Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 849: Emergency information

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"The mission is exposed, the teams are on standby"!

When the news was just received, the punk who was still confronting his team members was completely stunned. He even wondered if the ogre in front of him had used some mental spells to make himself hallucinated.

But after a simple soul self-examination, punk has perfectly determined the truth-this notification of "mission exposure" was sent by the "chairman".

Opposite him, the ogre who had been aggressive for the last second was now completely dumbfounded. Obviously, it had also received a solemn warning from the "guild leader".

"No, is it that the fate of the river is so cruel? It directly exposes everyone to such an appropriate benefit"?

Silently took out the magic crystal card from the storage ring, punk's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

This sudden "mission exposure" was really unexpected. It was unexpected that even punk did not take the plan to deal with this kind of thing into his own consideration.

At the same time, the "mission exposure" of this appropriate benefit is also too coincidental. By coincidence, the degree is not calculated in units of years or months, but in "days" as the count, because the "chairman" announced the "mission start" The next day, the mission in which all the team members were in the just assembled state was suddenly announced to be exposed, and even based on time calculations and the logic of most executors, the "group leader" was considered. Now the mission is exposed at about the same time. It's time for the three executor groups to arrive at the assembly location and prepare to start the on-site investigation in a low-key manner!

If the mission exposure this time was an "inevitable" accident that emerged under the influence of the "long river of destiny," then this so-called "accident" would be too tough and unreasonable.

"...The reason for thinking deeper is the work that the "chairman" needs to do. Now I should think about my next step."

Slowly removing the pale staff from behind, the caster's face was instantly drenched with gloom and chill under the radiance of the star robe.

At this moment, the first thought that appeared in punk's mind was "retreat", or to put it more bluntly, now "Destroy Whispers" wanted to give up the mission simply and choose to escape.

With Haitzta’s magic box, "Whisper of Destruction" can just open a portal to the Chaos Sea by your side now, and you can go straight away. After entering the mysterious area that can shield all the information connections of the multiverse, even At that time, the Sun Throne, who majored in prophecy spells, don't even want to easily find the trace of the caster.

And his seemingly timid thoughts are not excessive at all. You must know that the president of the Mage Guild and the sun-level spellcaster "Archmage" Messul himself lives on the plane of Faerun. If you wait for the throne of the sun to arrive in front of you, then an ordinary legend who wants to escape will become a fantasy, and then all the ordinary members of the "executors" will turn from hunters into prey.

At that time, we can run away... it's too late!

Compared to his own life, let alone the president promised three times the reward, what's the point of having thirty times or three hundred times the reward close at hand?

"Sure enough, you should run away. The pit of the Silent Alliance is too unreliable. The mission that has been planned for tens of thousands of years can be exposed on the spot. If you lose the magic tower and all your property, you can only admit it is bad luck..."

Gritting his teeth and thinking, Punk clenched his staff and lifted his left hand to open the portal to a certain corner of the Chaos Sea. In order to ensure safety when contacting the Silent Alliance, the caster had seriously practiced teleporting. The specific technology of the door stably connecting to the sea of ​​chaos, I didn't expect to be able to come in handy now.

The so-called fear of death is not wrong. It’s a sin if you really die. Even though punk unceremoniously took one-third of the reward from the "chairman" just two thousand years ago, he counted on a profit-oriented man. The mage might have thought too much about the "loyalty" that a legendary organization "The Silent Alliance" was born with.


But... punk's move was not really implemented in the end, and the "portal" that was directly connected to the road of no return was not really opened.

This is not because punk's casting speed is too slow, but because the "guildmaster" message is sent too fast.

Almost as soon as the message of "mission exposure" appeared, and then the caster's thoughts were stunned, a large piece of brand-new information was immediately sent by the "chairman" clearly and clearly.

Obviously, as the "leader", Your Excellency Yaori Throne is also very clear about what his group of "subordinates" are. If the detailed information is sent a little late, it may not be easy for the "executors" to gather. The team that got up was about to run clean, after all, not only a punk "savvy" mage knew the existence of "the sea of ​​chaos".

Therefore, in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and to clarify the specific situation, the second round of messages sent by the "chairman" maintained a calm tone as if "the situation is under control" from beginning to end.

Regardless of whether this "tone" is pretended or not, at least a large section of "new announcements" with both explanations and commands effectively alleviated the tension of all performers.

I saw that the "chairman" who couldn't see how his mentality changed at all, said in the new notification message:

"Don’t be too nervous for all the groups. Although the mission has been exposed, the development of the situation is far from beyond control. As the "chairman", I swear that I can ensure that the "Archmage" Messoul cannot produce any influence on the members of the "executors". Any substantial threat "Eternal Sleeping Eye" has also stopped the Morning Star Mage "Sky Shard" Belain who discovered the clues. The safety of all the groups has not been seriously threatened! repeat! The safety of all groups has not been seriously threatened! Next, I hope that all "executors" will listen carefully and execute the following commands:

One, the first and second groups immediately launched a strong attack on the task target, your strength is fully equipped to complete the task.

Second, the third group retreated immediately. The "heavy troopers" Horal lived closer to the Grey Rain Nation, and the "burner" Ankazan-Yanmei had passed towards you!"

I have to admit that the command of the "chairman" is still as clear as ever, the news is still as clear as ever, and the grasp of people's hearts is as clear and clear as ever.

After the mission was exposed, he immediately realized where the most difficult part of this matter was-it was not the danger brought by the mission exposure itself, not the trouble caused by the mission failure, but the little team that he had. The fact that it is possible to run off after reacting to it!

It is precisely because of this that the Yaori Throne, which responded quickly, issued such a message urgently.