Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 783: Coming storm

The azure blue brilliance shone like a slowly overflowing water wave on the white shield of ability, and a sphere engraved with countless exquisite runes that can be called art rotates little by little in the air.

And at its corner, a bright red light dot is dotted on the surface structure of the sphere, and the blood-colored light flashes between the slender energy circuits... It's like the devil's pupils are full of maliciousness. Watching the world!

This laboratory has been abandoned, and what it has inside is just a subtle energy model. When the ruthless mage who built this laboratory found what he was looking for, this small model was useless.

And the clouds just above the city of White Rock, the legendary mage who has completed the reservation goal is staring at the "new toy" in front of him with solemn eyes.

That is a beautiful suffocating magic lock, countless nano-level runes together form a strong to the extreme lock energy structure, it looks brilliant under the light of the "artificial sun" made by Aztlan. Even if a certain mad knight and a girl **** standing nearby cannot fully understand the magic art represented by these superimposed runes, the beauty of the magic lock itself is still enough to attract any creature with normal aesthetics.

"It's really a beautiful existence. Unlike those ordinary energy barriers, this thin light curtain has the same polished glaze. Seeing this light curtain, I think of the bright crystals that refract the sunlight in the raging desert... ...".

Observing the magic lock from close range quietly, "Smile" couldn't help expressing his sincere admiration for this beautiful existence.

Although I know that such a beautiful creation will fall apart under the cruel cracking of a certain spellcaster in a few seconds, but the somewhat "smile" of "appearance control" still holds the powerful artwork of the owner. Enough appreciation.

Although the appreciation of the girl **** is only temporary interest.

"Owl Owl, I was finally able to smash this **** glass cover into pieces. The more beautiful and artistic it is, the more refreshing it would be to destroy it? Believe me, beautiful things can only be destroyed until they are left. The greatest degree of beauty can be shown only when one place is fragmented."

Carelessly carrying the lance on his shoulders, Kane, who was doing nothing for a while, started to argue with the "smile" again with simple words.

And maybe it’s the fact that the mad knight is about to escape from the magic locks. Now Kane seems to be even more mad than usual, even when he is talking to "Smile" while talking to the city of White Rock Looking at the sky from time to time in the direction.

Obviously, the legendary knight is clearly guarding the arrival of Aztlan... even he may be looking forward to the arrival of the white-robed mage.

After all, as a fighter who likes to seek breakthroughs in the battle of life and death, and likes to make destruction as a pleasure, Kane has been bored in the city of White Rock during this period of time.

God knows how unpleasant it is for him to see the neatly built houses in the White Rock City standing in front of him every day without being able to smash them.

Even punk suspected that at the beginning, this sane and crazy legendary knight was looking forward to teaming up with his two "teammates" to play Aztlan, the "big boss", and now this is finally there. The insidious knight might be dragging his “old friends” into the water and “playing a copy” together.

After all... Considering the self-centered "good thought" of the White-robed Mage, who also regards the cage as his home... Regardless of whether the three adventurers want to fight or not, there is a fierce battle when Aztlan arrives. I'm afraid they can't be avoided.

Therefore, in the view of the "Instant Kill Gun" who is always optimistic, it is better to maintain an excited attitude to welcome the battle than to wait for the enemy in fear. At least the former can make him appear very cooool (the kind of self-thinking ).

Of course, facing a legendary powerhouse who has a spellcasting level of up to thirty-five and may come to his door at any time, even the excitement will not make anyone look down on it.

For example, punk, who was seriously determining the status of the magic fan lock cheat code input port, turned his head indifferently and reminded Kane:

"You better be careful, Besadas! The process of "breaking" the mystery lock will take about a second or two without interruption. During this time, if Aztran kills you, you and "Smile "It is necessary to ensure that all his attacks are intercepted. This is not an easy task."

The serious caster concealed most of his face in the shadow of his hood. His tone was confident and cautious. Although due to the suddenness of the incident and his maximum release of concealment magic, punk did not think Aztran could It is so appropriate to find yourself and conduct more appropriate and beneficial intercepts, but it is really not tolerate the slightest interruption to crack the secret input key. The cautious "Destroy Whisper" will inevitably be a little worried that his two "teammates" are not reliable enough.

Fortunately, "Smile", as the person most anxious to leave the magic fan lock, is very concerned about this matter. Kane seems to be very concerned about certain things, so after hearing the reminder of the legendary mage, this Both guys quickly converged their inconspicuous relaxation and became serious.

"Don't worry, this uncle will definitely stop all attacks. If Aztlán comes to stop us, it proves that he cares about ordinary people in the White Rock City. So in order to prevent accidental injuries, his attacks will definitely not be that way. Large-scale killing, and for those so-called single attacks..."

Raising the vindictive golden lance in his hand, Kane's mouth evoked a cruel smile full of villain characteristics.

"Speaking... there is another interesting fighting skill of my uncle that hasn't been Hehehe, when the idiot comes over, let him test how "kindness" he is. "Let's"!

"The concubine body will hide in the space and prepare to respond, and any summoned creature summoned by Aztlan can be resolved by the concubine body."

Quietly hidden from the sky, "smile" also gave punk a sonorous answer.

She knows that she is not strong enough, so the task of frontal interception attacks must rely on Kane to be competent, but more than punk can not tolerate the girl **** who will continue to be kept in this magic cage. This time she does not intend to continue to "play soy sauce" on the battlefield. , When you are a "fuck", if necessary, even if you use the remaining thirteen supernatural powers to "smile", you must prevent Aztlan from any interference with his "escape".

Don’t think that only selfless dedication and good-hearted camp leaders can form an unbreakable alliance. When there is a common interest that concerns life and death, the cooperation of the interests of the first person will definitely become indestructible in an instant, even if it is a crisis. After that, this firm “alliance” may fall apart in an instant, but at least when facing “strong enemies” like Aztlán, the combat efficiency of rational and decisive professionals is better than those who always want to sacrifice their lives to rescue their teammates. It is very possible that the "good alliance" will be more efficient!