Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 651: The legendary "1 battle" (1)

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The violent roar blew up the entire floor block. The explosion of hundreds of incandescent fireballs broke a large number of laws within the battlefield. If such an attack appeared on some small planes, Then this kind of high-density, powerful simultaneous blasting is enough to shake the overall frame of a piece of land, that is, because the crustal structure of the Faerun Plane has undergone the transformation of the Great Austrian Masters in the Netheril era can withstand such a terrible fighting.

But even so, the shock that shattered the space set off a spectacular earthquake. Wave-like magma shot from the center of the explosion site. Around the fireball’s landing, the squeezed crust even showed several mountain peak.

"This power is a bit scary"!


With more than ten levels of legendary spell protection jumping out of the magma wave at high speed, punk's expression has become extremely serious.

Although the spellcaster was perfectly prepared, Amoda-Yanclaw’s shock shot only broke the two outermost protective spells on punk, but the legendary red dragon’s innate spell power really shocked him. .

Punk has been overestimating the strength of Aimoda as much as possible, but now it seems that the legendary red dragon that has undergone obvious changes has really gained more powerful power. It is unceremonious to say that its legendary talent The power of spells is almost twice that of punk, and...

"Boom boom boom boom"!

This guy's attack can be said to be done in one go, all the way down the atmosphere without a breath, after releasing hundreds of fireballs one after another, Aimoda, who was flying in midair to lock the punk position with mental power, even had time to roar loudly. And threats:

"Destroy Whispers"! Are you just a reptile running around in a turtle shell, come on, face me! Hand over the gray crystal and pray for my forgiveness. Maybe I Amoda-Yanclaw will be merciful and give you a decent way to die! "

"Who gave me your confidence? Amoda! Your pride looks more pretentious than the tentacles on your fingers"!

Facing the threat of the red dragon, Punk’s cold response was also very tough. I saw that he still maintained a super-light speed around the battlefield. At the same time, the caster who always kept a distance from the red dragon in mid-air also avoided flexibly. One after another incandescent fireball.

Finally, seizing the short opportunity when the last talented spell of Amoda was released and the next talented spell was not ready to be completed, the punk who seized the opportunity quickly smashed a legendary spell at the dragon in the air without hesitation. past.

"Arrogance is more terrible than underestimating the enemy, Aimoda, don't you even understand this?"?

"Legendary Conjuration Spell-Destroy the Rift"!


Accompanied by a piercing sound that amplifies the sound of sharp nails scratching the glass hundreds of millions of times, a black crack full of the law of destruction instantly crossed the distance between the caster roaring dragon at a speed exceeding twice the speed of light, and then... , The "destructive fissure" that continuously extinguished all the laws and materials in the area hit the right half of the dragon's wing!

Amoda did not succeed in evading the punk attack, although at the moment when the "Destruction Rift" was about to hit him, the unresponsive dragon suddenly deflected his body so that the attack originally aimed at his head fell on his own mutation. On the right half of the dragon wing, but the size is too large, and there is no legendary magic to increase the speed of Amoda-yanclaw, after all, was hit by the spell. In an instant, the law of destruction is in the giant A shocking wound was torn open on the dragon's body!

"Oh ah ah ah, **** mage"!

In the dragon’s painful roar, the dragon’s blood poured down like a torrential rain in the sky, and large drops of blood soon formed this boiling hot lake on the ground, and in mid-air, the legendary red dragon’s wings were even greater. It was a terrifying hole torn apart by a legendary punk spell, and a large number of blood-red muscles were constantly wriggling to remove the power of the law of destruction attached to the wound.

However, this kind of injury only looks a little scary. For the legendary professional, the wound that does not hurt the soul can only be regarded as a "small scratch", especially compared to the experience of Amoda-Yanclaw. As far as the astonishing resilience of an abnormal change is concerned, the mere hole in the dragon wing has completely recovered in less than a second.

However, the healing of the wound does not mean the cessation of anger. In the tradition of the five-color dragon clan, the mighty pair of dragon wings is a symbol of dignity. The dragon wings are wounded, and it looks like a punk in him. Like a slap in the face, the dragon that was already rolling in anger was naturally even more angry.

"Despicable thief, **** anger and turn it into ashes"!

While roaring ferociously, the legendary red dragon that flew up suddenly increased its speed, and saw it slamming the huge tentacle dragon claws that covered the sky, and then slammed it at the punk with all its strength.

"Legendary Talent Fighting Skill-Melting Fire Claw"!

Shattered! Overturned! The earth trembled and the mountains collapsed!

"Melting Fire Ripper" Amoda-Flame Claw's legendary talent fighting skill "Melting Fire Claw" has even more terrifying power and speed with the support of the abnormal body. The dragon diving at full speed is less than Within a hundredth of a second, he quickly approached punk, and then, the terrifying tentacle dragon claw carried a large number of fiery burning law fragments and slammed it at punk.

But just as the dragon claws were swung by Amoda-Yamclaw, the caster who was waiting in battle was also ready to defend with spells, and saw a group of brilliant light and shadow almost with blood red tentacles. 'S attack appeared at the same moment, and just before the destructive dragon claws slapped him, a solid barrier appeared just right in front of the punk.

"Legendary Conjuration System Spells-Sigh Barrier"!

This is a legendary spell built on the basis of the "density" law. Its effect is to create an energy barrier with a density close to that of a white dwarf, and then use it to resist enemy attacks.

At the same time, this is a very powerful one-way defensive spell. The solid "sigh barrier" spell barrier is definitely the best choice for defending against those attacks that have great destructive power but not strong penetration. Therefore, punk will use this Proficient in practicing legendary spells that are not within the scope of his major.

And when he saw Aimoda wave that obviously extraordinary tentacle dragon claw, the swift punk immediately created this solid barrier.

Then, in the next instant, the "Melting Fire Claw" that had turned into a blood-red puppet slammed on the "Sigh Barrier" that was just completed!