Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 671: Back to "everyday"

The interference mechanism transfer mode is officially over, and the first confrontation between the caster and the "long river of fate" ends in a way that is not perfect at all and not a loss.

The towering mage tower still stands between the sky and the earth, and the spire surrounding the energy ribbon forms a colorful vortex in the clouds as always. After the first "interference mechanism" has ended, no one can be anymore. Questioning this towering spire on this land, no wind and waves can break through the energy barrier around the magic circle.

The hustle and bustle of the Kingdom of Khatak has long since disappeared. Nowadays, it is rare to see anyone daring to speak loudly on Khatak Street, although the iron-blood cleaning launched by 700 master-level golems was completely calmed down within a month. All Tucker's rebellion, but... the price of such efficient "counter-insurgency" is that another third of the population was directly "liquidated" by absolute power during the turmoil, after a month of **** storms , Now Hatak has completely changed back to a small kingdom............

Although in name and strength, it is still the unquestionable "Hattak Empire", but in theory, as long as there is a legendary powerhouse, even a "country" with only one person can be called an imperial state, so now Hatta The title of "Imperial State" of Krishna has little to do with its own national power.

What Hatak has become does not arouse punk’s attention anymore. After sending a bunch of tattered bronze and shattered master-level mithril golems to that lucky noble boy as trash, punk returns directly to magic. Ta continued his own experimental research.

For a qualified mage, the whole process from stepping into a dangerous battlefield to returning to a calm laboratory does not even need a little psychological overtime. If necessary, even if he has just had a fight with the enemy in the last second. In the battle of life and death, in the next second, a powerful wizard can immediately devote himself to the research state! This is also the basic "mage quality" of spellcasters in the era of Netheril.

In terms of this extreme emotional indifference, punk has always performed perfectly.

After all... "Whisper of Destruction" the caster has always acted decisively and clearly.

When planning for the development of "farming", even if you leave the magic tower and fight a punk with a legendary red dragon in order to keep the farm, you will not hesitate at the club.

But if the current legendary mage had changed his plan, then he would never have the slightest entanglement with the "objective" of the previous plan.

For example, a pile of Mithril Golems would simply be thrown away, and the reckless "cleansing" and "bloody suppression" of the Khatak Empire would not even look at them. The mage who has returned to the "daily" study of life has no time to pay attention to things other than those plans. After all, besides taking a glance at Ganatika's adventure trajectory from time to time, the next punk is already preparing to obtain resources through adventures. Time to enhance one's strength is more urgent than anything else.

Only strength is the most important thing for any professional!

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Speaking of strength, I have to mention that after such a big battle, punk was surprised to find that his level had risen again.

In a chaotic battlefield, it is not easy to cast legendary spells and even legendary spells continuously under the interference of nervousness and powerful enemies. The degree of difficulty is not comparable to that of quietly concentrating on casting in the laboratory. There has not been a legendary battle of life and death, and a new legend will never want to know how dangerous the legendary battle based on the speed of light is.

And... It is said that practice is the only way to test the truth. Without intense practice, even smart spellcasters generally cannot integrate knowledge and understand where they are not deep enough.

So after experiencing such a dangerous "first battle", if the combatant can survive, then his magic control ability and magic manipulation ability after the first battlefield baptism will almost certainly get a huge improvement. The understanding of knowledge can usually be further deepened in practice, and even get one's own understanding.

Although not everyone can be upgraded because of this, but for a legendary mage like punk who has excellent talents, flexible thinking and good at analogy, it is not surprising to increase a spellcasting level.

Punk is now a legendary caster of the twenty-third level.

Although unless one crosses the realm, an increase in the caster level will not increase the caster's combat effectiveness too much, but the increase in magic control and magical ability can still help the master to study some more complex legendary spells.

For example, now... the legendary mage intends to try to learn a more complex spell. This is also the legendary-level spell that can be used at the ordinary legendary level and has the strongest ability in limiting support among all the spells known to punk. Although the law involved is not one of the three laws of punk major or minor!

The reason punk made this decision is that after a battle with Amoda-Yamclaw, the reflective spellcaster suddenly found that his previous learning of spells seemed a bit too biased towards "attack" and "defense". "Two aspects.

The Law of Destruction is indeed very tyrannical in terms of attack, but being too obsessed with increasing attack power will cause the embarrassment of being unable to perform flexible operations in battle.

Reflecting on it now, punk finds that his battle seems to have made a typical "imitative" error.

He has always been earnestly learning from the battle experience of the Great Austrian Master Vedraxia, but you must know that in the later period of the Netheril era, the Great Austrian Division actually rarely set foot on the battlefield alone, and that happened frequently. In fact, there is a big difference between the "war" participated by dozens of great Austrian teachers and legendary golems and the "single fight" that punk is facing In the "war", the powerful The caster can usually define himself as a "turret" with layers of magical protection, because what is most needed for such a large-scale chaos is to provide a terrifying lethality output under the premise of self-protection.

But in the case of independent fighting, the simple "superimposed defense, release attack" template seems a bit rigid and rigid, and the enemy is also easier to figure out their own fighting rules. If the opponent is not as strong as himself, there is nothing, but if you encounter To those enemies who are stronger than oneself...This kind of stiffness and inflexibility can become very deadly.

In the battle between punk and the legendary red dragon, he had to "replace wounds for wounds" repeatedly in the face of Amoda's "melting claws" attacks.

Therefore, since the spellcaster has discovered this problem, what he needs most now is to quickly make up for this obvious shortcoming, and it is best for his spells to form a perfect mutual cooperation and mutual reinforcement in battle.

And mastering a very powerful auxiliary spell is a good choice for revitalizing spells.
