Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 713: sincere?

Since he didn't see anything, the "smile" had no reason to continue asking him aggressively. The girl **** in a normal state is quite self-aware. She knew that she didn't have much capital to question the two powerful gods. "Monster", and Punk and Kane refused to answer her, there was really no way.

Therefore, after playing a few words with the giggling knight and staring at the punk for a while, the "New God of Red Sand" who secretly exhaled can only reveal the whole story. Unexplained things.

In any case, it is the purpose of these three legendary professionals to venture into the relics from the era of Netheril. "Smile" has been delayed for too much time in order to leave the shackles of the kingdom of God. Then, even if she still Continue to hold on to some "little things", and the caster who doesn't like waiting will also interrupt her.

Fortunately, the sane "Her Majesty" was also keenly aware of the impatience of the legendary mage. After realizing that he couldn't see any information from the expressionless and cold punk face, "smile" could only be proud. Jiao curled her lips and gave up the opportunity to speak to the "Destroy Whisper" as the "hidden leader".

   "Mr. Sai'an, you must have some long talk again, right? Before the last adventure, you said a lot of things."

   sarcastically satirizes the caster's "troublesome", and the words "smile" contain very obvious distrust.

And watching the punk stepping to the edge of the shadow, Kane also looked at the mage with no expression change with interest. He also knew the caster very well, and at the last moment of the adventure, he reminded that by the way, laying the groundwork was already punk. "Normal operation" too.

   "Yes, before embarking on a dangerous journey, I do still have something to say, after is necessary for us to explain something publicly."

   Faced with the ironic words of "smile" and Kane's slightly disdainful smile, the caster said calmly as if he hadn't seen it.

   "The most important thing is that we must clarify the strength of our "companion", fighting style, and battle cards, so that we can precisely cooperate in the sudden power and will not be in a hurry... or even drag each other back!"!

When    talked about dragging his legs, punk deliberately glanced at "Smile". It was obvious that the guy he was referring to "dragging" was the weakest of the three and the mentally unstable "Smile".

   But "God of Red Sand" doesn't care about a little irony in terms of strength. Although she can't refute it, she can still turn her head as if she hadn't heard it.

   Seeing "smile", there is no overreaction, and punk will not entangle and find faults like a knight who is not tuned. Then the caster with a cold tone turned his eyes to the mad knight with a bright smile.

   Then, he continued to say gently:

   "In order to express the basic "sincerity", I can first disclose information about my own combat.

I—Punk-Sean, titled "Destroy Whispers", a 25th-level legendary spellcaster, good at spells, majoring in destruction rules, used to build defenses through spells and then seize opportunities to counterattack when fighting. This is the standard The "defensive counterattack" mage battle mode, if you have the hole card... Kane, you should know that it is the "Crimson Ruby Necklace" that I seized from Ovakin back then.


   This was obviously a "very sincere" speech. Although punk seemed to say a lot, in fact, he didn't reveal any useful information.

   The information that the caster said is actually almost public, at least about the caster level, the major faction, and the "Crimson Ruby Necklace" Kane.

   As for the important fighting style... The spellcaster who inherited the memory of Great Orchestra Vedrasha is not only good at one fighting style, not to mention the fighting style he is now talking about "the best at defensive counterattack" is not a truth.

   After all, the reason why punk said a lot of words without hesitation is that his plan is actually the empty glove white wolf and the two "comrades" who mislead him as much as possible.

Now that the caster has preemptively established a "standard" candid template, then next, if Kane and "Smile" want to show their sincerity or use this opportunity to convey some misleading information, then they must also follow this The template is "announced".

   Anyway, the large amount of information that punk has revealed is worthless, but... if you follow this more detailed template to tell, Kane and "Smile" may have to disclose some important information that cannot be fooled.

After all, the "pre-declaration" of the caster is not unreasonable. If the three legendary powerhouses really have no understanding of each other, then once they encounter sudden battles in the ruins with a relatively small space... If you want to know what a "spectacular" legendary disaster, even in order to increase their own security, Kane and "Smile" must also provide some useful intelligence. Punk only calculates this. Suddenly spoke out to test.

If this necessary "frank meeting" is suddenly raised as an "emergency" before seeing the gate of the or even a legendary powerhouse is not easy to compile a listener It's a nonsense thing that looks seamless and will not negatively affect yourself in the unknown battle that may occur next?

   Sure enough, facing the caster’s "sincere treatment", Kane and "Smile" also showed helpless expressions that could not be concealed.

Punk is right. Even for their own safety, the mad knights and the girl gods can’t talk about their intelligence in order to mislead their "comrades." After all, when facing a common enemy, there are three people with abacus present. The legendary powerhouse must still join hands.

   Therefore, even if he is unwilling to disclose any information about himself to the most daunting gloomy mage, the current Kane and "Smile" still have to honestly relax.

Especially when it comes to the extremely important and precious information about "battle style", and at the same time no one dares to fabricate it out of nothing, punk has reason to believe-whether he is a new legendary knight like himself, or he has just become a **** For the "New God of Red Sands" less than 10,000 years old, the situation they have said will be true.

After all... It’s already very difficult to develop a relatively complete and suitable legend-level fighting style in the new legendary stage, and Kane and "Smile" are even less likely to get a battle-tested style like punk. And he is good at using a variety of different combat styles to deal with the memories of the legendary spellcasters of the morning star level on the unpredictable battlefield.

   The "battle style" they will reveal next is very valuable at least at this stage!