Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 708: Evil fun

   There is a saying, life is like a plate of chocolate, you never know what the next one will taste, but if in this crisis-ridden multiverse, then this sentence will have to make some changes to become more vivid.

…………Life is like a helicopter with chocolates consigned and crashed right above your head. You never know whether the next second is a sweet and delicious chocolate candy bar or a heavy one. Steel engine up to sixteen tons.

Now, in this altar canyon stained with blood by the followers of the Red Sands, all the living people present felt the surprise of "life" without exception... They also felt the kind of being used in ordinary days. The falling steel engine smashed the head with a shock.

   Of course, this kind of "surprise" should be called horror for most people.

   "Legend...Legendary power"!

Staring at the bright golden figure floating in the air in an extremely sulky posture, a deadly silence instantly swept across the entire canyon. Fisker, who had just broken free from his imprisonment, was even more bloodshot and red. If it weren't for that unscrupulous If the pressure of his soul crushes his soul again, this "general" who thinks he is fearless can hardly believe his eyes!

   What happened suddenly now? A legendary powerhouse who only exists in the legend and has never appeared on the plane of redstone unexpectedly appeared in this chaotic battlefield without warning, and...

   "He also saved Golanya's "Holy Woman", is he in a group with the Chisha Cult"?

   He stared eagerly at the petite girl who was blocked by the golden figure. Feske, a master warrior, only bit his teeth crunching.

With his barren insight, he couldn’t understand why a superpower that only exists in legends would come to help a cult that harmed living beings. It is even more difficult for him to imagine what this seemingly neurotic strong would do next. Kind of move.

   Facing the advent of such a strong man who was not in the plan at all, Fisker was not the only one who was shocked.

In fact, none of the soldiers and congregations covered with dust in the entire canyon is not shocked. They feel the power that can make everyone immobile by the pressure of their souls, even if it was just now. A warrior who was brave enough to fight with blood and **** could only look up at the gleaming golden light without blinking.

In the face of such a powerful existence, whether it is a pious congregation or a soldier who obeys orders, the emotions they can have in their hearts are full of fear, because at this time they can only generate fear emotions, just like ants watching falling from the sky No matter what actions the "giant" will do next, the only reaction for the ants is the choice of "meaningless fear".

   It only took a moment, and the canyon that had been shouting and killing ceaselessly in the last second was completely silent in this extreme fear.

"Owl Owl, the little bugs are stunned! This uncle’s appearance is really super~Hyun, is there? Oh~ look at your cute little eyes, they are full of fear, panic, and surprise , Are you surprised to see the gorgeous Uncle Ben on stage? Are you surprised? Hehehehe, it's really interesting."

  The legendary powerhouse who descended will naturally only be the inconspicuous Kane, overlooking a group of terrified "native people" high above, the evil knight's unscrupulous laughter echoed in the empty and silent valley.

Speaking of which, Kane’s evil tastes are never bored. As a professional in the evil chaos camp, his favorite entertainment activities are showy and bullying. If he can combine these two things One, this guy feels that he will definitely become more excited.

  Perhaps in the eyes of a wizard like punk, bullying a group of ants is a boring and time-wasting act, but in Kane's view, this is an interesting entertainment project.

You know, as an ambitious and diligent legendary knight, Kane usually spends most of his time practicing boring legendary fighting skills over and over again. He showed absurd luxury and just did it in front of punk. Just doing it, do anyone really think that legendary professionals can eat, drink and play every day and become stronger?

In fact, given the busyness of the legendary powerhouse, Kane usually takes a few hundred years to free up some "entertainment time" for "entertainment activities" in addition to growing stronger, so bullying like this is coming to him. It is also a rare experience.

   Standing high in the air, enjoying the shocked gaze of mortals, tasting the fear in the eyes of countless people... This feeling undoubtedly made Kane very happy.

   Maybe many people think that being a legendary powerhouse to bully some little guys who can't even reach the master level is a low to explosive behavior, but many powerhouses in the evil camp still enjoy it.

   Just like a child playing with ants in the scorching sun, for the chaotic evil person, this is the most back to basics...Entertainment!

   "Come here, let this uncle take a look, the friends present are very enthusiastic, then let us play a small game, as for the bet, of course it is your life."

He glanced savagely at the soldiers and congregations. In Kane’s eyes, these people were just toys for his pleasure, although the purpose of his trip was to save Golanya’s "saint"~www.mtlnovel .com~ But...Anyway, there is still a lot of time. The "Instant Kill Gun" that I play with is to use the tragic fate of a large number of weak ants to satisfy my cruel hobby.

So, ignoring the horrified eyes of people in the canyon as if they were looking at someone with a powerful neuropathy, Kane just made an exaggerated ritual and noble ritual and slowly leaned down, and then faced the song that was also in shock. Lanya used a tampered rule to achieve "not only to make all the soldiers and believers in the valley hear clearly, but also to make the "saint" around me not feel harsh"," said in a weird tone:

"Look, see, this uncle found a cute little princess. Let's start our mini game from the little princess. Well, for simplicity, the rule of the game is set to "refer to whoever is dead", little princess Your Majesty, you can point to anyone present at will, and then they will magically turn into a gorgeous firework "boom". Believe me, everyone will like this show."

   showed a sunny smile like an optimistic big boy, Kane’s short golden hair was more dazzling and dazzling than the golden sunlight under the vindictive energy.

The current knight has released the energy of fighting spirit that is used to shield the perception of "smile". Although it must be a little rough compared to the spell caster's spell, at least it is when the body of "smile" comes, or some people "do not know the fun" Before the trouble, this canyon altar will be Kane's own playground.

   In the face of a group of "ants" who have no power to resist, the cruel knight will enjoy the evil pleasure unscrupulously.