Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 652: The legendary "1 battle" (2)

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Unsurprisingly, Emoda’s attack completely hit the "barrier of sigh" in front of the caster, and the violent law of fire elements crazily burned the energy barrier in front of him under the advancement of kinetic energy.

Not only that, but the punk behind the barrier also keenly discovered that within less than one ten thousandths of a millisecond, a large number of gray-black energy threads filled with the laws of chaos began to quickly erode the spell structure of the "barrier of sigh". These tangled creeping laws quickly spread across every corner of the barrier, and then began to cause the collapse of the shield structure piece by piece.

In the end, with the brilliance flashing like the sun fell, large cracks suddenly spread across the entire energy shield.



It only came and murmured, the "barrier of sigh" in front of punk broke like a piece of glass that was smashed by a heavy hammer, accompanied by the violent shock wave that formed concentric circles spreading around, smashed the "barrier of sigh". The "Melting Fire Cracking Claw" who still had a strong aftermath took the punk away fiercely!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shattering of the shield brought a deafening roar, the dust raised in the sky obscured Mira’s brilliance, and the punk that was knocked into the air even pierced through the mountains of five or six peaks, hitting the caster on the ground. The land formed a canyon that traverses the entire Xuefeng Mountain Range, and the uplifted hills made the battlefield that was originally a crater even more messy.

"Hiss... this power is a bit amazing, and the law of fire element is also mixed with the law of chaos? The claws of the crazy dragon of Aimoda are too tricky!"

Quickly jumped out of the canyon level that was crushed by himself, while avoiding a dozen incandescent fireballs released by the legendary red dragon chase, punk hurriedly supplemented himself with legendary protection spells.

At the same time, feeling the fluctuations of the violent laws still raging on the battlefield, the caster gasped in surprise.

At this point in the battle, punk has recognized a fact, that is-"Melting Fire Ripper" Amoda-Yanclaw, the red dragon is not a fake strong, it is really strong! Especially the "melting fire claws" it showed now is even more powerful. Even with the tenth-level collapse protection spell, punk can feel that his internal organs have been violently shaken.

In fact, the current battle situation is relatively unfavorable for punk, even if his current tactics are the "most orthodox" spellcaster fighting method from the memory of the Great Orchestra Vidrasha, it will inevitably feel extremely difficult.

To put it bluntly, this combat mode is to continuously stack one layer of protection spells on yourself, and at the same time continuously release legendary spells to consume the enemy's defense methods, until the opponent's protection spells are almost stripped, or the opponent's The energy ran out, and the caster was suddenly using legendary spells with great lethality to kill!

After all, the main thrust of this "orthodox mage combat method" is to "seek stability". Suddenly kill in the seemingly protracted battle of attrition. Even if you can't hurt the opponent, at least you won't get hurt first. There is also a chance to turn around and escape! If you want to perform this "stable" combat mode perfectly, the words "consumption" and "final kill" are the most important. Using the consumption between offense and defense to bring the enemy into your own rhythm is the key to the battle, and the sudden outbreak The killer is the key to victory.

But now, looking back at the situation at this time, after almost forcing Aimoda’s claws, punk immediately realized that this kind of "stability" fighting method was not working at all, and the reason was very simple-because punk could not consume Ai at all. Moda, this half-crazy monster!

Although Amoda is a warlock, but from the perspective of punk, the fighting style of this legendary red dragon at this time is more like a berserker. It is completely relying on its own body to resist the enemy's attack and then swing its paws. Attacking frantically, relying on the super resilience of the terrifying body to ensure that he does not fall before the enemy, and then use the attack frequency that he ignores the defense to beat the opponent out of breath!

It would be fine if Amoda had just such a crazy attacking fighting style. After all, the release speed of punk's legendary protection spells was not slow at all, and it would take time and energy for Amoda to recover from his injuries.

But... what makes punk really tricky is that Aymoda's body is too strong, and its attacks are too powerful.

Although this dragon looks furious and mad, punk keenly discovered that Aymoda has actually been deliberately using the powerful body of the right half to catch the attack, while the control is obviously fragile and the left half. The body is flexible and evasive. During the high-intensity battle, most of the few legendary spells that punk used to counterattack in the quasi-emptiness were resisted by the red dragon with his right body.

Moreover, the attack power of this legendary red dragon is even more terrifying to punk. Its "melting fire claw" can forcibly smash the caster with two levels of legendary protection spells, which is equivalent to punk use. Two spells can prevent the attack of a talented fighting skill of Aimoda. In the end, the punk who fought against each other found that the stacking speed of his protective spells was almost unable to keep up with the destruction speed of Amoda's talented fighting skill.

"It's not going to work like this! The attack power of "Melting Fire Claw" is too strong and the speed is too fast, even if it barely use of "Legendary Conjuration Spell-Flash" Mana consumption is not a small number, and the 24th level of Amoda's sorcerer level itself has certain advantages. That kind of weird change has brought it a huge power bonus..."


After using a spell to change his position abruptly to avoid the attack, Punk couldn't help but watch the blood-red tentacles that had smashed into the crust.

Although the battle between the caster and the dragon seems to have come and go, and even punk hasn’t even touched any dust on his body so far, in contrast, half of Amoda’s body is almost covered by dragon blood and size. His wounds were full, and the red dragon, who was screaming furiously, was even more embarrassed.

But in fact, as the battle continues, the situation has become more and more unfavorable for punk!

Originally, Amoda-Yanclaw was two professional levels higher than punk, and the transformation of its half of the body gave the dragon a omni-directional and all-attribute enhancement. It’s not polite to say, if not Considering the assassin of legendary spells that can only be used as a hole card, Amoda's strength is definitely stronger than punk, and the evenly matched battle continues from the beginning. Now, punk has almost fallen to the disadvantage of being crushed. .