Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 758: Magic fan lock

After reaching this new "unknown area", what appeared above the sky above punk's head was no longer the familiar alchemy wall or a plane crystal wall, but an impenetrable energy curtain.

When looking up at the sky, the caster can clearly see pieces of fine runes that are so complicated that legendary powerhouses will feel dizzy, flowing at a rapid speed on the curtain formed by almost pure law energy, with a number of hundreds of billions of energy. The circuits complete their flow trajectories in a very standardized order.

Although such cumbersome and complex textures seem to be a bit dense at first, after careful observation, you will find that such a number of runes are linked to each other to form an exquisite order like a gear bite, like a mechanical clock. The precise beauty of the gear movement is always so eye-catching!

Like dense stars linked together, like gems dotted with silk, like waterfalls rushing at extreme speed, like meteors falling down the sky...The magnificent runes really formed the stars and reflected each other in the sky, and the light blue array really formed the sky and enveloped the earth. Through the thick clouds, you can even vaguely see a few complex talismanic cultures as huge looming rings. They are so magnificent that the clouds at a height of 10,000 meters can only cover a few corners. They are so It is so magnificent that it can exist on the dome as a pattern of the sky.

It is too one-sided to describe such a sophisticated and magnificent magic circle with beauty. If such an existence insists on finding an adjective in the lingua franca, then "shock" may be the only interpretation that can carry it!

"This is... the magic fan lock"!

Looking up at the magnificent magical sky, the punk tone was filled with such emotion and shock for the first time.

What did he see? What he saw was an enchantment super-creation that was very common in the era of Netheril, but little-known in this "legendary island" era-the magic fan lock!

Don't be surprised, the shock of "Destroy Whispers" is by no means a fuss. I believe that in today's multiverse, any spellcaster below the moon will be shocked after seeing a complete magic lock!

What is a magic fan lock? In a popular sense, the magic lock is a super-linked magic circle that is complicated and cumbersome enough to make the top legendary enchanting masters crazy. Its complexity is completely different from the ordinary legendary magic circle. Gap between! It can even be said that when a large number of magic circles are organically combined and qualitative changes are caused by quantitative changes, it has already broken away from the traditional enchanting category.

That’s right, the magic fan lock is such an outrageous thing. Even the simplest fan lock requires hundreds of billions of ordinary legendary magic circles to be combined, even in the most glorious era of Netheril. , An ordinary magic fan lock also requires a Morningstar Great Arcanist who is good at enchanting spells to spend decades of hard work and consume all the belongings of an ordinary Morningstar powerhouse to make it.

Correspondingly, the magic fan lock also represents the power that can only be described as "amazing"!

Not only does a mystery lock itself possess powerful firepower and defensive power comparable to a magic fortress, it also often has a powerful "unique effect"! There is a sentence on the battlefield of Netheril to describe the power of the magic fan lock:

"When the energy of a mystery lock is full, its brilliance lights up the entire sky, and all attacks that touch the thin layer of shield are bounced back by the same way, because there is never within the effective range of mystery lock. The concept of "multiverse", when the hundreds of millions of runes touch you, you and the entire world that has been divided will already belong to the great master who manipulates the locks!"

This is the power of the magic fan lock. As one of Netheril's three major inventions, the power of the magic fan lock once shocked the oldest gods.

You know, there are thousands of magic locks with various functions, an intact Nether energy core, an indestructible city of alchemy... These are the three basic elements necessary for a floating city to be called a "floating city" , So in theory, an excellent magic fan lock can even be equivalent to a small part of a floating city!

At this moment, punk actually saw this magnificent magical creation in this ruin. Even if he had thought of such a possibility in advance, as a "Netherite" who loves magic, the legendary mage again How can we not be shocked?

"This is... the magic fan lock"?

Standing beside the caster with the burst of purple light in his pupils, Kane also looked up at the sky and opened his eyes wide.

As a legendary knight, he has certainly heard of the great name of the magic fan lock, but he had only heard of it before. He just heard that he could not feel the kind of face. The shocking feeling of hundreds of billions of runes circulating in the nine heavens.

"Yes, this is the magic fan lock... One of Netheril's pinnacle creations, but in this sad era, the magic fan lock is about to become a true legend, and I didn't expect it to be here. See one"!

Staring in admiration at the gorgeous sky full of sci-fi beauty because of the embellishment of a large number of runes, punk's eyes even stained with surprise and sadness.

He was pleasantly surprised that the phrase "maybe there may be magic fans" that he had dreamed of before the adventure would actually become a reality.

But sadly... now he is already in this magnificent mystery...

Yes, the teleportation circle is to throw Punk and Kane into this magic fan lock. If nothing else, this huge fan lock is the ultimate super cage of the magic tower.

And... this magic fan lock still seems to belong to the type with strong defense power. Its most basic function, but also the most powerful function, may be external defense... and internal gates!

"It's really a magical wonder that is more beautiful than the stars at But... My uncle is locked in a lock? Although it is not easy to see such a beautiful scene... …But it’s a bit wrong to be locked in a cage and admire the cage, right"...

The magic lock does not seem to have been added with a spell with a charm effect, so even the shock will fade away quickly, and the mad knight who does not understand runes is the first to stop this magic sky Feeling and began to observe his down-to-earth situation.

So, he turned his head to question punk a little dazedly.

As Kane said, although the magic lock is indeed a magical creation to the extreme, it is now also a huge cage prepared by the enemy. After being locked in the cage, the first time it is not jumped and cursed. Lamenting the beauty of the cage... it really feels awkward.


At this time, the two legendary powerhouses were not only in the presence of the mad knight and the caster. Not far from the two adventurers, there were two figures that seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.