Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 855: Battle of Bones (3) Want to run?

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Punk, who was watching this scene in mid-air, didn't say anything to stop Babin's reckless behavior of using his body directly at the fake magic tower.

It is true that he can release more than a dozen "disintegrating singularities" in a row and blast the magic tower and everything inside into residues, but the cautious legendary mage did not choose to do that.

One of the reasons for this is that, on the one hand, the mission goal given by the "guildmaster" clearly requires that the enemy be "captured alive". Punk does not think that he can take a dead body and go back to the **** to get the whole thing intact. Amount of remuneration.

The other reason is because the "Destroying Whispers" intends to ensure their own safety.

Even if Owen's performance so far seems that he is as helpless and vulnerable as the fish on the chopping board, punk will still not underestimate any enemy who reaches the legendary level.

Don’t forget that, apart from a magic tower with a fake tiger, the "Inscription Sage" is also a 27th-level spellcaster belonging to the Mage Guild. Punk doesn’t think he can bully such a life course by bombarding it with a legendary spell. The long legendary mage.

At the same time, the other reason why he didn’t do it was because... When a legendary spellcaster was about to continuously release legendary spells to attack, the legendary mage would undoubtedly be in a very fragile and troublesome state. The legendary spells are amazing. Consuming will draw away a quarter or more of the magical power of the spell releaser's body time and time again, and the energy consumed will reach 100% of the total.

Even if a spellcaster usually takes only a second or so to restore the magic power to full state, but after throwing out four or five legendary spells in succession, his magic reserves have to be in a full second or so It has kept bottoming out for a long time, and needless to say how fragile this "empty blue" mage is.

What's more, as far as Vedrazia’s experience is known, any legendary professional who uses the same legendary killer more than three times in a row against the same spellcaster is originally a very taboo. Once someone else finds out the specific path of the spell user Count, a few targeted "precision legendary countermeasures" may cause the ordinary legendary magic that you have prepared so hard to explode in your hands. At that time, the immortal end of Aimoda-Yanclaw is the best example.

Therefore, even if there is no hard limit on the release conditions of the legendary ultimate move, a wise wizard must still use it as a powerful killer. Once it is used, it is necessary to "kill people and kill the mouth". Those who think they will have a unique skill The guy who used it as a panacea everywhere and left a lot of witnesses indifferently was simply insulting others' IQ.

Punk naturally does not make such a mistake. He quietly watched the ogre wielding a "staff" like a sledgehammer to "see the way" for himself, and according to the newly formulated plan of "Destroy Whisper", he waited until Austria. When Wen had to exhaust all his energy to deal with a violent big "mage", he would only use magic to make a "lore" opportunity.

And now—before Babun and the enemy formally exchange fire, the job that punk has to do is to prevent the "inscription sage" from opening the portal and fleeing!

So the question now is... Is it easy for a professional to escape in front of an invincible enemy?

If a legendary mage wants to escape the pursuit of enemies who are also legendary mages, then his best choice is undoubtedly to run to the chaotic chaotic place like the abyss or the sea of ​​chaos. After all, everyone is uncompromising. The poor people who don’t buckle, there are almost no ordinary legendary professionals who have the ability to spend a large price to deploy hundreds of teleportation formations when they are about to escape, and then find one to get in, leaving more than a dozen space laws leading to different places to achieve the fluctuation. The effect of "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves".

What's more, the various legendary prophecy spells are not easy to fool. If there is no magical equipment with powerful hidden effects or the same level of shielding spells, even if they run away temporarily, they will be quickly found by enemies who are good at prophecy, so only It is safer to escape into the Chaos Sea and the endless abyss, because that kind of place comes with the shielding effect of Yaori-level prophecy.

The terrible abyss may be too dangerous because of the large number of demon lords, but the sea of ​​chaos is definitely a good place to avoid powerful enemies.

The most practical way to go to these two places is to open the kind of complex portal that is also called ultra-long distance for the legendary powerhouse. This is even the method that punk thought of when planning to run away for the first two times. in this way.

It's just that this escape plan is still relatively unsatisfactory. The "ultra-long-distance portal" that can be used by spellcasters at the ordinary level and even the morning star level has many unavoidable flaws.

For example... this kind of gate to the chaotic sea and the abyss usually cannot be kept open all the time. Every microsecond when the portal is activated, a lot of precious resources are burned, and a super long distance to the chaotic land is arranged. The teleportation circle is also very troublesome, even a skilled mage often takes a minute to prepare.

Among them, the place that most affects the escape efficiency of the legendary professional is that the deployment of the teleportation array requires the construction of complete azimuth coordinates. This coordinate will be locked like a nail at the exit reservation position of the portal, and those are full of chaos. In places with evil, an orderly coordinate is a bit too conspicuous anyway.

For example, a demon lord/chaotic creature/goddess or something found a small coordinate in the process of wandering hauntingly, guess what they would do?


Because of these troublesome causes, all the teleportation arrays leading to dangerous areas must be used and opened up, and destroyed as soon as they are used up. If they are not used, they cannot be built with chaos, otherwise they may be damaged by various rotten enemies. Come here.

At the same time, the activation of the teleportation array is quite daunting. After all, the laws of nature in the ultra-long-distance situation cannot be and the place where the array is connected is also very unusual. Even if it is arranged, the legendary mage who tries to escape You have to wait for about ten seconds to start the "travel".

It is precisely because the "ultra-long-distance teleportation circle" has the above-mentioned time-consuming side effects, this spell can only be used as a "prepared escape plan". When the enemy hits the door, a "legendary plastic energy spell" ——Space Blockade" was released, and the wizard who wanted to escape basically didn't have to count on this thing.

And now Owen is the unlucky person in such a dangerous situation.

Since the mission was revealed too late, his only chance of escape was to delay the time through the deterrence of the magic tower, but... this strategy did not take effect in front of the punk who likes to "meet and grow".

So next, if the "Inscription Sage" still wants to run efficiently through "Teleport", then he can only risk a 99% chance of breaking a hundred souls and try the most pitted person in the legend. "Ultra-long-distance random teleportation technique" is used, but punk does not think that Owen, an old liar, will have enough courage and knowledge...

So... as long as he can destroy the teleportation plan that the mission target is preparing, then this battle will be half the battle!