Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 680: Decide

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The tone of the "chairman" question is still plain, and it sounds as simple as asking "what's the weather tomorrow", but the content of these questions is sharper than one, and one is more scary.

Perhaps since a long time ago, many people in the Silent Alliance have discovered something different, and even the abnormally excessively cautious and cautious nature of the Silents now can be easily seen by new members like punk. .

It’s just that everyone chooses to ignore these issues. At its root, the Silent Alliance is not a legendary organization with a clear hierarchy and extremely strict system like the Chantalin Society. It is an "alliance", starting from the word "alliance". It can be known that all members of the Silent are nothing more than alliances, and no one is his subordinate, and no one is obliged to give the so-called "companion" any useful or unhelpful help.

This is a meeting of more than 30 "great legends", not the royal court where the king gave orders to his subjects. Everyone present is a legendary powerhouse with independent decision-making power, and even newcomers like punk have not officially decided to join. "The Silent League" this mysterious and legendary organization.

Therefore, maybe the three questions raised by the president are actually very clear to everyone present, but a group of legendary professionals have kept silent and calm for tens of thousands of years.

Even now, the gentle but extremely serious president has exposed these three issues nakedly, the projections of the thirty-five legendary professionals have not shown any unusual emotional fluctuations, including punk. All the projectors just continued to silently stare at the "President

This kind of awkward and somewhat helpless atmosphere of silence is inevitable. No one will easily express their attitude until the risks and benefits are clear.

After all, even if the legendary powerhouses present have joined the Silent Alliance and become a member of the Silent, this does not mean that all the legendary professionals here are really like-minded friends as they seem on the surface.

In fact, punk can be sure that among the members of the Silent Alliance, at least two-thirds of the people are using their own precision calculations in their hearts, just like themselves, holding a wait-and-see attitude and do not express opinions There are no less legends. This is enough to see from the fact that most of the projections chose to distance themselves from each other the moment they entered the venue.

And now facing the question of the "chairman", all the projections still remain silent and indifferent is the best proof.

It just seems that the "chairman"'s speech has just begun. His next "amazing words" may be more subversive than exposing a few tacit and troublesome issues, even if there is no obvious response. The "chairman" who has long been accustomed to the conference style of the Silent Alliance will not stop speaking.

Sure enough, after a short pause and silently looking around the off-stage projectors, the gray-black image of the "chairman" seemed to be slightly shaken, and at the same time, he was as smooth as ever. , But it seemed to carry a trace of helpless spiritual power information once again like a ripple in the venue.

"For this familiar silence, I am not surprised. After all, in every meeting, everyone present can always carry through the verb "silence". Of course, you are not obligated to answer my questions, but I But I feel it is necessary for me to publish the answers I understand"

The projection on the podium continued to narrate solemnly. Although so far, the "chairman" still seems to be asking and answering himself, his words have already caused all the legendary powerhouses to pay attention.

"Maybe no one wants to admit it, but I have to tell everyone, yes we are afraid. This is the reason for the three problems. The fundamental reason is that we are afraid.

Give up the boring excuses, throw away the useless fig leaf, admit it, it is because of fear that we stand still, we are in a dilemma, we are self-defeating. We were frightened by the fall of hundreds of legendary professionals. "Tide of Destiny" imprinted that horror into the soul, the truth is so simple, isn't it right"

The president has not shy away from repeating the existence of "fear" again and again, putting the core of all problems before everyone without shying away.

And in the deadly meeting place, the gray projection on the podium also unknowingly raised a lot of height again, and even the solemn gray-black light shone even more.

"We have been standing still for a long, long time. Who else in the room has explored the secret of "it" after the last "Tide of Destiny". No, not even me. We have always been deceiving ourselves by "waiting for the opportunity". As an excuse, then we don’t want to move on with something like the "interference mechanism transfer mode."

"In addition to stagnating in the fight against "it", we also gave up many of the interests that should have been pursued, and let the gods and other legendary organizations take the interests that should belong to us. Of course, we have a It’s a good reason that "destiny" is our common enemy, and other legendary organizations may also be allies."

Speaking of this, there is obviously a slight ridicule in the "guild leader"'s mental power, and there is no euphemism in his words.

"But in fact, this is because we are afraid, right? Neither the wizard’s union nor the gods will try to test the bottom line of "fate" from time to time like our group of "lunatics", let alone use the "interference mechanism to transfer mode" "We are trying our best to take advantage of the loopholes, so we are afraid that they will get the green light of "fate."

While talking, the gray-black projection slowly fell in the air, and his tone quickly recovered the meaningful feeling.

"As for everyone's hiding, this is not to mention. Who doesn't want to stay out of the tide of fate, who is not afraid of being involved in a bottomless vortex and then falling out inexplicably, we have already chosen to keep a low profile~www. or low-key has already chosen us"


Suddenly, the "guild leader"'s words suddenly changed, and the weight and seriousness once again replaced the sighs and helplessness in the words in a flash. Maybe the "chairman" in the last second was just a "story telling" "People", but at this moment, the "chairman" who is full of mental power is like a responsible doctor telling the patient the condition.

Serious, sensible, sincere and well-documented.

I saw him speak quietly with a profound mental power fluctuation immediately after the end of the previous sentence

"Maybe our Silent Alliance has already fallen into the "low-key" quagmire, and our "low-key" or "cowardly" has indeed lasted for such a long time. It has been long enough to become one of the habits of all of us. But in Today, I still decided to deny this deformed behavior style. Maybe it was because I had accumulated a little confidence in the long time of cultivation and vitality. Maybe it was because something happened reminded me of this president. Anyway, I insist on it now. I think it’s time for the Silent Alliance to make a change, and this change cannot be delayed

Because the next tide of fate is approaching."