional be qualified to serve as evidence in legendary-level conversations."

Facing Amoda’s conclusive questioning, the punk who caught Ganatica by the hand of the mage directly chose not to admit it without even thinking about it. Although Amoda was aggressive, punk still wanted to try if it could be used. Solve the problem through negotiation. In fact, the current caster is really unwilling to confront the "melting fire ripper" who has obviously changed. It is the most important thing to fool the past while paying some negligible price. It is in the interests of punk.

And now the spellcaster is very curious, how exactly did this fellow Aymoda find himself, he wants to use this "unknown method" from the angry red dragon's mouth.

Of course, when he was busy, the fast-eyed punk did not forget to use a "legendary storage" spell to stuff Ganatika into a storage gem. This is a chess piece of a long river of fate and a valuable observation object. , The stupid dragon of Aimoda is improper, and there is no reason why the cautious mage should not accept it.

Punk is delaying time because he wants to fool things, while Aimoda wants to take the opportunity to control his own strength. If it weren't for the gray crystal to be too important, the current Aimoda would not run out to fight with others.

In fact, its initial idea was to confront the negotiation between the wizard and the snake, and then suddenly attack to seize the opportunity.

But... when the punk denied it with an expressionless face, facing the caster’s cold expression, which was far more ridiculous than ridicule, Aimoda, anxious because of the loss of a gray crystal, finally felt that he wanted Can't restrain his anger.

The furious red dragon felt that the tyrannical blood of the five-color dragon race was burning in every thread of his own blood vessels, and all kinds of unexplained noise and babble began to intensify in the depths of his soul. With the escalation of impatience and anger, Aimoda His sanity began to become a little hazy............

The most frightening thing is that this kind of irrationality that shouldn't have appeared on the legendary powerhouse did not arouse his vigilance. At this time, Aimoda just wanted to vent his anger and find the crystal quickly.

So, with a loud roar to the sky, Aimoda, whose pupils contracted abnormally, almost put his head close to punk and squeezed out the suppressed and hideous words:

"Listen! Listen carefully! My instinct is roaring at my soul! Mr. "Destroy Whisper"! It is roaring at me that a despicable mage is the culprit of everything!"

"Intuition? Do you still believe in that kind of thing? Don't you know that "it" can play with your intuition like a doll, aren't you afraid of becoming a **** of "it"?

Faced with the dragon's head, which is larger than the mountain, punk's expression has not changed at all. The model of the spell has been constructed in the soul of the caster. Now punk has the confidence to face any next actions of Aymoda.

As for the "intuition" that the dragon said before him, punk suddenly had a strange feeling of dumbfounding.

He can say that he has calculated all possible means by Aimoda to detect himself behind the scenes, but he has forgotten one thing, that is, the "long river of fate" can also manipulate "intuition" to give the victim the most clear and powerful reminder.

If you face some innocuous "little things" every prudent legendary powerhouse will definitely ignore his own "intuition" of not knowing the truth or not, but like Aimoda, he lost the gray crystal. Such an important and severe situation, he resolutely chose to believe the so-called "intuition" is understandable.

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, what can we do if we believe in the long river of fate?

Sure enough, Emoda’s reaction confirmed the punk’s expectations. After punk answered, every inch of the muscles on the face of the legendary red dragon's fierce dragon trembled violently with extreme anger, the dragon was completely furious. The wings were stretched violently and flew into the sky. The raging flames formed a tornado that confines the space. Hundreds of incandescent hot fireballs condensed and formed one by one next to the dragon's head!

Then, along with the hysterical and tyrannical roar of "Melting Fire Ripper" Emoda, the fireball that poured down like a rain curtain slammed into the punk's position without mercy.

"Ah, ah, ah, it doesn’t matter, I can’t control that much! The despicable thief stole my crystal! That is the treasure bestowed on me under the crown of the five-color dragon mother Tiamat, that is the only way to my legend. The remaining hope, I want to find it back, even if it becomes a **** of fate, even if I have to fight life and death with countless powerful enemies, I must...find, mine, crystal!"