Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 721: explosion

The punk plan was successful, and the mad knight that came up became a perfect "human shield", and the caster successfully appeared behind Kane after using the "blink".

Although in the next moment, the quick-reacting "Instant Kill Gun" immediately began to retreat backwards, but punk was not idle after completing the first step of the plan. Almost as soon as Kane reacted, the caster Another legendary spell in his hand has also been released.

"Legendary Conjuration, Spell Legendary Swiftness"!

The instant spell brilliance enveloped the punk's body, and the caster hiding behind the mad knight retreated almost at the same speed as Kane. Although Kane continued to increase his speed while retreating, he continued to increase his grudge. The spellcaster who took the lead did not slow down, he hid perfectly behind Kane's body from beginning to end, and the mad knight in strong armor also perfectly blocked the punk.

In this way, during the rapid retreat of the two legendary professionals, a terrifying energy explosion finally arrived.

With a small crack appearing in the pipe formed by the tampering law, the "secondary energy circuit" deliberately injected with a large amount of magic power finally overwhelmed revealing high temperature and radiation, and the hot energy is like a prisoner who has broken away from the shackles. Crazy gushing out of the small gap, accompanied by the harsh metal tearing sound, the cracks in the energy circuit were instantly torn and expanded by the more and more violent energy torrent!

In the end, when the caster activated "Flash", the torrent of terrifying energy finally broke through the shackles of the law. The etheric element, which is as hot as the core of the sun, exploded in volume in an unlimited space, and a lot of law power. As the energy of crazy expansion leaked out, the law representing the "solid state" almost formed a circle of concentric circles like shock waves to expand.

An energy explosion that is more terrifying than the last accidental explosion has appeared. It is estimated that half of the redstone plane has once again fallen into the "white night" with excessive light radiation, and all eyes are not closed at the moment when the light bursts. I am afraid that ordinary people will lose their light forever, and their uncovered skin will be eroded by radiation............ The disaster created by the caster is far more terrifying than the last natural "explosion"!

But punk didn't bother about what a huge disaster the damage to the legendary magic circle would cause to this humble little plane. Now he is earnestly hiding every part of his body behind the legendary knight's body.

Due to a brief stupefaction, these terrifying energy bombardments hit Kane’s face for the first time. It was also at this time that the mad knight who reacted quickly used a quick one that surprised the caster. Speed ​​released the fighting skills.

Finally, at the moment before the zero-distance law energy burst and the high temperature and strong light rushed towards Kane, a circular mask covered the whole body of the mad knight, and the "instant killing lance" who mastered the skills finally grabbed Completed the fighting skills before the energy torrent arrived.

At the same time, Punk also keenly noticed that the light yellow vindictive shield on Kane's body was not the thick and condensed state of ordinary vindictive defense, but a superimposed barrier composed of hundreds of layers of thin vindictive shields.

Undoubtedly, this kind of onion-like fighting skills was Kane's emergency release of defensive methods, and punk did not accidentally recognize this legendary defensive fighting skill.

"Legendary fighting skill layered armor"!

"Very good, Kane, build a stronger defense. You are now a qualified meat shield."

Coming and not going to be indecent, seeing the mad knight unleashing fighting skills like a big enemy, the black-bellied mage immediately used the same mental power to release a ridiculous message.

I have to admit that the sharp counterattack of the caster is more powerful than simple verbal abuse. The mad knight who has released his fighting skills is trembling with anger even the newly formed "layered armor". At the moment before meeting the torrent of energy, he suddenly changed direction and tried to get rid of the situation where the caster was following him by changing the position.'s a pity that Punk is a 25th-level legendary mage, while Kane is only a 24th-level legendary knight. Punk's reaction speed has always been faster than Kane's first line. It is the gap in this line that leads to anger. In any case, the knight could not get rid of the insidious wizard who followed him like a shadow.

In the end, the "Instant Killing Gun" with golden light shimmering hair roots can only become the "human shield" incomparably frustrated.

No way, the torrent of energy has already rushed over. Although these incandescent energy streams don’t seem to be very lethal, no one can tell whether this energy fluid will be followed by something, such as guarding magic towers. The legendary golem, or...the core of the ruins directly blew up!

In the face of such unknown danger, the legendary knight can no longer take care of throwing away the caster behind him. In case there is any self-detonation or defensive attack, the first person to be threatened is himself, the aggrieved "human shield". For this reason, Even though he is very reluctant, the unlucky Kane can only honestly arm himself with a grudge, and then...face the overwhelming energy torrent!


Explosive bombardment appeared. In the high-temperature tsunami full of laws, Kane drifting along was like a tiny and solid reef, a large amount of space was shattered under the bombardment of energy, but the figure of the legendary knight remained in place. Stay still!

The "layered armor" formed by layer after layer of vindictive gas shows its extraordinary defensive power. Even if the first layer of “armor” is damaged, the other vindictive armor behind can still function normally. Each layer of "Laminated Armor" has an independent supply of fighting energy, so the general situation of "cracking a little bit and cracking the whole" of the general fighting gas shield does not appear at all. It resists ubiquitous large-scale attacks. Layers of "armor" "It can absolutely protect the safety of combatants to the utmost extent.

In this way, or to say... As the caster "praised", he was almost bombarded by the torrent of energy at zero distance. Kane became a qualified "meat wave after wave. The incandescent wave did not tear away the knight's vindictiveness, and did not touch the magical defense of the punk hiding behind the knight.

Next, even in the face of the defense mechanism of the ruins, Kane, a qualified "meat shield", can continue to perfectly protect the safety of the caster!

But... there is no next...

Because after the explosion of the torrent of energy ended, the entire Red Shadow Magic Stone Mountain showed no other signs of attack.

On the contrary, the magic circle at the entrance quickly opened the self-stabilization procedure, and the energy leakage of the riot was contained within one hundredth of a second, and there were dozens of backup "secondary energy circuits". One of them took on the operation of energy again at the fastest speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, a huge "explosion" disappeared into the invisible. The world that was still roaring in the last second fell silent as if the pause button was pressed, leaving only in the high temperature environment. The water and air that have been turned into crystals out of thin air by the "solid" law slowly fall in the form of dust............

The shocking explosion of the legendary magic circle is like this... is it over?