Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 673: Time imprisoned

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Perhaps for many people, staying in a laboratory for more than ten years without sleep to study a spell that is tens of thousands of times more complex than calculus is extremely boring, especially in the last year or two. , Being in a small "spell practice field" and constantly releasing a spell, and even superimposing a variety of negative states on oneself before casting it, it is extremely monotonous to practice a spell into "instinct" in the end.

But for punk... Such peaceful research is the best time!

Seeing the brilliant light and shadow of magic blooming in front of my eyes, feeling the powerful magic power flowing in my soul, I constructed a spell model called a work of art from scratch, and finally let a magical magic show in reality... ………

How can such a thing be boring? The sense of accomplishment that is getting stronger every day is the biggest motivation for the study of spells. The more proficient spells released are the final rewards for the wizard. From the perspective of punk, compared to the wonderful magical magic, it is compared to the constant change. Strong joy, the so-called food, beauties, and fun are simply a bunch of extremely boring things. If you don’t study it with such a wonderful magic, you don’t study it with a lot of knowledge that you haven’t understood thoroughly, and you choose "eat, drink and play" instead It is a painful torture.

Perhaps the great austrians of the Netheril era were able to build such a splendid civilization because of such a love of magic and an obsession with knowledge.

Now, as a true inheritor of the Netheril spirit, punk can also be regarded as a perfect inheritance of this somewhat extreme but very consistent with the value of the mage-study and study, research and study! There are too many magics waiting for punk to learn in the memory of Great Oman Vedrasha, and there are too many mysterious knowledge waiting for him to study...

Facts have proved that if a "super schoolmaster" decides to study something, no matter how complicated the thing is, it is only a matter of time to study it.

For example, the spell "Time Imprisonment", as a spell involving the law of time, is naturally very difficult. There were also many difficulties in learning when Vedrasha was about to reach level 30.

But such a difficulty is not difficult to punk. After all, in a sense, the "Whisper of Destruction" that can learn a legendary spell in the twenty-second level is enough to be called the most prosperous period of the Netheril era. Known as "genius", and unlike Vedracia's kind of genius who relies on luck, punk is a "true" genius!

After seven years of serious study, punk mastered the spell of "time imprisonment" and then it took another four years for punk to practice it to the level of "proficient mastery".

And today, the genius mage has finally completed the "time confinement" study!

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Time Imprisonment"!


Accompanied by a sound like a block of ice instantly freezing, a piece of colored light and shadow equivalent to the size of a shield appeared in front of the caster in the spell laboratory. This light and shadow is the time in an area that has been stripped away after the multiverse time point. "Afterimages", the current "Time Imprisonment" coverage area has been compressed to an area the size of a shield by punk.

In a state with a small coverage area, the time that is imprisoned will have a longer "pause state", and at the same time will have a not weak increase in strength.

Of course, punk can also adjust the scope of the "time imprisonment". For the legendary wizard, it is not difficult to expand the imprisoned area to the extent that it covers a city, but in that case, the imprisoned part of the "law of time" It will become more fragile and the duration will be reduced.

"If the duration of "Time Imprisonment" is long enough for me to release three legendary spells in a row while maintaining the minimum coverage area, I should be able to use "Time Imprisonment" before mastering the legendary technique of "Multiple Casting" To unexpected high-density attacks."

Perceiving the imprisoned time, Punk silently affirmed his thoughts.

"Legendary Conjuration Spell-Destroy the Rift" x3!

The caster did not hesitate to aim at the area of ​​"time imprisoned" and released three "destruction rifts" one after another. If these three "destruction rifts" are simply released one by one, then they are just three in a series. The legendary spell only.

However, with the cooperation of "Time Imprisonment", the attack effect of the spell is quite different.

I saw the three “destroy rifts” traveling faster than the speed of light instantly squeezed into the new point in time created by “time imprisonment”. After entering the colorful afterimage, these three legendary spells were like The world has disappeared and lost its trace. This is because there will be no reflection of light in the imprisoned time, and even the magic waves of the three "destructive fissures" are all lost at the moment they enter the "time imprisoned" area. frozen.

Of course, for that piece of imprisoned time, this is equivalent to being attacked by three legendary spells one after another. In order to keep the three violent "destruction rifts" in one's body, the "time imprisonment" starts to consume faster The magic power in the spell model, the overall structure also began to become shaky.

Finally, with a soft "click", the time that was imprisoned was shattered.

The three "destruction rifts" flew out of their cage at the same time, and then continued to fly forward.

It's just that at this time, these three "destruction rifts" are no longer one after the other, but are advancing side by side at super high speed!

"Sure enough, this tactic is feasible"!

Seeing the three legendary spell attacks fired at the same time as a shotgun, Punk nodded with satisfaction.

Don’t underestimate such a high-density attack. If these three “destruction rifts” that arrive at the same time can make the enemy too late to escape and get caught up for a while, then it might be better than one by one. Throwing out hundreds of legendary spells that miss the target is more effective.

"In this way... the study of "Time Imprisonment" is declared complete, so the next research topic is... eh?

Very naturally, punk began to select the next research topic after announcing the completion of a knowledge study.

Once a study is completed, immediately start the next study non-stop-for the caster, this is a natural thing, as for going out in the "class", "turn around and play", it is not the option of the wizard. Inside, how can the study of magic be interrupted?

But this time, just as Punk was about to turn around and go back to the laboratory, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because... in the caster's storage ring, a somewhat unexpected thing suddenly sent a signal to punk, and the signal from this thing would attract punk's attention no matter when and where it was 200%!

That is a signal belonging to the "Silencers Alliance" magic chip.