Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 890: crucible

Seeing the expressionless punk turned around and left without saying a word, Kane quickly followed him.

For legendary knights, it is very commonplace to find punk, a "learned" mage as a teammate, before embarking on an adventure, although the insidious "Destroy Whisper" can always take away every adventure easily. A large part of the gain in the game, after each action Kane always complained loudly about the greed of the caster, he said that he would never go with the hungry wolf who can eat people without spitting out bones, but... wait until When he encountered a new unknown adventure, Punk, the rare "reliable" wizard, was still the only choice for the mad knight.

So now, Instant Kill Gun thought up a set of rhetoric to communicate with punk.

However... the mage who is busy taking part in the executor's mission does not seem to be very interested in the so-called "extravagant".

From the perspective of the caster, catching the "Inscription Sage" who has no resistance as soon as possible is what he needs to think hard about. As for Kane to follow along and continue to chatter... just let him nag. Now, a little noisy noise can't affect my actions.

Be cautious, careful, and steady.

Now the wealth that "Destroy Whispers" got from the "guildmaster" is enough to solve the urgent need for supplies in the new legendary period. He feels that what he needs now is to precipitate research, transform materials into strength, and demand for new wealth. It's not that big.

I don't want to experience the dangerous punk like the last time I was at the Ruins of the Morning Star Mage.


"In these years, any opportunity is unavoidable. Only the lucky uncle can discover so many secret treasures again and again. You have to learn to seize the opportunity, old friend."

Immediately following Punk to the center of Andokla Forest, Kane was still trying to arouse the interest of the caster, although this time, his persuasion effect was not very good.

"I've never had any friends, and... most of the opportunities you guys talk about are unpredictable and unexpected factors. Before pursuing wealth, stable income and basic security are more worth considering. In addition... why Kane Are you always able to develop "opportunities" one by one? Are the treasure maps of those legendary relics lined up into your golden palace."

In response to the mad knight, he said a few words of cynicism without any emotional fluctuations without looking back. Punk was still doing his own thing seriously.

I saw that he took out a piece of legendary metal with a large palm from the storage ring, and then used the "Legendary Alchemy Spell-Material Shaping" to start smelting the metal form.

Along with the dull magic, it merged with the iron-blue metal block bit by bit. The small portion of the legendary material soon began to change shape like a ball of squeezed plasticine, and its color became rich in alloy. The texture is silver-gray, and the shape has become a huge crucible as tall as a person.

And beside this cauldron, Kane, who had doubts in his eyes, was still arguing:

"My uncle is the chosen person, the lucky son, combined with his diligence, ability and handsomeness, it is nothing to find a little opportunity. The key is that my uncle's opportunities contain a lot of wealth... Also, you don't have to worry about delays. For the tasks and magic research on the "guildmaster" side, we may not need to rush the time too tightly. After we have settled the affairs of the wizard guild, it is actually too late to have a vigorous "adventure"...

Kane saw punk’s "worries", he perfunctorily avoided the "source of opportunity" question, and instead told the caster that he did not need to worry too much. This time the adventure would not delay the mission of the "guild leader". It will not compress time too tightly.

Speaking of which, the mad knight is also one of the members of the "executors", and it is obviously important for him to earnestly get the reliable rewards promised by the "chairman".

At the same time, it was precisely because of Kane's assurance that Punk had a little idea about the adventure the Mad Knight said...

The feeling of poverty has never been bad. Even after completing a few "executor tasks", punk will not feel that the little asset he gets can be called "rich", so if you can do it without delaying your "main duty" and "becoming strong" "The premise of earning some extra why not do it.

"It sounds a bit interesting. Tell me what's going on? Kane"?

While letting the formed metal crucible float in the air, Punk raised his brows, and then asked calmly.

"Great, this uncle knows that you will definitely agree, but... ahem, this matter is very complicated, and I won’t be able to tell it clearly for a while, and wait until the "chairman" side is busy for 30,000 years. Then you will use the projection to discuss it in my palace."

Maybe it was because he was worried about "there are ears on the wall", maybe because of some other reason, Kane didn't tell punk the specific matters right away, he just took advantage of this rare opportunity to meet and set up a time.

After confirming that punk was willing to wait for thirty thousand years to come to discuss with him, the "instant kill gun", who was more curious than a cat, immediately set his sights on other things.

For example... The mad knight has been very interested in the metal crucible made temporarily by punk since just now.


"What is this...for?"

Gently flicking the edge of the crucible with his fingers, UU read www.uukanshu. com listened to the crisp sound of the metal tremor, Kane questioned the caster questioningly.

"Don't touch everything like a baboon, just shut up and watch it if you want to know what it is for."

Calmly controlled the cauldron to move to a position a little farther away from the legendary knight. The punk with a vicious mouth taunted Kane on a daily basis and began to take out more magic materials from the storage ring.

A quarrel with someone who can't be driven away is destined to be fruitless, especially for a guy like the mad knight who likes to have nothing to do. The calm and cold treatment is the perfect way of happiness.

For example, now, after knowing that the caster would definitely not give him any answer, Kane didn't bother to look for himself and continue to ask. He began to try to quietly lean on the trunk of a tall white tree, and then looked bored at punk. Throw one after another shimmering magical aura into the cauldron.

Although he was able to reach the level of alchemy knowledge as a fighter, he certainly couldn't understand anything.