Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 722: damage

Things seemed to be going very smoothly, and it went so the extent that it completely met the caster's expectations. When punk wanted to find a meat shield by the way, Kane came up, and that's fine. After all, the legendary knight was idle. It's normal to have a silly personality.

However, after the insidious legendary mage succeeded in pitting his goal, the next development of the situation turned out to be completely towards the direction that punk expected most.

The legendary circle did not sound the alarm, and this ancient ruin did not show any unusual alert response. It just started self-inhibition and self-repair at a speed that exceeded the caster’s expectations. It seems...punk. The idea is perfectly concealed from the intelligent judgment possessed by the magic circle, this somewhat weird legendary magic circle really just treated this "conspiracy" from the caster as an ordinary fault!

Of course, the self-repair system of the Magic Array was not fast enough. Although it suppressed the leakage of the torrent of energy for the first time, an obvious gap still appeared on the originally empty rock wall.

Obviously, it was a "thief hole" created by an "unknown predecessor". With the passage of time, this hole was temporarily compensated by the magic circle with a simple patch, but now it is caused by the explosion of the energy torrent and The patch that was raging and not strong enough was torn apart again, and the gap was once again exposed.

This is also in line with punk's expectations. Through an "artificial accident", the gap was torn open again, exposing the cave that had been "excavated", and then entering the ruins............

But... staring at the gap in the magic circle that has no defensive power like a "naked virgin", punk always feels a little unspeakable... weird?

It's because it went so well...So far, everything about this legendary circle has gone so well!

The original gap was exploded again, the "accident" regarded as a natural failure did not trigger the alarm, the leaked energy was quickly suppressed, and the exposed entrance could not be repaired temporarily...

Although there is no logical problem with this situation, punk always feels a bit of a strange feeling that is indescribable, especially when looking at the "pilot entrance" that looks like a huge dark eye pupil. Deep feeling even made the "Destroy Whisper" a little faintly uneasy.

"What a weird entrance, it looks like this ruin is far less calm and serene than it shows"!

Squinting his eyes slightly, the punk said to himself in a low voice in a harsh tone.

-------split line-------

Due to the extraordinary self-restraint ability of the Legendary Magic Array, the explosion of the energy torrent is almost instantaneous, and the fast-reacting legendary powerhouse suddenly braked and stopped after sensing the disappearance of the energy explosion. Therefore, Even though punk was retreating at a speed faster than the speed of light, he actually did not retreat too far.

The current caster was at the top of a low mountain not far from the Red Shadow Devil Stone Mountain, and he was observing the exposed cave from a distance of only a few kilometers.

The sky and the earth are still extremely quiet, but compared to the natural scene of "snowflakes flying and cold wind roaring" before, this mountain range has been completely changed by this time.

Although the overall temperature within the mountain range has reached at least thousands of degrees, due to the influence of the "solid" law, high temperature cannot change the composition of matter, so the sky is now all air that condenses into dust due to instant solidification. , The fluttering solid white powder has replaced the snow and spilled over the earth, and the hot etheric energy itself is rapidly solidifying into snow white and burning crystals are deposited.

You know, the Redstone plane is just a small plane. Such a small plane does not have the excellent defense and self-repairing functions of the Faerun plane, and the power of the legendary level can always easily change an area. The environment even affects all creatures on a plane, so in a sense, "the emergence of a legendary powerhouse on such a small plane" itself represents a huge disaster.

And it is foreseeable that in the future, this poor mountain range and the entire Redstone plane will undergo further terrible changes.

After all... the legendary professionals who caused all disasters are lawless goods, and they don't care whether this world suffering from unjust disasters is hurting and crying because of the raging force of terror.

For example, right now, just as the punk stared at the entrance of the ruins expressionlessly, a hint of golden light erupting from the dust pile instantly shredded the barrier of space and reached the caster!

This is a flashing golden beam full of anger, the earth is constantly trembling amidst the roar of reaction force, and the vast expanse of space is shattered and collapsed in an instant!

This was an even more unscrupulous terrorist attack. Except for the "Red Shadow Magic Stone Mountain" that had shown a blood-red body, it was still standing still, other mountains, including the peaks at the foot of Punk, began to crumble every inch.

This is undoubtedly an attack from Kane, but also a powerful combat attack!

Legendary fighting skills-charge!

"Sai'an, **** bastard! Do you think this uncle is very bullying?"

Haven't heard its shadow, the prophet! Before the light came to the caster, the angry roar of the mad knight blasted in the ears of the caster. The instantaneous acceleration of Kane, who launched the fighting skills, left the light behind him, blooming. Before the golden beam of light chased over, his lance and roar had already reached the legendary mage!

"There should be a limit for unreasonable guys. If I remember correctly, you idiot came here as a shield by yourself, right?"

Even though the attack launched by the mad knight is indeed massive, but calmly looking up at the violent law energy before his eyes, the response from the caster's mouth still shows no weakness at all.

Just before the terrifying gleaming golden light tore away the outermost magical defense ~ the spells in the hands of the legendary mage had been completed at the same time.

"Legendary Conjuration Magic Spell-Flash"!

Panning a distance of about one meter to the right in an instant, the terrifying attack flew past the caster's robe.

In the next instant, an earth-shattering shining brilliance burst out on the distant horizon behind the caster. Large chunks of ground were erected in the terrifying shock wave. Amidst this terrifying legendary level attack, a piece of As a result, a piece of mountain was broken, and another piece of mountain was formed!

But... an attack that does not hit the enemy is meaningless.

Against the backdrop of the shining golden light illuminating the horizon, the extremely calm mage stood on the top of the mountain that had been shattered in half and turned slowly, and glanced casually with his pupils hidden in the shadow of the hood. After the broken ground, Punk continued to say indifferently in a provocative tone:

"Go on! Kane-Besadas, you seem to be a little too close to stab me, hurry up and try again...Let me see-ten thousand years have passed, something uncomfortable Did the stupid idiot who can afford it grow so little?"