Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 703: Beautiful dance

"My Lord, be careful"

"Golanya, get away"!

Fisker’s vindictive spirit slowed down to a great extent due to the weird aura that had begun to form a semi-substantial cage. In this way, the vigilant old priest and the communication priest who stayed next to the saint could react. opportunity.

Without any hesitation, the old priest whose soul exploded immediately rushed to the blade of vindictiveness, and despite his sharp vindictiveness, he shredded most of his body, and the communications priest also stood in front of Golanya who was beside him. , Facing the death blade cut from his head.


Accompanied by a faintly unsearchable moan, the sharp blade of vindictiveness almost brushed against Golanya's hair.

After penetrating the weird breath, penetrating the soul-burning old priest, and the penetrating power of the communication priest who also broke the full potential, Fisk's anger released the fighting energy blade finally changed its trajectory a little, it did not cut off the saint. The woman's neck, but with her blood and broken soul, passed away from Golanya....

The beautiful Lord of Saints has survived temporarily!

However, the price paid to save people under the blow of a master-level professional was... the stronger old priest was dying, and the weaker communications priest died on the spot.

Of course, the arrangement and desperation of the old sacrifices finally worked.

In order to attack, Fisk slowed down a little bit. It was just such a little pause that the strange aura released from the scroll had formed a cage and surrounded him. I saw countless, resentful souls forming inextricably threaded threads. They flew and knit in the air, while wailing and imprisoning a master professional.

When Feske tried to attack again, the sharp blade of fighting spirit could no longer leave the area enveloped by the prison.

"This is... a one-time magical equipment? Damn it!"


Once again, he slashed **** the cage formed by the resentful souls, and the violent grievances raged wildly in the narrow cage, but the tough cage was not affected in any way, and the screaming grieving souls were still slowly surrounding the center. Professionals are spinning.

"Hahahaha, General Fisk, this is the only master-level hole card of our Red Sand Cult. This treasure between the divine magic scroll and the divine equipment needs to collect a large number of souls for thousands of years. It can only be used later, and it is still a one-time consumable... However, as long as you are trapped by it, even if you are a general, you should not escape easily!"

Seeing that Fisk was trapped, half of his head was torn apart by vindictiveness, the old priest laughed madly on the ground. He, an official-level priest, was able to pit a general who was always invincible, even though he had used it. A powerful master divine art, but even this is worthy of pride.

The most important thing is that at this point in time when Fisk was trapped, the old priest's persistent "oracles" can finally continue to be executed-the festival... can finally begin.

Fisk did not try to tear the cage in vain anymore. This one-time magical equipment prison has the ability to absorb attack and strengthen itself, so if there is no means to break the magical circle after being trapped, wait for it honestly. The best choice is to run out of energy by yourself.

Therefore, the general who calmed down was not hacking and roaring in vain, because coming out like that made the dignified master warrior look like a monkey and it was meaningless. After discovering the characteristics of this magical circle, he simply complained directly. Sitting cross-legged in the cage formed by the soul, he stared at the dying old priest and said:

"This general admits that this is a very good hole card. If it is used in a master-level battle...Professionals who are accidentally imprisoned by the circle may have to wait for death with peace of mind.

but! Don't forget, the current Chisha Cult does not have master-level powerhouses. Even if I am imprisoned, can you still hurt me, a master-level warrior, with you official priests? After four or five minutes, I will go out and kill you all. Your saint is just an apprentice-level little guy. She definitely does not want to escape in the encirclement of the Redstone Kingdom"!

After speaking, Fisk stared at the broken old priest and stopped talking.

Since both the old priest and the communications pastor have lost their combat effectiveness, the general who was still anxious just now is no longer worried.

What Fisk worries about is nothing more than the old priest fleeing with the saint. Without the **** of the more combative old priest, Saint Golanya is just a special apprentice-level "little guy." Don't want to break through the encirclement guarded by official-level professionals!

But... Until now, Fisk still hadn't thought that Golanya had never thought of running away.

I just walked from the edge of life and death, and saw the death of two "companions" who accompanied me. The fanatical little girl had no fear or sorrow in her heart. What she had was only a flame that was almost crazy.

It is an honor to be able to give her life to the gods. Now that the old priest and the correspondence pastor have received this honor, how could Golanya be sad for them?

Now, as the "saint" of the Chisha Cult, what Golanya has to do is not to escape from the altar as Fisk had envisioned. She has to complete the final task-to officially open the ceremony enacted by the gods. , And continue to go on............

If you can do it for a while, it will be a while!

"God's will must be carried out. If you can do it, you can't hesitate at all. If you can't, you must do it desperately!"

This is the belief of Golanya and the obsession of all mad believers.

So, Fisk stared in surprise, among the countless screams and screams in the chaotic battlefield, on the altar stained with the blood of the communication priest... It was just a little girl, Golanya calmly. Followed the steps at the beginning of the festival to carry out complex and pious Then, facing the fierce battlefield where the shadows of knives and swords, blood and meat fly all over, the beautiful girl who looks like a butterfly leaping into the fire Started to dance calmly...

It is a dance like a fairy born in a flame. It is a beauty that coexists with beauty and purity. The petite body shows a variety of ancient and exquisite movements. The bright yellow and red dresses bloom like flowers in the flames, naked Her snow-white feet and the bright red blood on the ground set against each other, and the rhythmic dress is as light as the fragile fallen leaves in late autumn, and it is like the flames of a campfire breaking away from the glow of burning embers............

"Maybe the gods are watching me"?

Thinking of this, Golanya seemed to have completely forgotten Fiske, who could break through the cage and kill herself at any time, forgot several official-level auras that had locked herself in, and forgot about the Red Sand God Church on this redstone plane. destruction……

She just fulfilled her "saint" obligations extremely happily, piously pleased the "God of Red Sands" she had never met before, very serious...showing graceful and luxurious beautiful dances between gestures .