Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 737: Battle of Magic Ball (5)

The mist formed by the broken law disappeared at an extremely fast speed. The natural law of the multiverse is like this, as if no matter where it is, how many times it is destroyed, or how severe it is, as long as there is no energy to sustain this " "Destruction", the laws of nature can be restored to their original appearance at an extremely fast speed. Even in this mysterious relic isolated from the world, this characteristic of it is still perfectly effective.

Since the three legendary powerhouses and the magic ball that did not know the situation continued to attack, it only took less than a second to restore all the natural laws that were shattered like crystals.

Correspondingly, the cloud formed by the law has also disappeared, and after the cloud that obscured vision and perception has dissipated, what is exposed inside has made the three legendary adventurers who were still watching each other for the last second. , Especially the punk discoloration!

It is a broken metal object that can only be described as a wreck... Yes, it is no longer a sphere, but has become an irregular alchemical creation the size of a fist. In this irregular The object was also full of cracks and distortions. The magic ball that seemed to have lost 70% of its volume was now just an iron lump.

But... just on this metal object that has been completely scrapped no matter how you look at it, a very bright ink blue brilliance is still shining silently. The horrible law of energy accumulation caused by the attack just now seems to be in this final core. Has been stored in large quantities!

And more than that, almost at the same time when the "wreckage" of the magic ball was exposed, the only remaining metal core was also shining intermittently, such as dark blue sparks leaking from a badly damaged electrical appliance, like a broken magic circle energy loop. Always try to reconnect.

There is no doubt that although this thing is on the verge of damage, it has not really completely turned into a piece of scrap copper and rotten iron!

"Alchemy armor...lost! Bah... the core was...blow...seriously...damaged, now...boom...emergency resume program execution"!

"Hurry up! This thing is more troublesome than you two idiots imagined"!

Without hesitation, punk immediately released several energy violent "destruction rifts" at the fastest speed. The moment he saw the magic ball hadn't been completely damaged, the legendary mage felt anxious. Called "To be bad"!

Kane and "Smile" don't understand the power of Osius's Seven Magic Balls, but the legendary wizard is very aware of the power of this terrifying golem. Don't look at the magic ball now seems to be on the verge of destruction, but if it is not in time" "Make up the knife"...

"Damn it, it looks like this will almost completely destroy this shit, it just happens to be a little too close! It's a pity, the difference may be a farewell thing"...

Sighing anxiously and irritably in his heart, the legendary spellcaster who tried to make the last effort still bombarded the "Destruction Rift" with all his strength at the magic ball one by one, but in the process, he carefully "destruction" Whispering also began to take advantage of the "Legendary Swiftness" that was still in effect and took a few steps back quickly.

"Hey, what's the situation with this thing? Will it not die after the two hits"?

At this moment, Kane, who had just recovered about half of his body injury, also reacted with a speed second only to the caster. He saw that punk looked like an enemy, even though the mad knight didn’t understand that Osius’ magic ball had What an outrageous ability, he also knew that he had to attack as soon as possible to make a final remedy.

Of course, the chattering knight didn't forget to push all the mistakes on others as soon as he spoke.

"Smile, Sai'an! What the **** are you two guys doing? Just throw a few spells or magic tricks into the mist just now and it will be all right? Who is to blame for this?"?


No one paid any attention to Kane’s complaints. None of the three people present cared about right or wrong, especially the "smile" that had just recovered a little. This young girl **** even went straight to the final remedy after discovering that something was wrong. I gave up. The first time I saw that the magic ball hadn't been completely destroyed, the "New God of Red Sand", who had already begun to be vigilant, used that strange magical technique to hide into the space for the first time.

And what happened next also proved-missed opportunities often do not come back, so-called remedies are usually useless.

The reaction speed and attack of the caster and the legendary knight are extremely fast. The speed of super-light speed can be called a flash in this small space, but it still takes time to hit the enemy again quickly. , But what the three adventurers lack most at this time is time!

When the runes on the walls of the Alchemy Square were ignited again, the magic ball's motion instantly changed from a static state to a high-speed motion state. I saw that the only remaining magic core was plunged into the distance like diving. Punk and Kane bombarded all the attacks on his nearest wall and escaped by almost a millimetre. It was not until reaching a wall that the "metal block" quickly stopped.

At the same time, before the next wave of attacks by the legendary mage and the legendary knight arrives, the magic circle that is still emitting sparks has already begun to operate!

"Recover... The program... 呲呲... has been activated, emergency recovery... 呲... officially started"!

Under the surprised and anxious gaze of the three adventurers, UU read www. saw that the alchemy wall near the magic ball suddenly began to release a large number of small fragments like being exploited by unknown energy. These fragments melted in mid-air and turned into tightly connected metal components. Finally, , All the components will join the magic ball one by one. When the attack of the two legendary powerhouses comes, the broken "recovery ball" with only the "wreckage" has returned in its complete state. Up!

"Recovery... is complete, the armor is supplemented by the warp, and the energy progress of the ejection magic circle is 100%. Now continue to attack"!


In the law torn to pieces by a large amount of magical attack again, the mechanical sound that was almost submerged in the aftermath of energy was more harsh than the sound of space being torn apart again!

The magic ball...recovered!

That’s right, this is the power of the Osius Seven Magic Balls. As long as they are in the magic tower, they can have almost inexhaustible energy and inexhaustible matter. The fighters seem to be facing seven The humble "little football", but in fact, what he is facing... is actually the entire Morning Star Magic Tower!