Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 723: fight

In the face of the angry Kane, punk's performance was very calm, even seeing another beam of light hitting him straight, the caster could still make the correct response calmly.

And his expression as if an adult educates a child is the most irritating mockery.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be ashamed and outrageous after revealing my lack of IQ through a series of things, because that would only expose my stupidity more thoroughly."

Once again understatement, evading Kane's attack, Punk also waved a prepared legendary conjuration spell-destruction gap to the fast-moving crazy knight.

However, compared to this legendary spell, which is bound to cause no damage, the words punk uttered without expression actually contained greater damage.

Sure enough, when he heard the caster still speak with that kind of dismissive, plain tone, Kane, who was already trembling with angry hair, immediately became even more angry, and even his rebuttal voice appeared in extreme anger. Tremor:

"Sai'an, do you really think you are as strong as you think you are? You really think that the uncle is a soft persimmon and can do whatever you want"?

The mad knight is really angry.

In a sense, Kane’s anger at this time is more of an accumulated explosion. Perhaps when he first met the caster in that small manor, the insidious knight had already seen punk very uncomfortable. , And then in the next adventure, he was stabilized by a certain expressionless mage every time in this way.

Until now, tens of thousands of years have passed, and everyone has been promoted to Legend. Kane thought that he was finally able to start a journey of "Aotian", but he didn't find other punk and gave himself a cruel headshot... …

All kinds of anger have been backlogged in the mad knight's mentality for a long time, and this time, the inexplicable pit became the fuse of an explosion.

You know, at the moment when the magic circle of the ruins leaked the energy, Kane really thought that he might die here. If this ancient ruin that didn't know what secrets was actually used to defensively and even exploded directly The knight who stood in front of the punk at that time would really become the worst shield. He would have to use all his power to defend against the counterattack from the ancient ruins. At that time, if the insidious mage stabbed himself behind him again. …………

These are all things that are very likely to happen. The crisis of the legendary level is often more critical than the distress at the low level. It is only a momentary care. Even the strong with a smooth journey may have to pay the price of life. And now, Kane has rarely experienced the horror of facing death!

It can even be said that in the more than 10,000 years since the promotion to the legend, the "pampered" knight felt the breath of death around him for the first time.

It is precisely because of the things that are full of these historical and dangerous factors, even if the ruins did not overreact, just some leakage of energy flow did not cause any damage to the powerful "instant kill gun", but The combination of new hatred and old hatred finally caused Kane to explode with his bad temper.

"Always like this, always like this, always like this! Every time it’s the corner of the mouth with facial paralysis, every time it’s that kind of **** conspiracy! I’ve had enough of this uncle! Want to see how this uncle grows? You can understand a little bit!"

Roaring angrily, Kane's anger finally ignited under the stimulation of the caster. The momentary feeling of danger was still stimulating his nerves in the knight's mind, and the long-lost battle blood was still rushing in his veins!

Just as Kane himself said, he is also a twenty-fourth-level legendary knight. He also has countless secrets and incredible hole cards. Now he wants to let a proud-looking wizard understand that he is not So easy to handle!


Legendary fighting skills-provocative strike!

Vigorously swinging the glittering golden lance, the knight rushing towards the caster did not evade this time. Before the "destruction fissure" that tore the mountains along the way to reach him and hit the defense on his body, Kane fiercely He swung the lance fiercely to start a fighting technique.

"Provocative Strike" hit the low end of the gray-black fissure under the exquisite operation of the mad knight, accompanied by the radiant tip of the gun shining with fiery vindictive sharpness, the eruption of the "repulsion" law perfectly provoked With the spell of straight flight, the "destruction fissure" whose trajectory was changed flew into the sky under Kane's lance, and along with the fragments of the plane crystal wall that was crushed, it turned into a meteor and struck across the sky. Not only did En's progress not slow down at all, but it was even faster.

If given a chance, the Mad Knight really wants to poke the punk head in a pair!

"The battle of legends is very different, Kane, what you need to learn now, not try."

No matter how angry the mad knight was rushing towards him, the punk still stood quietly on the top of the mountain and whispered, the shadow of the hood covered all the expressions of the caster as always.

In the hands of the legendary mage, the continuous "destruction rift" has been connected into a straight line like a machine gun, and Kane, who is charged with the "machine gun", swung his lance into a visually incapable afterimage. The "Destruction Rifts" were all changed by the "Provocative Strikes", and they were all thrust into the sky in a unified manner.

From a distance, such a high-frequency battle is like a black line that changes direction and flies high in the sky after touching a golden light.

It’s just that these opened "destruction rifts" are far more terrifying than the bullets of a musket. The crystal wall of the plane has already turned into fragments in the sky when the first two legendary spells exploded. Only a brief confrontation made The sky above the battle area of ​​the two legendary powerhouses turned into a huge hole

The attacks being provoked by Kane are actually flying into the astral space at twice the speed of light.

In this regard, Kane has saved many lives on the plane of redstone. You must know that punk attacks are not at all false. If these attacks explode on the surface, this There will definitely be a terrifying mass extinction on the poor little plane!

Of course, the two legendary powerhouses who entered the fighting state did not think about so many things at this time. Kane's attack to the sky was only to prevent the explosion of the law of destruction from interfering with his charge.

Although the battle between the caster and the mad knight at this time is far from being a fate, Kane's more purpose is to show his attitude and vent his anger, but... this does not mean that the battle is not dangerous.

The two people present are both insidious and cruel characters. I believe that as long as either side reveals any flaws, the nature of the battle may change immediately. Taking a step back, the angry knight is really angry. Now he is attacking. There is no meaning to be careless.

Perhaps from the moment of the punk-calculated mad knight, a somewhat unclear and very clear battle is doomed. Don’t forget, "Destroy Whisper" and "Instant Kill Gun" are both professions in the chaotic camp. Or, if there is a real fire...Who cares about cooperation and relics? Fighting the opponent is more important than anything else!