Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 882: Shadow War (2) Colossus

The legendary disaster has come, the flames are burning in the forest, and a large amount of destructive power is wrapped in the rotating flame tornado, and it rotates rapidly, and then it rushes over the sky and the earth, burning the space and the law.

Lit by the flames of Ankazan-Brows, the high temperature of the battlefield instantly vaporized the land of the shadow world, and these half-energy vapors were extinguished into nothingness by the power of destruction. After the huge tornado of successive worlds gradually stabilized , The battlefield of the blockbuster has become a "vacuum world" without space and "natural" laws.

"Is this your defense, Yanmei"?

Looking at the flame tornado that swept away almost all the breath of destruction, punk immediately understood the defense methods of the "burner".

This powerful legendary wizard did not use the more traditional "multiple defensive spell combinations" to resist attacks, but instead used the powerful offensive spells to perform precise control to achieve an integrated offensive and defensive effect.

For example, the giant flame tornado now created by Ankazan is the strongest defensive fortress of the "Burner". He swept all enemy attacks in the flame burning of super-light speed and then combined these substances with All the energy is burned out.

Even as the "breath of destruction" released by punk came to an end, the huge and hot tornado quickly changed astonishingly.

I saw the ultra-high temperature fireworks quickly changed the form. The bright yellow fire formed a giant flame giant thousands of meters high based on the spinning tornado, and the tornado covering the earth reached an astonishing thousands of square kilometers. Like a city formed by flames, the giant carrying a storm of flames clenched the incandescent warhammer on the upper body, and glared with a face with a terrifying mouth. The bright blue explosive magic power formed magic patterns all over the body, and it formed the super-large scale of the lower body. The blazing tornado quickly moved in the direction of punk while evaporating all the space material along the way.

Standing in front of this huge flame giant, punk's "footprint" is already small and almost invisible.

Strength can never be obtained by bragging. Some famous legendary powerhouses have powers that match their prestige. This is the case with the "Burners" who have been able to sit in the Gray Rain Nation for hundreds of thousands of years, in such a short time. , After such a simple tentative confrontation, Ankazan-Yanmei has already released a powerful legendary spell!

"Legendary Spell of Plastic Energy-Flame Colossus"!

"Ignite the earth, burn the sky, and idiots who dare to provoke the "burner" will be wiped out in the flames!"


Accompanied by Ankazan's astonishing roar with anger, a small hill-like deflagration hammer head slammed into the air like a burning meteorite, the "Whisper of Destruction", the faint blue flame was set against the fiery fire, and the boiling heat detonated The torrent of elements, looking from the front, the huge warhammer is almost like the sun falling down in the sky.


In the legendary battle, the huge size is not a deterrent.

"Too cumbersome, Ankazan! The original intention of this legendary spell was to attack the magic tower, it is not suitable for use against a legendary wizard with agility"!

Facing the flame giant hammer that smashed down at about twice the speed of light, the gloomy punk did not show any panic at all. He just quickly inspired the "Legend Swiftness" that had been blessed on his body to evade, and at the same time he thought at full speed. Learn about the legendary spell "flame colossus".

And as the punk's figure turned into a pitch-black light and sensitively avoided Ankazan's first blow attack, the flaming "little sun" also slammed on the boiling lava ground.

In a short time, the shot magma turned into a pile of ionic vapor and volatilized in the air under the further high temperature combustion, and at this time, the whole body of the blazing colossus was surrounded by many white vapor clouds.

"Agile? Young man, you are still far behind"!

Seeing punk dodge his first attack and ridicule, the burning giant with the flames forming the hair and eyebrows looked even more majestic. I saw that he quickly turned his head and found the one flying around the flame tornado at high speed. Destroy whispers," and then shouted with a shocking wave of mental power while sending out a huge mouth wide like a flame rift, ready to release an attack:

"The flames will turn you into ashes, I can do what I say..."!

"Big talk doesn't bring victory! Hammer hits, fireballs, flame shock waves... Do you have any other means besides these tricks? Ankazan, I know your "flame colossus" better than you!

Before the "burner" who started to get angry finished the threat, the punk, who was turning into a dark flash of light and randomly changing the direction of movement, immediately spoke to belittle the power of the "burner", and the cold words from his mouth were full It made people ridicule, and the spell release in the hands of the caster did not slow down at all.

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Blade of Destruction"!

The threat of "Burner" to the caster may be just to strengthen his aura, but "Whisper of Destruction" is more than just talking about the enemy.

Because he has the memory of Vedracia, Punk is really familiar with the spell of "flaming colossus". He knows exactly what kind of attack methods the spell originally invented to attack the magic tower has. What kind of strong defensive power can be provided when dealing with "large-scale" attacks.

Even he knows better...Because this too defensive legendary spell model cannot be compatible with too many offensive legendary-level spell structures, the fireball exhaled by the "flaming giant" is powerful but the structure is unstable and the speed is extremely fast. But the trajectory is fixed, the attack range is wide, but the charging time is too long...

The most important thing is-once this thing is attacked by external forces, it is easy to explode in advance.

And now, since Ankazan dared to "spit a fireball" at himself, how could the punk who understands the weakness of the "flaming giant" make good use of it?

So when he saw that the flame tornado giant's open mouth began to condense a large amount of amazing energy containing the law of fire, the punk who waited for Ankazan to use this trick immediately released the prepared legendary spell!

After a short and error-free aiming and the harsh rubbing sound generated by the law being cut ~ a series of six dark, brilliance and thin "Blades of Destruction" have flew to the flame giant Zhang Da Mouth is gone.

At almost the same moment, the fireball condensed by Ankazan had just left the huge mouth of the flame colossus that could swallow the mountain.

"Sneez... boom"!

The first pitch-black blade only cut a gap in the fiery huge fireball and was burnt to death, but the five following blades were all cut through the same gap with incomparable precision.

In less than one millionth of a second, the spell structure of the fiery fireball was cut into pieces, and the destructive force also violently collided with the violent law of fire. The twisted vortex of the law made burning flames. It shrank and shattered quickly, and the energy of the collision distorted the originally round fireball into a distorted form............

In the end, this huge fireball exploded directly in front of the flame colossus before it could fly to the punk!