Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 759: White Robe Mage

Someone once said that the most indispensable thing in travel is one after another "accidents". Now, the two "adventurous" accidents have already appeared, because where they are at this time— -The inside of the magic lock is not deserted, and not only is it not deserted, it is also lush like a tropical rain forest.

The mist is shrouded and the mist floats softly in the air like white gauze. The tall trees stand quietly under the blue sky with open arms to welcome the sun. Colorful mushrooms as thick as bamboo shoots gather around the trunk. , The section of texture formed by the fungus seems to be flowing with full juice, and at this time, the afternoon sun is like strands of golden fine sand, shining through the overlapping branches and leaves, mottled and scattered on the grass. , Illuminating the grass with glittering dew, illuminating the spotted colorful clothes on the mushrooms, and also illuminating the aromatic soil.

In the sunlight intertwined with the mist, the entire rainforest seems to exude the breath of grass, flowers and moist soil, bathing in the sunlight, feeling this mesmerizing dream, if it weren't for a corner of the sky from the clouds. The rune circle of adorns the blue dome. I am afraid that no one would have imagined that such a thriving emerald green environment would appear in a magical relic cage.

But obviously, no great Austrian master would have nothing to do to plant his own cage level with plants, so............the source of these plants is ready to come out.

"Mr. White Hat over there, I found that you have been standing there for a long time, so... who are you on earth?"

Squeezing the "Destruction Cluster" in his hand, the punk slowly turned to look at the jungle with cold eyes.

In the direction of the caster’s gaze, I saw a young man holding a dark gray staff, wearing a neat white mage robe, wearing a white pointed hat dotted with gold, and white boots studded with a few exquisite gems In the jungle over there, quietly watching the legendary mage and legendary knight who have just arrived here.

It’s worth mentioning that this unknown white-robed legendary caster’s cast level is as high as thirty-five. In terms of level...this guy is really very strong, maybe that’s why he Why dare to stand alone in front of foreign adventurers.

And beside him, the "Her Majesty" who casually found a stone and sat down was naturally a "smile" that was missing in the alchemy passage.

"Hello, adventurers".

It seemed that the white-robed mage was talking to "Smile" before the arrival of Punk and Kane, so when he watched the figure of the two "new guests", he gently apologized to the girl **** next to him Then, with a gentle smile full of aristocratic atmosphere, he spoke clearly to Punk and Kane in a fluent and standard common language:

"Introduce myself. I am Aztlán-Hipporon. My friend once gave me the title of "Pale Ghost", but I didn't like that title, so the two directly called me Aziz Tran will do."

Like a personable nobleman, even if he was targeted by punk’s spells and Kane’s lance at the same time, Aztlán has always maintained a warm smile facing the two "invaders", and in his In his eyes, punk not only did not see any hatred or hostility, but he even saw some sincere friendship and joy.

Yes, it is sincere. Although it sounds incredible and unreliable to read the emotion of "sincerity" in the eyes of a legendary strong man, the white-robed mage at this time really only feels "sincere". describe.

Seeing that both Punk and Kane were fully guarded and silent, Aztlan paused a little embarrassingly, then spread his hands and continued with a smile:

"Well, the guard is too heavy, but it is very tiring. If everyone can put down those unnecessary guards, then the world will become very beautiful... By the way, guests from far away, although strictly speaking We are all just guests of this ruin, but I have lived here for almost 200,000 years. Before I knew it, this cage already gave me a sense of home. If you don’t mind, you would Wouldn't you like to visit my "home" with me?

It is very surprising that this Aztlan wanted to invite three "strangers" to visit his "home"! Only at this moment, the vigilance of the two legendary powerhouses has not diminished, but has been further strengthened.


The slightly frowning punk voice asked coldly:

"What do you mean? I don't think you and I are so this prison really called "home"?"

"Oh, you really misunderstood, why we, as legendary powerhouses, have become more difficult to understand each other with theoretically endless lives and powerful forces. Don't you think this is a very sad situation? "?

He shook his head dumbfounded and laughed. The white-robed mage used a kind of self-talking words to express his emotions. Of course, he did not forget to explain patiently to the guarded casters and mad knights in his pupils:

" do you should also recognize that the magic circle above the dome is a magic lock, maybe you don't know exactly what the magic lock is, but you have also seen this ruin outside. I can tell you sincerely that the magical fan lock is definitely more than ten million times stronger than those walls. It is meaningless to hit it with an ordinary legendary attack. We are all in a place that cannot get out. In the cage, if we don’t become friends, should we fight a life and death in a meaningless way?"

Looking at the faces of punk and Kane Aztlan's words and emotions are indeed extremely sincere.

And... even punk has to admit that what this strange guy said is indeed reasonable. They are all in a cage now, and there is no conflict of interest between them, whether they are the three adventurers or the white-robed mage. There is no reason to fight, not to mention Aztlan's strength is obviously extremely strong, and the punk side has three legendary quantitative advantages.

On the whole... Aztlan’s peace proposal still needs to be accepted.

Thinking of this, Punk continued to stare vigilantly at the white-robed mage in front of him while silently canceling the "Destruction Cluster" in his hand.

Profit-oriented spellcasters never like to engage in meaningless battles, not to mention... If everyone is trapped in a trap and wants to break free, he and Aztlán might still be natural. Allies.

At least compared to the two "illiterate" teammates around Punk, Aztlan is also a spellcaster no matter what, he should be able to help a little bit in escaping the cage... right?