Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 690: Get together

The painting that Kane admired at this time was a painting depicting a dark elf festival. This painting not only has a perfect chemical, but also obviously uses a certain magic technique.

On the screen, more than a dozen beautiful dark elves with graceful figures are dancing around the most central altar, looking like another real space unfolded in a scroll.

"I heard that the dark elves like to use the virgin as a sacrifice to please Rose of the Spider, and this painting is also one of the items in a festival. Those priests painted these lines with blood full of magical power. , The strands of bright red bloodshot eyes are still surging in the picture today."

With a very meaningful explanation, Kane’s pupils were also filled with a bright yellow vindictiveness. As the knight’s thoughts flashed, his vision also switched from an ordinary macroscopic state to a microscopic view of each atom. State, now he continues to admire the lines in the picture scroll as if he has no distractions.

As he explained himself, wisps of red energy are really slowly surging among the molecules of the scroll.

But Punk didn't answer Kane's words. Of course, he could hear the hints and metaphors expressed between the lines in the knight word, but the caster also had a better way to answer.

Before Kane switched his vision back to the normal state, the punk, who was leaning on a golden pillar and closed his eyes for a while, suddenly said indifferently without warning:

"That's a fake, Kane Besadas!"

The tone of the caster was like lamenting the sadness of the ignorant.

"The priests of the dark elves do have the habit of painting at the festival, but their paintings will be destroyed along with the sacrifice after the festival is over! Even if one is accidentally spread out, you will definitely not It is the work of Rose’s followers, because the dark elves will only use pure virgin souls to draw the mark representing Rose on the most central altar, and this painting.........every line is just using ordinary magic blood Color it, what did the priests of the dark elves paint it? Blasphemous?"

He glanced mockingly at Kane, who was frozen in front of the picture scroll. After speaking, Punk continued to lean on the pillar and closed his eyes to rest.

Even at the level of the legendary powerhouse, knowledge will only become more precious without any depreciation, and because it is almost impossible for the legendary professionals of this era to have the guidance of a mentor, a lot of knowledge can only be obtained by opportunity Opportunity.

And Kane... Although he obviously possessed some secrets, the secrets of the knight obviously did not give him enough knowledge.

The result of lack of knowledge quickly manifests itself. For example, now, Kane, who has been "appreciating" holding a fake painting for a long time, is extremely embarrassed, even because he actually knows nothing about the dark elves in the gloomy region. Now the knight standing in front of that "fake painting" can't even judge whether the punk analysis is true or made up.

At this time, Kane immediately realized how stupid he was to use "art" as a guise in front of a knowledgeable spellcaster. After all, he also knew that he, who likes to kill and abuse beautiful women, actually didn't understand. What art...

"It's really embarrassing, maybe it's better to stand and not say a word"

This is Kane's current thoughts and his next actual actions. What else can I do if I lose my face? I can only treat it as nothing!

So after two or three seconds in a daze, the gloomy knight kicked the exquisite scroll to pieces without hesitation, and then stared at punk without saying a word.

Finally, in the background of the hall with cracks, broken doors, and damaged picture scrolls, the atmosphere between the caster and the mad knight quieted, even because the punk projection did not require breathing, and Kane deliberately held his breath. , The whole hall is quiet enough to hear the sound of air convection.

This silence continued for more than one minute and thirty seconds, until another projection slowly condensed at the entrance of the hall............


"What the **** are you..."...

I looked at the punk, who closed his eyes and meditation, and looked at Kane, who was staring at punk with a weird look. The "smile" that came to the scene became the most embarrassing person in the hall...

-------split line------

Punk is here to discuss cooperation with the creators of this adventure. This has always been the main purpose of the caster. If Kane didn’t do anything to provoke him, punk wouldn’t have the time to become a legendary professional. As always, the inconspicuous knight was playing tricks.

The current spellcaster just wants to start the adventure as soon as possible, and then get the loot, and finally go back to continue his interrupted research, so when he perceives the projection of the smile, punk knows that it is time to announce the meeting as a hidden leader. The beginning.

However, before this... there is another very important question that has plagued the caster for a long time, and that is...why did Kane contact the "smile" who became the new "God of Red Sand" , Why would "Smile" take some risks and keep in touch with Kane?

Regardless of whether Kane and "Smile" can tell the truth, punk has to ask this question, so after the projection of "smile" is solidified, punk directly said in a deep voice:

"Hello Miss Alice-Saratilla, long time no see! Now that everyone is here, let's talk about this cooperation. First of all, my question is, how did you contact Kane? Why contact Kane"?

Punk’s question seems to be asking why "Smile" should take out his wealth to "share", but in fact he hopes to be able to make a set of words to see if the connection between "Smile" and Kane is this time The cooperation existed before, and contact was established for this cooperation.

"Smile" didn't avoid punk's questions. She was the presenter of this adventure. If you want to count on punk to join this trip, some information needs to be made clear.

Although the information she gave may not be true enough............

"First, don't call me by that You should call your concubine "smile"! Smile is the name of your concubine. Of course, you can also respectfully call your concubine as "the great lady Chisha", Or "His Majesty the Queen"!

Strength brings confidence. The "smile" now is not the little girl who was arbitrarily rounded in the hands of punk and Kane. At this time, the girl is also a **** of weak power, although at the legendary level, The gods of the same level must be inferior to the legendary professionals of the same level, but this does not prevent the "smile" from maintaining the pride of the "legendary level powerhouse".

Therefore, when faced with punk's question, "Smile" was the first to correct the "wrong name" of the caster, and then answered with a very queen-like tone.

"Does the concubine condescend to contact this chattering knight? It's just that when the promotion was completed, the concubine hunted down some "little mice" who were good at hiding. The connection after that was ridiculous. The hip-hop knight took the initiative and asked him any questions. The concubine is not obliged to answer meticulously!" ...


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