Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 677: conversation

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It turns out that punk’s guess was not bad at all. After he turned around without hesitation to leave, Kane finally stopped talking a bunch of meaningless nonsense. He immediately took advantage of the punk projection to leave the spirit. The range of Force Communication quickly spreads:

"Okay, okay, I don’t have to say that you guys guessed it, right? That’s right! This uncle really wants to work with you~ this is a very wonderful adventure, I bet, You will not refuse."

Kane's tone is as confident as ever, and what he said can indeed arouse punk interest.

For example, Kane now makes punk stop by claiming that "you will definitely be interested".

Although Punk and Kane are not friends, they are "acquaintances" who have known each other at the apprentice level. They have experienced several adventures along the way to the promotion. Now since Kane firmly believes that he will feel it. Interest, then punk would not think that this usually unreliable knight who never joked about important things would talk nonsense.

In other words... Kane's "adventure" may indeed interest me.

As a result, Punk raised his brow slightly and did not continue to leave. He slowly turned around, then looked at Kane meaningfully and slowly said:

"... It looks like you have found some unusual adventures again? By the way, Kane... Don't you think you can always find one "big adventure" out of nothing, is something wrong? Reality is not a novel, as a person alone As a professional, it’s unlikely that you will encounter any ruins casually, but Kane... your "surprise" adventures seem a bit too much, don't they?"

Punk’s questioning is very rude, and compared to Kane’s next "big adventure", punk is actually more concerned about the secrets of Kane, the legendary knight’s own existence.

After all, logically speaking, Kane-Bissadas’ entire adventure is abnormally excessive. Let’s take a look at the actions that punk and this giggling knight have participated in so far, especially those that have a decisive influence on the promotion of the legend. The journey to the "Treasure of the Red Sands"-that adventure was the result of Kane's approach to punk for cooperation.

But in fact, punk has always felt very strange-Kane’s identity is logically a wandering knight with a lone ranger style, even this guy did not join a legendary organization at the master level like punk, but... that’s it How can a knight who can only wander aimlessly looking for opportunities in theory encounter the so-called "big opportunities, big adventures" again and again, not to mention the "searching for the wealth of the God of Red Sands" is still about this The secrets of the ancient gods who should be extremely hidden!

As for what Kane explained at the time, "found a ruin, found a clue to the God of Red Sand, and then found the first son of God", this obviously deceitful punk talk could not believe a word.

You know, adventure is definitely not something that can be found by just going out and wandering around. If you want to take an adventure, you must at least find opportunities that are worth the risk, but such opportunities must be very rare.

But look at Kane’s promotion path-his adventure opportunities are so many that he is about to rot. Even now that he has reached the legendary stage, this guy can still find various adventure opportunities one by one...

In this regard, punk just wanted to say-aren't you the protagonist of a novel? People sit at home and trouble the sky? Your various big adventures are endless. If there are no ghosts, it will be a hell!

Of course, punk has not forgotten to think of the inexplicable question raised by Kane thousands of years ago in the final stage when the treasure of the God of Red Sand is about to be found-"There is a remnant in the Eye of Dorothy. Constructed empire, the ruler of that constructed empire-is the queen of constructs "Keta Roland" an intelligent creature?"

Combined with Kane's experience of being more "legendary" than the caster himself, his question is worth pondering.

Facing the punk's meaningful stare, Kane did not give a clear answer. The knight with no change in expression just shrugged nonchalantly, and then replied plainly and concisely:

"Well~ who knows what's going on? Everyone has all kinds of secrets, right? Punk, your knowledge and spells are always that~ Isn’t it strange to be rich? Tsk tsk, these questions are not important , An important and vigorous big~adventure!"

Kane obviously doesn’t care about punk’s doubts, and he doesn’t care whether his adventures are "normal" enough. After all, everyone is now an out-and-out legendary professional, and there are some things that do not need to be done even if they are doubtful. Explain that even though punk has clearly seen something, Kane can still maintain a mysterious atmosphere.

"The meeting is about to begin. This is not a place for detailed discussion. I will send you the position coordinates of a Faerun plane. Let's use projection to talk about the details in private."

After finishing the last sentence, before the cautious caster asked any questions again, the vigorous knight hurriedly gave punk a copy of the coordinates.

Of course, this is also because the meeting of the Silent Alliance is indeed about to begin. Whether it is punk or Kane, it is obvious that the projection that represents the "chairman" has appeared in the center of the square.

"Precision spell space coordinates? When will you measure this kind of thing"?

After reviewing the exquisite spatial coordinates sent by Kane, Punk glanced strangely at the back of the opposite knight.

"It was not measured by me, and my uncle would like to say that this time the adventure was found by the smiling guy, and this uncle was also dragged into the group...Wow, wow, anyway, we will keep the messy things in private. Let's talk, it is estimated that the "chairman" may introduce new people before the meeting, when the two projections with "yellow hats" standing together will be too conspicuous"...

It seems that punk’s speculation this time does not fully conform to the facts. There seem to be some unexpected places in this But now the "chairman" has used a technique similar to "flash". Appeared on the podium in the center of the square. Due to time, Kane couldn’t answer more. So after leaving a "private meeting" to punk, he obviously didn’t want to attract attention. The knight quickly turned around and left.

"Interesting, so interesting"!

Looking at the knights who have re-entered the scattered projection group, the expression of punk became a bit interesting.

The content of information in Kane’s words is still very large, and the caster did not expect that the cooperation and negotiation brought by the knight this time is actually related to the "smile" that has become the new "God of Red Sand". ...

"Forget it, let's pay attention to this meeting of the Silent Alliance first."

Silently accepted the spatial coordinates, Punk temporarily put this matter behind his head.

The silent meeting has already started, and every word the "chairman" said is important. As for the so-called "adventure"... just wait until the meeting is over before thinking about it.