Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 706: interest

Punk is unwilling to cause trouble before the adventure begins, but Kane can’t easily let go of this rare opportunity, so the knight who looks extremely excited has to persuade the cautious caster further, even revealing himself and "smiles" "Some important information is used as "evidence."

   "Don't worry, Sai'an, no matter what, "smile" won't turn around!"

   Kane said vowedly.

"Strength is the basis for supporting all actions, reason is the prerequisite for revealing any madness! The strength of the "smile" guy has indeed reached the legendary level, but now, as a **** who doesn't even have a kingdom of God, her half bucket of water Her strength is not enough to become her capital for turning her face, as for her reason...At least until that Golanya really becomes a "voter", she can still be sensible with the willpower of a "smile", so how could she go crazy? "?

   The rare thing that Kane didn't mess around with his mouth, instead he analyzed it with punk with reason and evidence.

   Moreover, Kane's analysis in a serious state is quite reasonable, at least logically, there is really no problem.

   But this alone is obviously not enough to dispel the caster’s idea of ​​stopping the conspiracy. After all, the inconsistency of a certain legendary knight is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so after analyzing the theory, Kane continued to tell punk his plan:

"My uncle is not a reckless person. If nothing else, at least until the "smile" ends this adventure, she will not know how much "help" the kind "uncle" has given her! We can use Dou Qi shielded the perception of "smile", then turned all the corpses into fly ashes, and finally concealed Saint Golanya. If there is any doubt after the "smile" comes, he will insist that her followers have been red. The elites of the Shi Kingdom were all shot dead. During the period when this uncle's vindictive concealment took effect, she would not be able to discover the fact that Golanya was alive."............

   With the explanation of the words, Kane's smile became more and more gloomy. The reflection of the golden armor on his face not only did not have the slightest sense of sacredness, but it also highlighted a kind of unbridled gloom.

"... If the gods are in a state of leaving the kingdom of God, they cannot perceive the prayers of their believers without some special means, and it is impossible to "smile" to use those means that at least need to reach a low level of divine power, let alone that The ruins also have the ability to shield the perception of the legendary level!

So... in the course of the expedition, no matter how much Golanya grows up or what the church has developed into, the "smile" can never be noticed. This is destined to be revealed after the end of the adventure. The "big surprise"! How about, Sai'an, seeing how well this uncle thinks, your interests will not be harmed, now you have no reason to stop this uncle.”

   After finishing all his thoughts, Kane narrowed his eyes to look at the contemplating caster, and at the same time, a trace of grudge gathered on the lance in his hand.

Although the tip of Kane’s spear pointed calmly at the ground, the slow rotation of a trace of legendary grudge is enough to explain the attitude of the mad knight-just as punk’s ambition for the relics of the Netheril era must be, Kane is able to give a "smile" "The opportunity to dig a big hole is also determined to be won!

   "Strength is the capital for action, Kane-Bissadas, do you think you have enough capital"?

   coldly glanced at the more shining grudge light on Kane's lance, and punk's pupils hidden in the shadow of the hood also showed a light purple magic light.

Spellcasters are never afraid of any threats, whether it is verbal or deed. After all, when it comes to the capital of "action", in this adventure team composed of three legendary professionals, it has 25 spell casting levels. The legendary mage "Destroy Whispers" is the most capitalized.

   But in the face of Punk Senhan's expression, this time the knight didn't have any thoughts of retreating. I don't know since when, Kane's eyes have already emerged as sharp as a blade.

   "Capital"? Are you questioning my strength? Sai'an! And...there is the second half of the "famous saying" of my uncle-rationality is the prerequisite for revealing madness, then do you think the current uncle is sensible enough?"

   gazed at the caster's pupils unrelentingly, Kane couldn't hear any wave of thought in his words.

  In essence, both punk and Kane are people who can unswervingly implement their own plans. The difference is that punk is more inclined to specify plans in advance, while Kane is better at specifying plans on the spot. And the same thing is-when this plan is devised, certain inevitable actions can no longer be prevented.


"The road to death is extremely long. See how long you can go, Mr. "Shot Kill Gun"! But... If you have a conflict with that "Her Majesty", I won't pay attention to the battle between the two lunatics. At that time...I will choose to explore the ruins alone, hoping that some arrogant fools will not regret it."

   After staring at the mad knight in front of him meaningfully for a long time, punk slowly dissipated the condensed magic power.

The caster really wants to prevent Kane from conflicting with "Smile", because that is the best way for him, but this method of "stop" is by no means to conflict with Kane first, so there is a "instant kill" After the mad knight known as the "death gun" refused to compromise, punk no longer discouraged anyway, as a "knowledgeable" legendary mage, punk is capable of exploring the ruins even by himself. Although it would be a pity to reduce the two available "combat power" + "cannon fodder" in this way, it is not without good thinking about it.

   After all, "smiling", Kane and Punk are all guarding each other. It's not surprising that after entering the ruins, the results of dragging each other back are not surprising. Therefore, even if you want to explore the ruins alone, punk is not unacceptable.

Moreover, on the other hand, Kane’s analysis is not unreasonable. If he operates according to his method, the probability of a "smile" turning face on the spot is definitely not more than 10%, and more likely it is just as the Cavaliers expected. Don't stop it for the time being, wait until the adventure is over before the conflict erupts.

  If things develop according to this result...Punk suddenly felt that this was a very good situation. Then Kane and the smile would "fight with the clams" as soon as they left the ruins. Wouldn't punk be able to "make a profit"?

"Maybe this is the development that suits my interests the most. In that case... Just leave it to Kane to toss. If "Smile" breaks out a huge contradiction with him, it will only benefit me. harm"!

   After a dark thought, Punk did not continue to stop him in front of Kane. He just paled expressionlessly and then took a step back, letting the chaotic altar of the scene appear in the mad knight's vision.

   "Who knows if you are the last sane? Kane-Bissadas"!