Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 674: Early meeting

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Light and shadow, hazy, illusion

This is an empty square made up of nine-colored aurora, dotted with colorful starry sky, and composed of white to flawless "dark white jade" on the floor. There are no buildings and no seats in the sight, monotonous. In the square, only the dim faint light swept across the ground, and only about a dozen figures standing on the square made the empty space somewhat depressed.

And the punk at this time is also one of these lights and shadows standing in the open area.

To be precise, his projection is standing here, and each of the blurry lights and shadows present is the projection of a legendary professional, but because this square releases a mysterious wave that can interfere with the prophecy at any time. Moreover, every projection almost shields all the information that may cause intelligence leakage, so all the lights and shadows seem to be only slightly different in appearance. In addition, any light and shadow present may not be able to detect the truth of other lights and shadows. strength.

However, the light and shadow of punk is a little different from other lights and shadows, because after entering this peculiar square, a small light yellow arrow appeared directly above the caster’s head.

If nothing happens, the arrow should represent the meaning of "newcomer".

"Perhaps it is to allow all members to easily identify and remember the newly added members."

Punk shook his head, and the light yellow "small arrow" also shook with the caster's head.

This speculation is reasonable. After all, in this square, the characteristics of every light and shadow are not much different. Those projections that mostly stand alone in a corner should also rarely communicate with each other, and cannot be effective in all perception methods. Under the circumstances, if there is no "arrow" as identification, the former members may not even be able to identify the newcomers.

"But such an arrow is really ugly, I am not a mission nc"

Helplessly waving his hand on the top of his head, punk couldn't help feeling dissatisfied in his heart as he watched his projected fingers pass through the image of the arrow that was also in a blurred state.

The appearance of this "venue" is really quite different from what punk had expected before, and the appearance of him coming to the meeting was also different from what he imagined.

"It seems that I arrived a bit early, and it is estimated that the meeting will not start until a short while later."

Looking around, punk thought silently about the scattered "light and shadow".

At the same time, in this leisure time, his thoughts have also fallen into a cautious thinking and memory.

The place where the punk projection arrives at this time is naturally the temporary meeting place of the Silent Alliance. The reason why it is called a "temporary meeting place" is because every "meeting" of the Silent Alliance will be held in a completely unknown but completely different place. Only through the magic chip can a projection that does not have any spellcasting ability and has a very low energy level enter the venue.

And punk used the projection to come to the meeting place after receiving the communication from the magic chip.

That's right, the meeting of the Silent Alliance was held, but it was not held four thousand years after the "chairman" told punk before, but more than three thousand years earlier.

This means that more than a thousand years after the meeting between punk and the "chairman", the meeting of the Silent Alliance started ahead of schedule.

As for the explanation of the meeting held in advance, this is written on the magic chip of the Silent Alliance.

"Hello, silent ones, now I am issuing this announcement in the name of the third "chairman" of the Silent Alliance.

Due to some unexpected "emergency events" and the emergence of a relatively unexpected intelligence, after careful consideration, I personally think that the way the Silent Alliance operates may need to be changed to a certain extent as soon as possible. At the same time, some special information and special things collected after the last meeting also need to be shared with you, so I decided to convene this memory in advance to discuss the future development direction of the "Silent Alliance" with all the silent ones.

Therefore, the next meeting will be held on time 800 years after the release of this information. I hope all the "silent ones" can come to the meeting to participate in the discussion. "

This is an "announcement" issued by the "chairman" personally, but due to the "single-line contact" feature of the Silent Alliance, all member contacts must go through the "chairman" as a secondary school, and it seems that there is only the "chairman" Only then can an announcement be made to all members.

In this announcement, punk keenly discovered some different key words.

What "unexpected incident" is definitely unknown, and what happened to the Silent League "after the last meeting seems to have nothing to do with the punk that has not yet determined whether to join the Silent League.

But for the phrase "unexpected intelligence", the caster had a surprising and very reasonable guess.

Could the "unexpected information" implicitly stated by "chairman" at this time refer to the "warning of the filthy bird" I told him before?

After thinking about it seriously, punk felt that this possibility was not small at all.

In terms of time, just a few hundred years ago, the caster who had just been promoted to the Legend told the guildmaster that the "Foul Bird" wanted to convey the message to the "Silent Alliance", and used a legendary powerhouse at the shining sun level. Hundreds of years’ time is enough for him to investigate certain things and make certain determinations.

Therefore, this meeting of the Silent League is likely to be affected by the message conveyed by punk.

At the same time, the filthy bird once said that this information must be passed to the "chairman" within 10,000 years to be valuable, but knowing the information will definitely not change anything. Use the information to act and do something. Change is the key. The filthy bird should also mean asking the "chairman" to make some different plans based on information within 10,000 years.

It’s just that the transmission of information was not smooth and timely. To be on the safe side, punk who learned the legendary spells before transmitting the information delayed for a long when the president received the message. Obviously there is not much time left for him to act. At least after four thousand years, there will be no time for a meeting to discuss

"It's because of this that this meeting called "To change the way the Silent Alliance acts" was suddenly convened so much in advance?"

Walking calmly towards the center of the square, Punk continued to think while looking down at the white floor under the projection.

"I just don't know if the so-called "discussion" of this meeting is really brainstorming and respecting the opinions of the members, or whether the chairman has already made a decision, and then the meeting is just a cutscene to inform the members by the way."

Muttering to himself quietly, the caster did not immediately reach a conclusion.

He didn't have enough contact with the president, and he didn't know enough about this mysterious "Union of Silents."

But even so, punk will definitely not miss this meeting. Although it is impossible to contact such a mysterious legendary organization that is almost unknown without taking risks, this is the fact that punk is currently able to establish communication with other legendary powerhouses and gain a long river of fate. The only opportunity for intelligence.