Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 705: sinister

Because of the knowledge of a certain mad knight, there is no need for much doubt. In a few words, punk has already seen what Kane is going to do. This guy is looking for a chance to "smile" a wave, and still use A conspiracy biased towards "conspiracy" comes to cheat people!

You know, Smile’s current mental state is somewhat unstable, the influence of the priesthood is tampering with her will, and the obsession of the believers is polluting her soul. At this time, the reason why the "God of Red Sand" wants many fanatics in vain. Sacrifice sacrifice is to slow down the influence of pious belief on one's soul.

   But... a knight who doesn't know what he is doing is just trying to mess with the smile.

  Punk has already seen it, and Kane, who has made a plan temporarily, intends to save the dancing beautiful "saint" Golanya, and even help the elite who slowly destroy the Redstone Kingdom.

With Golanya's qualifications, she will almost certainly be a master priest in the future. At the same time, if Kane shoots to death the group of "kingdom elites" headed by Fiske, the Red Sands will be in the red Once on the stone plane, there are no development restrictions, and Golanya doesn't need to have a good construction mind to let the forces of the red "sand **** chair" swept the red stone plane.

For any god, a strong, capable, and powerful fanatic represents endless troubles. The power of faith that a master fanatic can provide is both quantitative and qualitative, and one who rules the plane. The number of church members that the church can develop is even more surprising.

What's more... If there are a lot of resources to help, even if there are legendary professionals to teach personally, Golanya really has the slightest possibility of reaching the legendary level, although the probability is extremely small, but in case such a fanatic really does He was promoted to the legend... that for "smile" is equivalent to the sky falling.

  At that time, the Lady of the Red Sands will become the first unlucky **** who has the elect of mad believers in the weak divine power stage.

You know, even a **** with a powerful divine power dare not make a mad believer become a pastor of the legendary level, that is, a "vote." Only the "robot" gods like the Lord, who have completely lost their self-consciousness for a long time, will allow their believers to grow and become stronger.

   It is precisely because a potential fanatic represents a huge evil to the gods, even punk has to admit that Kane’s trick is really insidious.

Restricted by the priesthood, it is impossible for any **** to order "unneeded" believers to die or stop becoming stronger without reason, so it will be very troublesome and difficult for "smile" to "dispose" Golanya thing.

   Of course, for the "smile" of an evil camp deity, the blood sacrifice may be a good reason, and she does it now.

   However, due to the limitations of the priesthood, the blood sacrifices initiated by the gods can only be held once every three thousand years, and the believers who are "blood sacrifices" must also be "insignificant" minor roles.

Now, “Smile” can forcefully identify some “ants” who cannot even reach the master level as “insignificant little characters”, and then use “blood sacrifices” to dispose of a group of fanatics, but if this time, In the process of cleaning up, believers with excellent qualifications like Golanya survived... Then after three thousand years, this still immature "little girl" might have been promoted to the master level and become a pivotal one. The role of "teacher".

   At that time, it was impossible for "Smile" to forcibly define this "saint" as a "little character" and sacrifice it. Although the priesthood had no self-consciousness, it was not so foolish.

In summary, if Kane’s ideas are really put into practice, it will be a completely unsolvable and dangerous situation for the "smile", a **** who has been chained to the clergy. "Smile" is probably still in the "ceremonial state" of "preparing to descend", she can't even interfere with this altar!

"It's a sad god, isn't it? Look at how badly "Smile" has developed her little church. Then the beautiful and pious "saint" will face a ruthless sword. How could a decent gentleman who Lianxiangxiyu let this happen? We as "good friends" have to help "smile", help her grow the church, help her save a potential seedling, and help her Clean up some enemies who are so ignorant that they dare to smash the gods... Sai'an, this is a rare opportunity to "help others for pleasure""

   Kane is still watching the dancing beautiful girl with a gleeful gaze, but the "advice" that sounded like a self-talking in his mouth is obviously to the stern-faced spellcaster around him.

   "If you are "smile" to find out, she will definitely find you desperately, the adventure of the ruins is about to begin, now is not the time for infighting"!

   Punk's response to Kane's "advice" was very flat.

  Although Kane's "opportunity" is indeed a rare but...for punk, there is absolutely no reason for him to "smile" at the risk of infighting before he starts the adventure.

From the perspective of the caster, the reason why Kane did this may be related to his cooperation with "Smile". Perhaps the more "smile" is disturbed by the erosion of the power of faith, the greater the benefits Kane can obtain, but... ...

   What does it have to do with punk?

   Not to mention that such a method is still indecent and "smiling", even if the "new God of Red Sand" is completely tampered with or even directly lost because of Kane's insidious tricks, what benefits can punk get?

   "Smile", as a **** who doesn't even have a kingdom of God, may be poorer than Kane, and no disaster she faces can bring any benefit to the caster.

   At the same time, if Kane really makes a "smile" pit, punk can foresee many hidden dangers and troubles.

Not to mention anything else, the main body of the "smile" will arrive in a while, and if the unstable "smile" fights against Kane this lunatic on the spot, the caster will not be surprised at all, and the result will not matter. No matter how it develops, it will obviously not be conducive to the relic exploration that punk is looking forward to.

   So, even if I understand Kane’s thoughts, even if I know this is a rare opportunity, the answer given to a certain mad knight by the prudent legendary wizard remains unchanged:

   "Kane, put your mind away, I am determined to win this ruin adventure".