Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 899: Strange

Seeing these nobles shivering in front of him, punk remembered that he seemed to have said something before starting the "Shadow Crow" mission to tell Sebastian to convey to the Hatak royal family. Thinking, at that time, due to various things that went wrong, the spellcaster actually said a lot of "angry words". In fact, he didn't bother to destroy his own imperial kingdom for some Morris jade fruit.

Use legendary spells to bomb cities one by one and waste time, directly use legendary spells to smash the cards to expose your hole cards. If you blow up the environment on the plane of Faerun, you have to repair yourself. Doing this kind of thing with fanfare is easy to be fate... ………The most important thing is that even if the entire Khatak is burned to ashes, the Morris jade fruit cannot be transformed out of thin air. This kind of troublesome work that has no profit is only the mad dragon or Kai of Emoda Well, that kind of evil knight will do it. Punk is not interested in meaningless destruction.

But for the nobles of Hatak, this matter is not simple at all.

In the hearts of ordinary creatures in the entire multiverse, the so-called "great legend" is simply a natural disaster of "unreasonable, irresistible, and moody". Who would dare not pay attention to such an existence even if it is casually said? What's more, the construction butlers who represent the will of the legendary strong have come to inform in person. The fluke mentality of deceiving oneself still has meaning?

So under the threat of “the anger of the legendary strong man”, the entire Kingdom of Khatak, from the princes and the nobles to the poor people, fell into endless panic, but in the shadow of death, these people still There is no chance to escape.

Those who are not strong enough cannot escape. The Kingdom of Khatak is surrounded by a lush jungle with an area of ​​nearly 10 million square kilometers and hordes of monsters. Unless there is a master-level expert escorting along the way, otherwise the creatures below the official level must enter as long as they enter. Dead and no life.

As for those formal and master-level professionals who dare not escape, the stupid behavior of a group of "old Khatak royal family" fugitives thousands of years ago has been written into nursery rhymes and sung everywhere. Now in the cognition of many professionals, The "Whisper of Destruction" living in the magic tower is a "neuristic" power that hates fugitives and likes to chase to the end. All creatures that exist in this country are destined to not escape the palm of a "great legend"... …

Well, these people have completely misunderstood the legendary spellcasters who don’t like trouble. It is because of this misunderstanding and fear that they will send nobles, kings, and court mages to kneel before the magic tower after the magic garden is destroyed. Asking for forgiveness. Although this behavior reminds the casual punk of such a thing, in the thinking of "short-sighted ants", this is the only way they can think of.

But at this moment... the focus of the legendary mage is obviously not on the same channel with them.

What punk pays more attention to and cares about is...Who has the courage to destroy a magic garden designated by a legendary powerhouse? Why does a lunatic doing this kind of thing do it?

Seeing the essence through the phenomenon is the thinking that a wise man should have. After seeing such a weird thing in the Kingdom of Khatak, "Destroy Whispers" couldn't help but become a little curious about this "emergency".

"Tell me carefully, what is going on with the "crazy warlock" you mentioned?"

After keenly capturing the most illogical passage in the narrative of the old mage, punk asked indifferently.

And the palace mage, who was still crying and crying, also quickly replied tremblingly:

"Those...those warlocks are crazy, they are crazy! After a so-called "the imperial nation is looking for a chance to clear them out" mentally retarded rumors spread, the sick-headed **** began to become abnormal day by day, first The two official-level warlocks openly clashed with the city guards and were killed by the master-level swordsmen who rushed to them. Then the lunatics suddenly broke out together...... They unexpectedly rushed into the palace and the magic garden together to destroy them. , Then... then..."

"Then they destroyed the Magic Garden and the Morris Emerald Fruit Tree"?

Hearing the old man's anxious explanation, the expressionless punk couldn't help raising his eyebrows a little.

Just now, he secretly used prophecy spells for a verification, and finally came to a conclusion that the palace mage’s answer was not lying. About two years ago, an alarmist rumor that didn’t know where it started quickly swept through. Within Tucker territory, and about two months ago, it was indeed a group of sorcerers who had lost their minds and attacked the magic garden where Morris's jade fruit trees were planted with the slogan "Everyone die together and die together".

This thing sounds strange. The sorcerer group can be said to be all over the plane of Faerun. There are naturally many people imprisoned by blood in the punk kingdom, and in the multiverse, the legend that houses the most sorcerers The organization is the Santarin meeting of the evil chaotic camp, and those crazily red robe has always been the biggest "backer" of many warlocks.

But... Warlocks are generally just crazy. They should not be stupid. Everyone knows that Sandalin will be an evil organization and will not be a backer for anyone in vain. Therefore, very few professional warlocks really take The "backer" he verbally said was serious.

In other words, they are unlikely to be so stupid that they think they "have a backing" suddenly start to behave unscrupulously.

What's more, this time event is still a mass phenomenon that happened on a large scale. The warlocks who were dazzled by anger and fear all have different bloodlines, come from different regions, and even don't even know each other. Unanimously, under the instigation of a simple rumor, he lost his mind and provoked the legendary powerhouse............

Just after thinking about it for a was basically sure there must be a big problem here.

A person's madness is called madness, and a group of people's madness is called conformity, but... everyone's madness together can only be explained by "conspiracy".

According to the prophecy, among these warlocks madly attacking the magic garden, there are “poor people with a little magic blood” who have no professional level, and there are also master-level professionals with certain strength. This kind of cross-age, cross-class, and even The "collective incident" that spans all levels of strength can no longer be ignored by anyone!

"After you go back, immediately grab a group of sorcerers covering all ages, classes, and strength levels and send them to me as samples. I believe that a mage with a little experience should know what kind of "test products" are qualified. I will give you one year. Time to get things done. This is the only way you can make up for your mistakes. Do you understand?"

The order was given to a group of nobles and professionals coldly, and the punk eyes were so cold that the warm and tender breeze of the tender season seemed cold and bitter-without a doubt, the "murmur of destruction" that never missed any details has been Decided to seriously investigate this strange thing from all aspects!