Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 679: problem

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"Before officially opening the topic, we have to confirm a fact again"

As if telling an old legend, the "guild leader" uttered what he was going to say in a calm and implicitly emotional tone, but what he was about to tell was not the so-called "story", but a real existence. True history

"I am now the third president of the Silent Alliance, and the current Silent Alliance is strictly speaking the third generation of the Silent Alliance.

Just as for many newcomers, the "chairman" explained the background of this "true legend" concisely and without blindness.

"The most prosperous Alliance of the Silents was the previous generation and the second generation of the Alliance of Silents. At that time, we had hundreds of legendary professionals as members, and even "build a legendary civilization comparable to Netheril". Dare to ridicule

But now, we are the third generation of silent people and the weakest generation of silent people. Apart from the few "surviving little ghosts" like me, there are only a few newly joined and like-minded newcomers. "

Speaking of this, the "guild leader"'s mental power fluctuation also contained a trace of obvious depression and loneliness.

From his words, punk was also surprised to learn that the Silent Alliance had hundreds of legendary professionals in its heyday. Although "building a legendary civilization comparable to Netheril" is still a sentence It's ridiculous, but in the current multiverse, a legendary organization with hundreds of legendary powerhouses is definitely ranked first, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a "super legendary organization".

Even if there are only more than 30 people left in the Silent Alliance, it is accurate to say that there are 36 members including punk himself and the "chairman" who came to this meeting, but this number is not inferior. The reputable wizard guild or Santarin guild.

It can also be seen from this that in this era where the Netheril civilization has been destroyed for a long time, how powerful and even unsurpassable the "Silent Alliance", which once had hundreds of legendary powerhouses, was in the multiverse now. There are a few legendary organizations that can be called "powerful" and they can't be compared with the "silencers" of the year.

However, the facts also cruelly proved a truth that in the context of the "long river of fate", a large number of people may not be a good thing.

After all, this era is the era of "the long river of destiny", and the power of the Silent Alliance can only be used as a meteor after all, although it once cut through the night and then bloomed from the sky.

But that's it.

After that, the shining star quickly disappeared into the depths of the dark night, and disappeared in a flash.

"The legendary organization with hundreds of legendary powerhouses coexisting is too bloated, too arrogant, and too conspicuous"

Looking at the somewhat lonely president, punk muttered to himself with emotion.

It is not difficult to guess the reason for the demise of the second generation of Silents, and for this embarrassing history, punk can only sigh with helplessly shaking his head like many legendary powerhouses present.

After all, in a sense, the destruction of the second generation of the Silent Alliance can be said to be an "inevitability" or a "general trend". Under the shadow of the "long river of destiny", a strong enough to have hundreds of legends. A legendary organization that co-exists may have everything, but alone cannot have a place where it can continue to exist.

As this heavy history was once again naked in front of everyone, the atmosphere of the venue fell into a trough for a while, and in this quiet atmosphere of exclamation, the "chairman" was continuing his gentle speech.

"For a long time, the purpose of the Silent Alliance has always been to fight the seemingly invincible "Sword of Damos". After trial and error of "It" again and again, we finally got a lot of information." The precious information of destiny. For example, the "interference mechanism transfer mode" that everyone present has exchanged is one of the most important discoveries. It was also because of the flexible use of the "interference mechanism transfer mode" that the silent ones were almost Ushered in a subversive and brilliant development.

But later, "it" proved to us that the price we paid was much heavier than the wealth we got. "

Speaking of this, the president's words can't help but add a sigh and a lot of meaning, and his tone has become much deeper.

"The temptation for "it" finally attracted more attention from "it", and the most intuitive result was that in the last "Tide of Destiny", the Silent Alliance almost ushered in a more subversive destruction. Although other legendary organizations have also been hit hard to ignore, I am afraid that in the entire superfluous universe, only our Silent Alliance has lost hundreds of legendary powerhouses at once.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that I, a "little devil" who has no leadership ability, was appointed to become the third president in the face of danger, and the Alliance of Silents can no longer dominate the multiverse. Even now, we have become One of the so-called "first-class legendary organizations"

When the words fell, the "guild leader" on the stage shook his head with mockery.

It can be seen that for many people, such a first-class legendary organization such as the Mage Union or the Santarin Club is an incredible behemoth, but for the silent people who have experienced more prosperous brilliance and have more powerful power In terms of "reducing" to the so-called first-class legendary organization, it is really a helpless thing. Even for such helplessness, the projections of several legendary powerhouses who have experienced the "second generation of the Silent League" will meet. It is not without self-deprecating mental power fluctuations that express emotion.

This is the helplessness of the times. For the legendary powerhouse who can theoretically live forever, such helplessness is even more unforgettable.

However, the feeling for this period of history is obviously not the theme of the meeting held by the "chairman". After talking about this heavy history, the chairman continued to say in a lonely atmosphere.

"I recounted this history that we don't want to mention again, not for the new members who have not experienced the second generation of the Silent League to understand those old things that have been dying in ~Not to make old friends fall into meaningless sorrows. I just want to use this cruel fact that cannot be ignored, and then put forward three serious things after the status quo of the alliance is so clear before everyone. There are three issues that we need to face, but have been deliberately ignored."

Having said this, the "guild leader"'s gaze slowly swept across each projection, and the "slow tone of seriousness" returned to his mental power information again.

Obviously, the next three "questions" of the "chairman" are the key to this meeting.

"First, we continue to stick to a "interference mechanism transfer mode" that is not yet sure whether it is a trap, as we do now, and then stop and sit back and forth, is it really possible to fight against the existence of "it".

Second, in the face of the almost provocative attacks of those ridiculous gods and even other legendary organizations, is it really necessary for us to continue to "avoid unnecessary internal friction" as an excuse to compromise and retreat?

Third, facing the next tide of fate that is coming, you still choose to "get into a certain corner of the multiverse, and then bury yourself hoping to stay out of it, like the first and second generations of silent people." Does it make sense?