Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 675: acquaintance

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In the eyes of punk, the Silent League should be called a large-scale legendary organization, and its strength may not be worse than that of the prestigious Mage Union.

So far, the meeting seems to be about to begin. There are at least 20 legendary professionals standing in the square to participate in the meeting, but because the entire square has been filled with a glowing mist, it’s a little farther away. The projection is a bit unclear, and the projection used by Punk at this time does not have any perception other than vision, so he has no way to know how many people in the Silent League are present.

Although there are a lot of projections, punk has not discovered the existence of many newcomers. Except for himself, punk only saw a tall projection head with a light yellow arrow on his head when he was walking. Of course this It may also be simply because of being covered by fog, and some projection punks have not seen it............

But at least for now, the only new people punk has discovered are himself and the big guy.

"This is really interesting. Did that guy Kane fail the promotion? Otherwise, it's hard to imagine that the lunatic would abide by the rules of the long river of fate and not receive the invitation from the Silent Alliance."

While thinking silently, punk continued to "walk" indifferently in the square. In fact, thinking about it carefully, if Kane really had already failed the promotion and declared his fall, punk would not feel strange at all, although the knight There seems to be a lot of secrets in him, but punk doesn’t think anyone in the entire multiverse can increase the success rate of promotion to the legend to more than 90%. Even punk’s success rate when he is promoted to the legend is barely up to%. It's only ninety, and a bad luck might be over on the spot, and the guy Kane...seems to have bad luck.

"Good people don't live long, and the scourge stays for thousands of years. Does this sentence really make sense"?

He joked happily in his heart. Punk also calmly stopped on the edge of the square. He has been walking around for a while, and now it seems that several projections have clearly noticed that he is wearing a yellow Arrow is roaming newcomers everywhere, and punk has also successfully collected a lot of information including the approximate number of Silent Alliance, the enthusiasm of Silent members, and the number of newcomers. It is too high-profile to continue to wander around.

"It seems that this time there are only two newcomers. The big guy projection uses spell projection rather than mental power projection, so it must not be Kane, so it seems... Kane's scourge is really over"?

Punk was not without surprise thinking, and at the same time he was a little bit secretly emotional-it is a pity that half of the treasure of the God of Red Sands and the broken kingdom of God, maybe those wealth that don't know where Kane is hiding in the star world No one can find it anymore.

But soon... the facts will prove to punk that there are many things in this world that are more dramatic than stories, and... "Good people don’t live long, and scourge lasts for thousands of years." The saying is simply too realistic. !

Just when punk had stopped searching, suddenly, behind his projection, a pair of large hands with a little unstable shape stretched out, and the movements of those hands were like trying to cover the eyes of the caster behind punk.


Since this restricted projection cannot use perception abilities other than vision, and every projection does not have any sound or light fluctuation effects in action, punk did not notice at all even after walking through half a square. Followed by a silent projection.

But when the projection wanted to engage in a prank, punk still showed a quick enough reaction speed, and the image controlled by the caster instantly turned into a group of scattered light spots, until the two hands were empty and scattered. The spot of light regrouped at some distance from the original position.

But when the projection reappeared, Punk had already turned around cautiously. At the same time, he also saw a mental power projection whose height was not much different from his own, with a bright yellow arrow on top of his head.

"Hello~ guess who I am? Haha, just a little joke, don't mind, anyway, you are a broad-minded guy, right...Punk-Sean"!

Just after the punk turned around, the projection that ran behind the caster suddenly attacked almost at the same time conveying a mental power message, and at the same time he was very grandiose and made a gesture of spreading his hands according to the content of his communication.

It’s just that there is no sound in the entire square, and the communication between the two projections uses mental communication to convey information, so this prank projection is now as embarrassing as it is out of thin air...

But in this information and this exaggerated action, punk keenly felt a very familiar sense of sight...

"...Kane Besadas?"

After taking two steps silently, punk asked tentatively.

"Owl Owl, congratulations on your guessing right! It is the uncle Kane standing in front of you! How is it, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Sure enough, after punk's questioning, the projection on the opposite side immediately passed a signature mantra, and he also made a signature shrug of that mad knight.

Judging from this information, this projection is definitely Kane.

It’s just that Kane’s appearance seems to have a lot of complaints at this time... Facing the caster's vigilant this guy said to punk carelessly:

"By the way, Xian, you too~ like to wander around! Don't you know? Every projection on this square can only move at the same speed, and if the distance is a little farther apart, you can’t use mental power to communicate. Now, you guys keep walking around and I can't catch up... God knows I followed you around half a square."!

While talking, the knight's action seemed to be habitually wanting to pick up his spear, but because his projection obviously would not project the spear together, he touched an empty hand and could only put it down in embarrassment.

The longer you live, the easier it is to fix your behavior. Kane is a good example. Even if he is promoted to Legend, this guy's character is still inconsistent and likes to do things as always.

But compared to Kane's shopping with him all the way for a long time, what Punk wanted to know was... how did this guy recognize himself through a vague projection.

You know, the caster's projection does not have any characteristics of his own body, and there is only a yellow arrow on the top of the projection. The arrow does not mark the identity of the punk together...