Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 793: Battle of Misuo (7) Dawn?

The "Pale Soul" spell is exactly what it sounds like. It releases a large group of ghosts to attack the enemy. These spirits will quickly approach like bone maggots and adhere tightly to the enemy’s energy protection. Summoned creatures that are not afraid of death stick to the target, they will begin to drag the space, tow the law, and finally seriously affect the enemy's movement speed.

Then... until the caster who releases the "pale soul" feels that the time has arrived, these hordes of magical summoned creatures will explode one by one near the attacking target. Those released in the explosion are enough The pale brilliance that illuminates a large area is the reason for the name of this spell!

Therefore, this group of terrifying ghosts is not only an astonishing number, they are actually a large number of self-explosive bombs with rich functions and average power!

Moreover, Aztlán's commanding skills for these "bombs" are undoubtedly superb.

I saw the white-robed mage’s wand swung as dexterously as a baton, and every ghost scattered in the starry sky quickly moved like raindrops in a storm. These roaring troops didn’t have a brain. It rushed to the target from one direction, but dispersed into a state of maintaining a certain interval and gathered from all directions in the direction of the enemy.

In this way, it is impossible for the attacked enemy to only defend in one direction and to "one man and one man to open the door". If you do not want to be bombarded by these continuous bombs, a professional in a passive defensive position must Think of a way to conduct a 360-degree defense with no dead ends, or conduct a 360-degree attack with no dead ends to clean up ghosts.

The punk choice is undoubtedly the latter.

In summary, the attack methods of these ghosts are nothing more than "close sticking> slowing down the enemy's speed> letting more ghosts stick to the enemy> intensive explosion causing damage.

Owing to the memory of the Great Oman Vedrasha, Punk recognized the "white soul" when Aztlan had just completed the construction of the spell, and faced such a combination of "control" and "killing". His spells, the defense method he adopted is also very simple-first create a relatively strong protective shield> abandon the shield immediately after being stuck by a few ghosts> run quickly and build a new shield.

In this way, punk can largely avoid being reduced by ghosts, and maintaining high-speed movement can also reduce the chances of ghosts approaching themselves.

Although in theory, the most effective "defense" method is to release large-scale damage and clear out millions of ghost groups, but Punk knows the level gap between himself and Aztlan. There is no confidence in cleaning these troublesome ghosts perfectly.

Therefore, the prudent spellcaster adjusted his fighting style to a very pure "defensive counterattack". Although he is now a bit embarrassed by a group of ghosts running around, but... in order to ensure safety, it doesn’t matter if he is embarrassed. .

However...on the other side of the battlefield, compared to punk's correct response, Kane's actions perfectly demonstrated a "textbook" wrong response.

No way, this guy definitely couldn't recognize the spell "Pale Soul", and punk didn't have time, or did not remind the mad knight of the characteristics of this spell on purpose, so when Kane first saw a group of ghosts When he culled himself, his first reaction as a combatant was to clear out some of the nearest summoned creatures through a quick attack, and then "break the siege" with a powerful and quick single attack.

But what he didn't expect was that these ghosts would actually explode, and they would still explode close to one another.

In fact, when Kane’s lance touched the first ghost, the roaring summoned creature exploded directly. Even under Aztlan’s deliberate control, the ghost’s blew up The lance pushed away from the original arc trajectory, and of course the remaining group of ghosts also caught this short space and swarmed up.


The explosions that were as dense as a knife Lingchi directly blasted the mad knight.

Strictly speaking, the explosive power of these ghosts is actually very average. Even if Aztlán is a level 35 spellcaster, the explosion damage of the ghosts cannot be increased much, but no matter how small the power is, it can't stand their large numbers. .

What's more, these continuous explosions are not indiscriminately. They are organized, planned, orderly, fearless, and succeed in succession-under the control of the white robe mage, which covers almost every ghost individual. Every explosion has undergone careful calculations and perfect plans, and every ghost's sacrifice is almost bound to have the greatest negative impact on the enemy's defenses or maneuvers.

Therefore, after being hit by the first ghost, Kane's ending seems doomed.

One after another ghosts were attached to a series of explosions. Almost all of the mad knight’s defense and counterattack were resolved under Aztlan’s manipulation of the explosion. It only took less than a second, and it was still majestic just now. The legendary knight who sent him was already covered in blood and bruises.

In a battle at the legendary level, it is not so easy to turn around once you fall into the wind, because your opponent will definitely launch an offensive and victory pursuit, not to mention the strength of Aztlan is already very strong, and now the legendary knight has made a mistake in response. It’s just normal to be rushed by a group of ghosts. This is because he is a fighter with a physical fitness far beyond the Adamantite Golem to continue resisting in such a dense legendary explosion, but even so, Kane has not Ways to get rid of those pale ghosts that are going on.

Knowing that he does not have any powerful methods of lore, so far the white-robed mage can still perfectly grasp the essence of the "war of attrition". Now he does not strive to kill the enemy instantly, but concentrates on using his thirty The massive magic power brought by the five-level spell casts down the opponents and bombards Although this method of combat is simple and rude, its effect is unexpectedly very good, such as one appearance like Kane. After the mistake, he basically has no chance to come back on his own, because the precise "ghost explosion" is enough to make the mad knight tired of running vindictive defense and no time to release his legendary fighting skills, and the large group of sticky ghosts is even more It was like a piranha vortex tearing flesh and blood that surrounded Kane. These walls made up of continuous explosions made him unable to exert his powerful mobility.

On the punk side, the battle situation is also not optimistic. Although he was not as unlucky as Kane was surrounded by a group of ghosts and bombed, the caster who was hunted down all the way can't squeeze any time to attack.

After all, with the passage of time, the attack frequency of the white-robed mage not only did not slow down, but should have accelerated. When the legendary knight was successfully restricted from the start, the confident Aztlan also significantly increased. The number of ghosts released has been increased.

At this time, the ghosts surrounding him were even separated to chase and intercept the punk who flew around in the astral space. The number of attacks resembling a torrential rain was supported by the white-robed mage’s blood-red eyes and crazy tilting magic power. A hurricane that swept the darkness was formed.