Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 908: Analysis and practice of spells

The Great Master Vedrasha had reached the level of Morningstar when he was learning "The Twisted World of the Muse". He bought this legendary spell for research purposes only. He has neither used this spell in battle, nor has he considered putting it in battle. The combat value that can be shown after the spell is on the battlefield, so after completing the first spell release, punk must rely on himself to analyze and investigate the "Muse's Distorted World" from the perspective of actual combat. ◢With *Dream*Small◢.1a

And this practical investigation will also allow the caster to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of this legendary alchemy spell.

First of all, "Destroy Whispers" can be sure that the "distortion" that is sufficient to cover the entire battlefield will not last forever, and it will not make all things within the range of perception become a paste, because from the perspective of actual combat, It is enough to keep the tampering curvature of the law and the repairing curvature of the natural law equal. After all, it is impossible to cause any harm to a legendary strongman with a simple "distortion", so it consumes more magic and energy to further expand the "distortion" and The results of control will only outweigh the gains.

In addition, the large-scale influence exerted by the "Muse’s Distorted World" on the entire battlefield also has obvious shortcomings and limitations.

For example...Because almost all laws will be severely disturbed, the entire battlefield will become very chaotic under the influence of legendary spells.

If the caster has "teammates" fighting together, then the unlucky "teammates" whether they "want to help" or "want to be helped" will feel a headache because of the chaos in the battlefield, and the chaotic rules of tampering with the actions of the legendary professional The interference is very significant, and the legendary mage who released the "twisted world" had to increase the mana consumption and disperse the energy to control the additional "distortion" in order to take care of his teammates. Even so, if there is no relationship between him and the "teammate" If there is enough tacit understanding, it’s still very easy to help...So, as a spell that changes the battle environment on a large scale, "Muse’s Twisted World" is only suitable for one-on-one "single-to-one", not for "side-by-side" with companions Combat".

Of course, in addition to the above shortcomings, the advantages of this legendary spell are also very obvious and powerful.

As a rare "combat alchemy legendary spell", its main advantage lies in the ability to simultaneously modify a large number of laws on a small scale, instead of focusing on large-scale tampering of one or two laws like conventional legendary spells.

For example, compared with the "disintegrating singularity" that only uses the two laws of "gravity" and "destruction", the "distorted world of the Muse" obviously pays more attention to quantity and even ignores quality. This characteristic makes it completely lost. It has the same powerful lethality as the general legendary spell, but it also obtains the interference support effect that can make most enemies disgusting in the heart.

For the punk who already has the "disintegration singularity" as a lethal reinforcement, this pure and powerful auxiliary feature is naturally a perfect advantage.


So far, the analysis of the basic advantages and disadvantages of the "Muse's Twisted World" has been completed. The next thing punk needs to focus on is its ability to interfere with various defense spells or attack spells.

However, while he has not yet invested in the state of experimenting with magical practice in full swing, the punk who has maintained the "twisted world" for a while feels that he has to remind himself of a fact that cannot be ignored and has quickly revealed............

That is-"The Twisted World of Muse" can prevent opponents from fighting attrition, but it doesn't mean that as the caster, you can start fighting attrition!

Although this thing can indeed continue to consume the opponent's magic and energy, it does not consume the magic and energy of the legendary mage himself. The essence of "twisting the world" is not "procrastinating", but forcing the enemy to fight quickly. !

In addition, the file that introduced this spell in the era of Netheril clearly reminded learners that the power of auxiliary legendary spells lies in forcing enemies who are not too much stronger than themselves to increase consumption or expose flaws. Then it achieves the strategic goal of forcibly "five by five". It is already powerful enough to be able to reduce the enemy who is "stronger than oneself" to the point where the strength of the enemy is about the same as one's own. Only hope to win the "difference gap" game. It's impossible!

"Only the power of the soul level is the most powerful. Auxiliary spells are always just "auxiliary spells". It is more important to recognize the limitations of a spell than to know the powerful characteristics of the spell..."

Silently talking to himself in his heart, the expressionless punk once again took out a brand new "rainbow blood" from the storage ring.

The "Muse’s Distorted World" released for the first time under unskilled circumstances has a slight weakening phenomenon, so the results obtained by using it as an experimental research object are definitely not rigorous enough. The careful spellcaster intends to prepare the spell again to ensure all research The data is consistent with his own intuitive strength.

In the process, "Destroy Whispers" also believed that he would definitely be able to strengthen his spell-casting proficiency and find more combat elements in this "distorted" scene.

------split line------

Time rushes like a rushing river, it has been moving forward, never stopping its own footsteps, the brilliance of the stars has gone through many times of light and light, and the crystals flowing in the quicksand have slowly passed away, even in the In the dark and empty dead universe, it flows in the still so obvious and silent. Although the dark night is always deep and swallowing the traces of time, people who are moved by time can always feel it most intuitively. Dissipated every minute and every second.

Unknowingly, more than two thousand years have passed. Although punk, who has been a legendary powerhouse for a long time, no longer cares about the time flow of one or two thousand years, he has paid for it with his endless efforts during this period. The harvest reminded him of the value of two thousand years of time in "district".

Learning legendary spells is always a huge engineering In order to practice a complex legendary spell skillfully, the time consumption and the consumption of casting materials will be very amazing. This is why it is like "Babeng", Legendary mages like the "Plague Box" have obtained the magic model of the legendary spell, but they still learn slowly.

You know, in this "short" two thousand years, punk has used up 124,769 copies of "Rainbow Blood" to practice "Muse's Distorted World", and that's it. The consumption is due to the excellent talent of "Destroy Whispering", the relatively rapid learning of spells, and the ability to achieve "free casting" after a period of practice, otherwise the consumption of "Rainbow Blood" will become higher.

But even so, the current "Destroy Whisper" still failed to let the proficiency of legendary spells meet the requirements of his heart.

Although the entire astral space has been "distorted", the punk continues to release magic over and over again, trying to release the "twisted world of the muse" to the level of "instinct" as soon as possible. He stopped the action, but the reason why he stopped was not because the spell practice ended.

But because...