Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 865: The 2nd Executive Meeting

After a more detailed description of the "Plague Box", Punk, Kane and others probably know what kind of tragic experience the third group has experienced.

To say that they are unlucky... they are indeed unlucky, because their mission target "Horal Baslu" is located in the Warm Wind Country, which is really too close to the Grey Rain Country. After the mission was exposed , The extremely fast Ankazan-Yanmei arrived on the battlefield at an alarming speed in less than a second, and at that time, he had just received the "Plague Box" newly notified by the "President". And the "thunderstorm" has entered the border of the "warm wind country", they actually have no time to retreat.

In this way, the four legendary professionals who mastered the legendary ultimate move started an earth-shattering battle in a narrow land. Even if they were not on the scene, everyone could imagine how "tragic" and momentum it was. The vast unparalleled battle.

And... for the hapless "third group", the most important thing is not just the occurrence of a terrible battle, but the fact that the powerful "Burners" fell to the third group of two legendary hunters. Sling.

Even the "Plague Box" that looks quite proud has to admit that the "guildmaster"'s evaluation of the guardian of the Gray Rain Nation "Ankazan-Yanmei" is too correct. This guy is really very powerful. Astonishing, from the beginning to the end of the battle, the "burner" chased the two legendary powerhouses almost from start to finish, and the combination of "Thunderstorm" and "Plague Box" was not only incapable of fighting back. Even almost failed to run away.

On the contrary, the "heavy giant soldier" Horal, who should have been nervous because of the attack, was very relaxed and freehand throughout the battle. From the description of the "Plague Box", the "Tin Man" who is extremely bad at speed only needs to look at An from a distance. Kazan's powerful enemies hugged their heads and shouted, "Don't let them go, kill those two bastards."

In such a one-sided battle, the "cost" of the third group is obviously very painful. It is not easy for two hunters who have become "prey" to have the opportunity to come back alive. Among them, the third group leader I was heartbroken to consume the only two legendary alchemy potions, and the legendary warlock "Thunderstorm", who had no hole cards, was hit by Ankazan's legendary spell at the beginning of the battle.

To be honest, had it not been for the "Plague Box" to take the "team members" who lost their combat effectiveness on the spot, the "thunderstorm" that suffered a serious injury would have been declared dead at the beginning of the first legendary battle in his life.


After the description of the hoarse voice of the "Plague Box" ended, everyone also looked at the projection of the silent "thunderstorm" standing on the edge with complicated eyes.

From the words "Four Professionals with Legendary Kills" can be seen, "Thunderstorm" as a legendary warlock awakened the talented legendary spells, but unfortunately, he did not have time to use his own assassin to fight. At the beginning, he was blasted half to death by the enemy, but now the warlock has closed his mouth and said nothing...

As the three groups finished talking about their "encounters", the meeting scene quickly became quiet.

The reason why everyone, including Kane, stopped talking, on the one hand, was because everyone had already said the information that could be revealed, and on the other hand, because... a gray-black sphere has no idea when it appeared. The round stage in the center of the meeting space is on.

That is the iconic projection of the "chairman" that everyone is familiar with.

"Everyone, the discussion time is over, now... "The second meeting of "executors" is time to start."

No matter when and where, the existence of the "guild leader" is as majestic and calm as always, as if the projection light representing the "leader of the Silent Alliance" exists there and there is an atmosphere that can make people calm down. .

If you insist on finding an adjective to call it, it may be the so-called "silent majesty and aura".

"This time the mission seems to have completely failed. I have also heard about the intelligence reports of the various groups just now, but even so...the opportunity for remediation has not completely disappeared."

The "guild leader" clearly expressed his thoughts in a faint voice. From the monochromatic projection sphere, no one could see what the unfathomable Throne of Sun was holding.

But think about it... "President" will definitely be unwilling to fail because of the vague failure of the "Splitting Bone Die" action.

"We must admit that there is a helpless bad news-the heavy equipment soldier" Horal and the "floating shadow" Dina Saya have successfully escaped, they entered the magic tower of the archmage Messur to avoid chasing, so, the above The two enemies can no longer be captured as mission targets............

Of course, the good news also exists, because there is still a member of the wizard guild who has not completely separated from our hunting range."

Speaking of this, the words under the crown of the Yaori throne paused for a while. Even though the huge projection sphere has no faces and eyes, the punk standing on the edge of the meeting space can still feel the meaningfulness from the white platform. Gaze.

Obviously, even without any secret inquiry or obvious exploration, the "guildmaster" already knew the fact that the first group forced the "inscription sage" Orwen into the plane of shadow.

"Twenty-seventh-level legendary mage "Inscription Sage" has not been completely out of control. With the efforts of the first group of "Destroying Whispers" and "Thick Rock Formation", there is no Owen-Lilierti of any stalker class level. He had to run into a certain position on the plane of shadow to avoid and he was still in a vulnerable state of severely injured and damaged soul...... In this case, with Owen’s knowledge content There is basically no way to leave the shadow plane with the casting level, we still have a chance to catch him."

After telling this fact with no tone fluctuation mental power, the idea of ​​the "guild leader" is ready to come out.

He did not intend to abandon the long-planned plan because of a "small loss", even if the actions of the Silents have been stunned, but since the Mage Guild still has a "praise of life" insider who has not escaped to absolute safety, The "executors" are not without opportunities.

And then, the newly released mission of "Chairman" did not surprise everyone.

I saw him clearly say in an impersonal and serious voice:

"Attention all groups, the first task of the "executors" has failed. According to the rules, you will not be able to get the two remaining tasks...but don't be discouraged, the new task has already started, we can't let go After the enemies hiding in the plane of shadow, all the "executors" present still have the opportunity to get rich wealth-as long as you still maintain an extraordinary courage and wisdom"............