Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 689: Language and suggestion

Punk is certainly not a "mage with nothing to do". If his experience since he was promoted to the legend is not exciting enough, then in the multiverse, it is unknown how many legendary professionals will become a joke. You must know that with the current promotion speed of the spellcaster, even In the most prosperous Netheril era, it is also in the ranks of geniuses, and punk does not have the massive resources that the newly promoted legendary powerhouses in the Netheril era can get.

Although the current legendary mage used this to mock the fact that Kane is one level lower than himself, what really annoys him is not the contrast of the level difference, but emphasizes that Kane has been chasing behind him and cannot surpass it. The point that makes the tangled knight even more unhappy.

After hearing the punk ridicule, Kane’s eyes flashed with anger. In a way, the idea of ​​"better than punk" was about to become the obsession of the unfortunate knight, although the gap between the first level It wasn't a big deal at all, but this goal was to hang in front of him and couldn't catch up at all. This really made Kane very upset.

However, the crazy knight who can always bring himself a smiley face is not going to turn his face because of such a bit of ridicule and punk, so although his hair was trembling, Kane also hit a haha ​​to expose this let A topic that is uncomfortable and cannot be refuted.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it’s a bit faster to upgrade in the legendary stage at this time. If it goes well, you will get a few levels in ten thousand years. If you don’t go well, you will get one level in tens of thousands of years. The real level is to advance to Morningstar. The previous level is just one point. It's just a small matter, but we should really expect a "smiling" face. After that guy comes over, she will definitely be more surprised than I am...".


Before seeing punk, his proudest level was described by him as "a trivial thing". Kane's mood was obviously not as good as it seemed on the surface, so he walked quickly to an art in the middle of the hall. At the exhibition booth, he kicked the scarred mermaid girl.

   Accompanied by a crisp sound of broken bones and an insignificant cry of grief, the poor little mermaid directly slammed into a golden pillar next to it.

   "It's really unlucky.........carry it out"!

Kane gave orders to the succubus without even looking behind him, until the feeble succubus held the dead mermaid girl and walked out the door, Kane carefully took a golden vertebral model from the central booth. Move up.

   In fact, he was also clearing irrelevant "things" out of this hall, because in the booth in front of the knight, along with the evacuation of the concealed items, a cumbersome and complicated magic circle had slowly emerged.

  Punk can recognize that it is a legendary communication circle, and Kane must be establishing communication with Smile now.

   But... the existence of this circle in Kane’s golden palace is too abrupt. At least Punk doesn’t think that Kane has the ability to get a legendary circle by himself, so he simply asked the knight:

   "Legendary Enchantment Spells-Secret Contact? Where did you get the spells? Kane, I thought your so-called contact was directly using mental power to speak out."

   "Hey! Why do I feel like you are describing a monkey yelling and screaming? My uncle can get some good things with his luck!"

   Kane immediately refuted punk’s suspicion, and at the same time he explained it with a "naturally" expression.

"Where did this magic circle come from.........heh, yes, it was picked up! Who knows why the God of Red Sands put a spell scroll in the box, I naturally used it when I found out Myself".

   is another piece of "Kane" style nonchalant nonsense, punk feels embarrassed listening to it next to him.

   Regarding the explanation given by the knight, the caster would not believe a word, "picked up" it from the chest of the Red Sand God? What can be missing for opening a box? Not to mention that even if Kane could really "open" a legendary magic scroll from the box, how could a knight who didn't know the ancient Byronic recognize the effect of the magic in the scroll?

So Kane’s lie is really getting more and more perfunctory, and punk feels that he needs to follow up. A lie always needs more lies to cover up. Through Kane’s lie, punk is confident to guess some secrets of the knight in front of him. .

   So Punk continued to ask nonchalantly:

"Kane, your luck seems to be more magical than I thought. It's nothing to be able to find the scroll from the chest of the God of Red Sands. The coordinates of this rich material plane will not also be found in the chest of the God of Red Sands. Right"?

   gazed at Kane with meaningful eyes, the sharp-eyed caster would not let go of any expression on the knight's face.

   But Kane apparently also realized the truth of "talking too much". Even if it is an unwilling lie, it may interfere with the opponent's judgment, but too much talk is more likely to expose himself.

   So in the face of punk’s questioning, the still smiling knight chose not to answer anything. He directly started a trick to change the subject without changing the subject, or to change the subject forcefully.

   Although theoretically, answering "No comment" and then standing still is a strategy without saying a word.

   But so embarrassing, Kane, who likes to chat, doesn't want to stare at punk with big eyes while waiting for the "smile" to arrive.

   For Kane, even "awkward chat" is much better than weird silence

   So, the knight who started to change the subject bluntly said deliberately as if he hadn't heard the question of punk:

"" That guy is now the **** of red sand. As a god, she would pay more or less if she wanted to establish contact with anyone outside the gods in her personal capacity. , So it may take a while to wait for her projection to arrive. Anyway, I’m still idle. Let’s take a look at the artwork I just collected.”

   After finishing speaking, Kane quickly walked to the side of a painting hanging on the wall to "appreciate" regardless of the weird expression punk showed.

   Of course, appreciation of art is purely an excuse, Kane just wants to avoid the question of the "professional" punk...

   He did change the topic to an unrelated artwork

"Lines and paints outline false patterns, and colors and patterns are drawn into exquisite scrolls. Look at this work. It is said that this is a painting depicting a group of worshippers who believe in the "Queen Rose" in the gloomy area. It depicts a scene A beautiful festival full of artistic sense...These thick inks and colors can always give people a great visual impact. Even if it is just a painting that we know is false, we can still feel the graceful style of the beautiful dark elves dancing... Right, Sai'an"?

   commented on this exquisite picture with admiration, Kane said to punk in a deep and meaningful tone.



   First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:  shukeju mobile version reading URL: