Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 864: Encounters of other groups

The meeting coordinates of the Silent Alliance have changed again. In order to keep as confidential as possible, the location of each meeting held by the "chairman" is actually in a completely different position in the multiverse, but no matter where the meeting is held, it’s white. The foggy and empty background is an eternal theme.

Although a piece of pure daylight always gives people a weird sense of vagueness, the "guild leader" seems to like such a hazy atmosphere............

Punk is still not the first to arrive. When he entered this new meeting place, the other five ordinary legendary members of the "executors" had all arrived, the "chairman" still did not appear, and everyone else Standing together loosely and discussing something.

"Ahhhhhhhh, "Destroy Whisper", you can count it. I heard that you guy almost caught the prey? It's super ~ amazing."

Still a familiar voice, or a familiar tone, when seeing the caster's projection in the space, the first guy to say hello will obviously only be the big-hearted Kane.

Of course, his greeting actually contained a lot of ridicule. It could be seen that this mad knight who feared the world would not be chaotic was very grateful for the failure of punk.

However, the silent punk did not pay attention to the "friendly greeting" of the "old friend", he just walked to the side of the legendary professionals with a blank face, and then stood there without saying a word.

Here and now, "Destroy Whispers" doesn’t want to appear familiar with Kane, and he’s here to participate in meetings, not to participate in meaningless bickering. Punk also wants to get as many important things as possible. If there is a quarrel with Kane, it will be endless.

Seeing that the punk was not in the mood for talking or even quarreling, the Mad Knight did not continue to say anything. Just now this guy should be discussing something with a few other people. Now that he finished the "friendly greeting", he naturally wanted to rush to the meeting. Keep talking about things before the long comes:

"Okay, okay, everyone is here now, why don't we talk about what we encountered during the mission? This time the "Splitting Bone Die" action really didn't go well, was it?"

Kane shrugged his shoulders while expressing his thoughts carelessly, but he ignored the opinions of the "Second Group Leader" Phantom Mirror from beginning to end.

This guy just made a unilateral decision to discuss this failed mission with everyone.

"Well, in order to show sincerity, let me talk about the experience of the second group first. In fact, my uncle and Miss Phantom Mirror did not encounter enemies at all, because our assembly point is far from the target location. So when we arrived, the "floating light and glimpse" Dina Saya-Grinta had already run away~"

After speaking, the mad knight made a helpless move and spread his hands. Although the guy's so-called "regret" was exaggerated and contrived, he actually told the truth about his situation and situation.

After hearing the legendary knight’s leading speech and seeing the arrival of punk, the ogre mage who had accumulated resentment against the “group leader” in the action finally couldn’t sit still, and saw that Kane’s voice just fell. This guy with a big projection immediately complained roughly with mental power full of anger and resentment:

"Aha! It doesn't matter if your target runs away. My "thick rock formation" is the most unlucky. I have obviously beaten "Owen Sage" into a terrible way, but I still let the old liar run away. It’s gone, the most annoying thing is... Someone who doesn’t know what he’s thinking still refuses to hunt down and kill at his fingertips! Hmph, I should stand here with my prey now and enjoy it. Honor and credit are right"!

After finishing speaking, Ba Beng glared at the location of the punk.

At this moment, everyone knows who "the guy who doesn't know what I'm thinking" in the mouth of "thick rock" refers to.

It can be seen that in the course of a failed operation, the militant ogre mage didn’t even get entangled in the fact that he was “injured” by the legendary spell. On the contrary, he had been because his “group leader” did not make a deep pursuit. The decision to kill is brooding.

After all, Barbun’s words of "the most disgusting coward and coward" are obviously not just talking.


Punk was completely dismissive of the reckless ogre's accusation. He just continued to stand in his place lightly, and then calmly retorted without even looking at Ba Beng:

"A reckless mind can never understand the decision of wisdom. Perhaps in the eyes of a hungry hound, even a legendary mage who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years is nothing but a rabbit with no resistance."

"You call Ba Beng a hunting dog? You coward and coward, if you are in the Hammer Tribe, the garbage you ran away will definitely be shaved into pieces and eaten..."

Hearing the punk sarcasm and accusation, the ogre who has been screaming in his stomach is really angry. Its verbal abuse even forgot to hide his real name, if it weren’t for everyone in this meeting space. Using a projection endorsement with no combat effectiveness, the furious Ba Beng might rush to fight punk.

But fortunately, this is the place where the six legends share. Kane and others who want to understand the situation of other people will certainly not let the few "communication time" become an ogre. Let go of the stage of cursing.

Seeing that the development of the situation exceeded his expectations, the mad knight hurriedly controlled his projection to walk between punk and babun, and then changed the subject loudly and hard:

"Very good... It seems that the first group is really a It's clear that we can almost catch the sad prey. In contrast, our second group has failed and confused. ............ What about the third group, what happened to your side?"

Kane abruptly brought the topic to the third group, and the other four legendary powerhouses couldn't help but looked at the projection of the third group leader "Plague Box".

In fact, everyone present was the most curious about the "encounter" of the third group. After all, the "chairman" command to the other two groups was to launch a full attack, only the command to the third group was " Retreat quickly"…………

Seeing that everyone else has already looked at him, and the first and second groups have finished talking about what happened to them, the "Plague Box" naturally has no reason to hide their information.

Of course, she had no intention of concealing anything. After Kane clearly expressed her doubt, the third group leader bluntly said in a hoarse mental voice:

"We are undoubtedly the most unlucky, because we encountered that terrible monster...The 33rd-level legendary mage-"Burner" Ankazan-Yanmei"!