Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 794: The battle of the puzzle (eight) failed

The dawn of victory can inspire soldiers, but who can be sure that the brilliance that blooms on the horizon is the announcement of the sunrise or the dissipation of the setting sun?

Finally, after a full second from the start of the battle, Aztlan, who had always had the upper hand and red-eyed, no longer planned to leave the ghost to guard against the "smile" sneak attack. He began to release the attack with all his strength and conduct a battle. Crucial gambling!

What he bet on is that he can kill two enemies who have "lost the power to resist" before the girl gods hit him hard...

"Any chance?"

Aztlan asked himself in his heart.

"Have a chance"!

Seeing more and more wounds on Kane's body and slower and slower release of punk's spells, Aztlan gritted his teeth with his red eyes.

He still could not withstand the temptation of revenge to kill his opponent, and Aztlan knew that he still had a hole card. In his opinion, with his hole card, "Smile" no matter how he releases the legendary magic, he can't even "kill" him in seconds. , Then............ It is really worth it to fight a despicable sneak attack and kill the two most threatening enemies!

As a result, the legendary mage with white robe fluttering and dancing fiercely crossed his wand into the space around him. Accompanied by the "click" sound of the space like broken glass, he completely gave up his defense and put every trace of magic power into it. The attacking Aztlan finally broke out except for the biggest crazy attack since the war!

"Despicable sinners, repent for your viciousness"!


The ghosts that have almost converged into tens of thousands of rushing canals flocked in all directions with the white ball of light in Aztlan’s hands as the starting point. They seemed to have turned into inextricable ribbons to further envelop the knight who was about to be unable to maintain their actions. , And it seemed to be transformed into a wandering dragon chasing the figure of the legendary spellcaster. The white-robed mage's unscrupulous consumption of magic power almost turned this battlefield into a water curtain composed of pale ghosts, which took only one ten thousandth of a second. At the time, even punk seems to be unable to continue to evade flexibly.

"Add a little more power. After a little power, the ghost’s explosive killing speed can overwhelm the knight’s vindictive recovery speed! After a little bit more number, and a little bit more number, the villain mage can’t escape. Escaped......a little bit more, a little bit..."

While pretending to be madly injecting more magic power into the "pale soul" spell model, Aztlan muttered to himself in a low voice with excitement. In his opinion, his revenge success is almost at hand, that The two targets locked by the ghost can't even release a single attack method.


The existence of "smile" is not a vase or a decoration!

The "group fight" between three opponents of the same level and the one-on-one "heads-up" of two ordinary legends are always completely different concepts.

What's more, there are three legends in the enemy that Aztlán is facing now-these three legends also master the legendary ultimate move that can seriously hurt people!

From Aztlan’s point of view, although its current battle choices have some extreme emotions, there is no major mistake in the fundamental battle plan. He intends to "solve the two enemies first and defend the third with his cards. The prospect of "an enemy" is nothing. After all, Aztlan knew that he had only the ability to resist a legendary killer move. In the face of three out-and-out monsters, his only hope of victory was to make two of them Can't release a legendary killer call,

Because of this, Aztlan showed such a crazy offensive scene.

Although his expression at this moment looks extremely anxious, but in fact...

Can his mood be described as "extremely anxious"? He is going crazy!

It wasn't until the face of this race against time that the "Pale Ghost", who had always been confident of his ghost group and war of attrition, felt the pain of not having a tough lore for the first time, the kind of embarrassment to beat the enemy, but The feeling that you can't kill is really too easy to drive people crazy!

Take a look at the two legendary professionals who are being attacked by Aztlán at this time-Kane is immortal if he is bombed upright like a Xiaoqiang! Others' vindictiveness can not only counteract the damage caused by the explosion, but also perfectly protect their soul with their solid flesh and blood body.

So far, the ghost group of the white-robed mage has just blasted through the outer muscles of the mad knight. Next, if he wants to blast Kane’s soul, the industrious ghosts have to continue to blast the hardness to catch up with "Okin The legendary bones of "Magic Steel"............

As for the punk side...not to mention.

"Whisper of Destruction" clearly knows that he does not have the frenzied vitality of Kane, so his strategy is to avoid everywhere and never go hand in hand, because the punk's fast movement speed has not been reduced, so the ghost of Aztlan is simply Can't stick to the legendary mage who threw down the protective shield layer by layer.

In this way, Aztlán’s war of attrition was really turned into a "war of attrition", but what he consumed was the opponent’s magic and grudge, and what punk and Kane consumed... is more precious. time!

Even due to the "hunting and killing psychology" brought about by the supremacy, the white-robed mage always feels that he can get rid of tricky enemies with just a little more effort, and the illusion of "add more strength, I can do it" has been forced. Aztlán implemented his own combat policy of "killing two and defending one".


The real world has always been cruel.

Until a pink figure appeared behind the white robe mage, the poor "Pale Ghost" did not solve any enemy who had been attacked by him for a long time.

It's a pity "Pale Ghost" strategy failed.

No matter what the era of the multiverse has become, a legendary wizard without legendary spells will always be a tiger without fangs. He can knock down opponents and suppress enemies, but he does not have the decisive ability to tear the enemy's throat.

If you change to punk or Kane to face the same situation, their legendary killer moves immediately after the conventional attack methods will definitely make any opponents who fall into the wind no longer have the power to fight back. If they face the same level of strength as their own, but the level Enemies who are nine levels apart and have no hole cards, don't say one hits three, and one hits four may not necessarily lose!

But Aztlán was unable to do this. So far, when the "smile" was finally ready for the legendary magic to jump out of the space behind him, the crunching white-robed mage who bit his teeth could only Choosing to give up and continue to release the "pale soul" to attack, and then watched the two enemies who fell into the absolute disadvantage escaping from the ghosts one by one, and watched all the efforts in front of them were abandoned.

His strategy failed!

And then... the "loser" in the battle will have to bear the consequences for his wrong decision.