Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 934: Atdillon

After tens of thousands of years, Kane’s storytelling skills have improved a bit. Of course, it may also be because this guy is not in the mood to learn from the third-rate bard to express his feelings and add some unknown adjectives...anyway... In the narrative, the flat-sounding "Instant Kill Gun" is still a very reliable introduction to the weak and other supernatural gods he said-Atdylan-Fitta.

Although punk did not know where the "Instant Kill Gun" got such detailed information, there is no doubt...the mad knight always has a mysterious and unknown source of intelligence.

And I have to admit that the "introduction" that this peculiar source of intelligence can provide is much more detailed than the spellcaster's prophetic spell.

The **** of "hurricanes, rainstorms, and frosts", Atdylan, is an ancient evil deity. This ill-tempered guy has become a weak **** of power over 36 million years ago. But we all know that the only way for the gods to increase their strength is to acquire a new and stronger priesthood for integration. If you do not obtain a priesthood that is as powerful as you, let alone the past 30 million years, it is the past 300 billion years. The gods don’t even want to improve themselves even the slightest.”

Pulling out the lance from the floor and retracting the storage ring, Kane has already put himself into the role of "first-rate bard", and saw that he calmly kicked the broken gold under his feet, and then Taking out a bottle of wine from the storage ring, he continued calmly:

"In the long time that can be called a legendary powerhouse, Atdylen’s strength has not improved much, but her warehouse has slowly accumulated some wealth, although in order to purchase God from the Pantheon Magic potion, poor Atdylan spent most of the resources he could get like many low-level gods, but after more than 30 million years of accumulation... his wealth has finally become considerable and small in scale. Up".

He lifted the stopper of the wine bottle directly, and raised his head to take a sip of wine. Kane paused for a while. With the undisguised sound of drinking, the whole bottle of wine was quickly drunk. It was only then that he put down the bottle and smashed his mouth to express his admiration.

Of course, the punk on the side would not care about the way Kane drinks and the taste of the wine. Taking advantage of this short pause, the caster directly used the projection to turn his head and asked "Smile":

"A **** who cannot rely on any resources other than the priesthood to increase his strength can definitely collect a lot of wealth in a full 30 million years, right? How expensive are the magical potions sold in the Pantheon? It has already made a weak **** Can't save a little worth in such a long time?"

"Destroy Whispers" knows that the Pantheon is the core hub for all the gods to trade. Most "lower-level" gods need to buy magical potions here to treat injuries, calm emotions, and restrain the speed of spiritual erosion... In short, this The nature of the organization determines that it will be a very monopolistic and pitted "life necessities trading place". It is conceivable that the "commodities" in the Pantheon will probably never go hand in hand with the word "cheap".

But punk didn't know how "heartbroken" the Pantheon had reached today. He thought, if a **** only spends resources, it's okay to accumulate some wealth...

Well, the caster thinks a lot in this regard, because the complaint and inconsistent answer of "smile" immediately proves the terrible "monopoly capital".

"Accumulate? How is it possible? Recently, two other gods who are good at making magical potions have lost themselves forever. How can the Pantheon let go of such good excuses and opportunities? Several great magical powers who don't know what they are thinking about? As a result, the price of all magical potions has been doubled externally. Now, let alone weak gods or weak gods like me, even the foundations of many middle-level gods are about to be hollowed out. Everyone said that the big guys who control the Pantheon are going crazy, but even if they are crazy, what can they do? Can the gods not buy "mind suppressing potions" enough to wait for everything to be done by the priesthood Swallow it? Don't mention accumulation. Nowadays, there is no **** below the middle divine power who is qualified to "accumulate wealth"!


It seems that these grievances have been accumulated in the hearts of the young gods for a long time. She must have been one of the people who have been wiped out by the sudden increase in the price of the Pantheon. However, in the face of the price set by several great gods, any **** There is no other way except to squeeze oneself to obtain more resources to bear the consumption of medicine.

It is precisely for this reason that the "smile" who is not strong enough has to go out with two out-of-the-art "monsters" to take an adventure. After all, when a creature has already been driven to ruin... a little "dangerous" and recklessness do not count. what.

"The sad god".

Expressionlessly answered the "smile" complaint with one sentence, punk closed his mouth and did not continue to speak.

The caster knows nothing about what happened to the gods, but considering that the entire multiverse seems to be turbulent, it seems not surprising that the Pantheon has made some seemingly unreasonable changes. , Anyway, the squeeze of the gods has nothing to do with the "Destroying Whispers" as the legendary mage. After understanding that the gods may be extremely poor in financial resources, Punk continues to wait for Kane to describe.

In this short period of time, the mad knight has drunk a whole bottle of red wine, and after the cautious legendary mage confirmed the authenticity of what he said, Kane, who pretended to be chic and casually threw away the wine bottle, continued with a grin:

"Just as Miss "Smile" The pantheon has reached a very alarming situation. I am afraid that few gods in the multiverse today have the ability to save any wealth. Atdylan is no exception... But don’t worry, the “treasure” that the uncle is talking about is more than just a little wealth. Don’t forget, this hurricane **** is an “old” “god”. He has collected a lot of things that are more valuable than regular wealth"!

Pretending to move his fingers deeply, the mad knight's tone began to become more and more profound. It is obvious that he is now summoning punk and "smile" to his palace and he is sure to let these two powerful combat forces participate. Own plan.

The source of this "grasp" is obviously related to the "special wealth" that Kane said.

"My uncle believes you will be very interested, Mr. Sai'an."

With a deep smile, the mad knight suddenly switched to a serious tone and said to the caster in front of him:

"According to reliable information, the remains of a golem from the era of Netheril have been collected in the kingdom of Atdylan a long time ago-and that is still a relatively complete, Morning Star Golem. wreckage"!