Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 711: Strange behavior

   "Huh, that's it."

   looked at the deep hole just dug out, Kane nodded in satisfaction, and then, the knight who moved without mercy and no mercy directly threw Golanya into the deep sleep.

   "Okay, now just a little disguise, our lovely "Sleeping Beauty" palace can be declared complete".

   wiped a handful of non-existent sweat with an exaggerated action, and Kane, who was quite entertaining, smiled and looked towards the cave which was a thousand meters deep.

In the cave at this time, the vindictiveness released by the knight has been woven into a network of golden dots. This big net perfectly envelops Golanya in her sleep. At this time, the little girl looks like a The colorful butterfly entangled by the golden thread.

   is beautiful and moving, but also like a dream.

   "This is a legendary fighting technique-particle micro manipulation?"

Punk stared blankly at the light filaments of fighting spirit in the pit. With the nano-level microscopic vision of the legendary spellcaster, he could see that the filaments were divided into countless small "tributaries" on Golanya's body. It shields any leakage of life and soul breath, and at the same time manipulates the cells and life energy that make up the "Golanya body" to forcefully continue to operate without meeting the conditions for survival.

Undoubtedly, "particle micromanipulation" is an exquisite fighting technique that can directly act on the micro level, and being able to use it to violate a large number of laws to forcibly shield the breath and maintain a fragile life is even more a "skilled" application. Kane, the seemingly inconsequential knight, was able to do this, which surprised the caster a bit.

"Although I have heard that this fighting technique can be compared to a small part of the legendary spells that manipulate the basic particles to a certain extent, but at level 24, you can already use the fighting energy to precisely adjust the physical functions of a fragile apprentice priest. Is it?"

  Punk asked Kane flatly.

   "Ahahahaha, that...heh, my uncle is a genius, this kind of little thing is nothing at all! The so-called genius is to do things that ordinary people can't do."

   confessed directly, and Kane once again revealed his "scary smile" that he thought he was very genius and cool, but actually how nervous he was.

But this time, the legendary knight's bragging is really pure bragging, because the caster has clearly seen it, while bragging about his genius in a high profile, the right hand of the "Instant Kill Gun" pretends to be casually crushed. A small potion bottle............

"Hello, do you think that no one will find out if you put a master potion that is enough to fill a few large barrels-vitality extract into the cave by twisting the space? In fact, your "particle micro-management skills can only be hidden" Breath, life is supported by these "vital extracts" that are enough to turn a desert into an oasis."

Looking at Kane’s "big-handed", punk has no interest in complaining about it. He found that he really complicates the thoughts of this knight who has no knowledge at all. It is this simple and crude method that meets the requirements. "Kane"'s persona, using all kinds of flexible methods is the patent of the caster.

Kane, who was thick-skinned, didn’t have any unusual reactions to his “ears and bells”. For the knight who had just lost a “playground”, “I am very happy with my skin” can describe him well at this time. Mood.

   Of course, the joke is a joke, the business still can't be settled.

After using a large amount of "Vitality Extract" to wrap Golanya, who is like the Sleeping Elf, into a piece of green "amber", the knight after a little thought was still a little worried. In the end, Kane was still frowning. A little tangled, took out a small dagger from the storage ring and put it into the pothole.

   "Okay, you're done, then bury this pit and it's over."

   Seeing the dagger gleaming with flickering energy beside Golanya, Kane sighed and clapped his hands.

And the punk, who has been watching every move of the mad knight, can clearly perceive that that dagger is a very good master-level equipment. Although it was disguised as an ordinary dagger by Kane, the breath on it is still hidden. But the perception of the legendary caster.

   "Is this a good idea"?

   did not continue to stare at the little girl sleeping in the cave, but punk turned around and asked Kane seriously:

   "This thing has increased her strength too much. Relying on such foreign objects, she may be fettered by her strength growth, right? This doesn't seem to be in your interest...Kane Visadas".

When    asked this sentence, the cautious "Destroy Whisper" had been closely watching any gleam of Kane's eyes.

   In fact, for some of the actions of the knight in front of him, the caster had already felt a bit incomprehensible for a long time.

He found that Kane seemed to have been waiting for an opportunity to "smile" such as today, and he was unswervingly determined to implement it, and even carried a few things with him that were useless for the legendary powerhouse. The master alchemy items are ready at any time.

   But when he really started to prepare a "big gift" for "Smile", the behavior of the mad knight seemed to become a little daunting.

   That’s right, the Kaynpunk now feels like... he’s worried that smiling will get a boost.

Even if a fanatic bishop and even the "elect" of a fanatic believer will always be the enemy of the gods in theory, and cannot be the so-called "assistance", Kane is still cautiously planting seeds and foreshadowing. However, his actions are extremely cautious, and he even refuses to directly imprint Golanya's soul. He would rather use foreign objects that are not sure whether they are effective to interfere with the little saint, which is theoretically "the stronger the more useful "chess". Combat This kind of weird action is not at all made by the weak **** who just became the "God of Red Sand", but more like...

   is like a pair of eyes behind the defense!

"Oh, the hero has saved the United States to the end, and the cute little princess will be the leader of the cult in the future. Fighting and killing is not suitable for such a beautiful little angel. It is not unprofitable to take a small toy to defend her... Oh, by the way, "smile" should be coming soon, Sai'an, you must show your feet."

As expected by punk, the knight who became vigilant in an instant did not answer his questions directly. Moreover, because he had worked with the vicious-eyed mage several times, Kane had already mastered the important "talking" skill of "change topic". Now, facing the compelling gaze hidden under the hood of the caster, the casual knight just walked towards the edge of the altar canyon in a very calm manner.

   Talking back to talking, but talking does not mean that the tone is not tight, you can talk unscrupulously on anything, and you can't say a word on anything... Kane can distinguish perfectly. -----------split line-------


   (啧啧, a lot of foreshadowing, so many wonderful things to write, obviously it’s almost 1.6 million words, but I feel that the brilliant epic has just begun~)